
By , March 29, 2011 4:52 pm

Leaving work today, one of my coworkers totally called me out on the fact that I am wearing a spring jacket.

That’s my spring jacket. And me, admitting myself to a Psych Ward.

That’s damn right I am. I have been wearing it for a few weeks. I got my winter jacket dry cleaned last week and I refuse to wear that thing again. Sure, I am freezing, but I am stubborn. WHERE IS SPRING?!?!

That is what I told my coworker. And she pointed out that I still had the rest of my winter gear – hat, scarf, gloves – but was missing the coat. Sigh. Can’t I live in my little alternate universe where it’s warm sometimes? Jeez.

Seriously, I didn’t mind the cold throughout November – mid March. I expected it. But now? It’s getting on my nerves. Just a little bit.

I even changed my masthead to a picture with snow in it. Because there might as well be snow if it’s not going to warm up.

WHOA, was has gotten in to me? Forget that – I was SUPER SICK of snow. Okay, I found something to be grateful for – the snow is at least gone!

17 Responses to “Stubborn”

  1. Sarah says:

    It is very cold in Seattle, still, too! It’s starting to annoy the hell out of me. You know, cold isn’t so bad; it would great to have more sun. I’d trade cold and sunny for cold and wet!

    I hope it warms up over there soon!!

  2. Susan says:

    I have a tendency to dress how I want the weather to be instead of how the weather actually is…it’s a bad habit and leaves me cold. Hurry up, spring!!

  3. Kayla says:

    I’m the same way. I’ve been using my fleece as a coat because I absolutely refuse to take my winter coat out of the closet! I am SO sick of the cold. It looks like its at least supposed to warm up a little this week though! I sure hope so!!

  4. J says:

    I put away my boots last week and then we got the 5 inches! But I refused to take them back out!! I haven’t put away my winter jacket yet but hopefully this week!

  5. Mica says:

    Does “spring jacket” just refer to the lighter weight of the jacket?

    I’m not wearing my heavy, down-filled winter puffy coat anymore, but I’m still bundled in my threadbare peacoat. Where is spring??

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, I think a spring jacket is a lighter weight jacket – thinner material, not down, wool, parka type. The kind you put on and doesn’t make you look “thicker.” Ha ha. 🙂

  6. bobbi says:

    So. Tired. Of. Cold. UGH!

  7. I don’t care about spring versus winter jacket either. I have been chilly this week in my trenches… Although I did go out to get a darker & shorter trench so that it doesn’t look quite as noticeable that I’m wearing a spring (cream, almost knee-length) coat all the time. Navy and short is like a light-weight pea coat… only colder! 🙂

  8. hahahahaha I put away my winter coat too, I’ve been freezing, but I dont care. 🙂

  9. Kandi says:

    It’s still chilly here and I haven’t put my coats away yet. I feel like I should be able to wear my spring jacket but waiting for the train before 6am does not feel very good in a spring jacket.
    I love the mast head pic. 🙂

  10. Erin says:

    I refuse to wear my down coat. I did break out the wool one earlier this week but then I went back to my lighter weight leather one that I usually wear in the fall. I can’t quite bring myself to wear the bright pink cotton trench yet. Maybe once the temps are above 50 all day? So, what, May?

  11. gina says:

    The weather lady said today that she looked and the long-term future models and no 60 degree temps in sight! BOOOOOOOO!

  12. Pauline says:

    “Sure, I am freezing, but I am stubborn.”

    Ha! Me too! I was also wearing a light jacket that was open and complaining about how cold it is and a coworker pointed out how poorly dressed I was! If we dress warm, eventually winter will get the hint and bugger off right? 😉

  13. I won’t wear my winter coat anymore either. Too funny!

  14. Erin says:

    I got called out for wearing flip flops the other day. My response? “I’m boycotting winter. It’s almost April and I’m sick of wearing shoes.” My mom boycotts her winter coat by the second week in March. It’s really amusing.
    I also **ACCIDENTALLY** set my winter coat on fire a little bit, so I’ve been without it for 2 weeks. I set it too close to a lit candle and it burned through the zipper. Oops.

  15. I love your purse!!!!!!!

    I have been wearing flip flops and spring jackets too but looks like we are getting snow. Seriously. Snow. April. What?

    Um, your cat is on a leash. HYSTERICAL!!!!

  16. Bethany says:

    I put my “spring”‘ coat on at the beginning of March even thought I saw quite a bit of snow yesterday, and earlier this week, and last weekend…you get the idea. Ayaaaa where is spring!?!?

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