It’s come to this

By , June 6, 2011 12:38 pm

I’ve never had my lunch stolen at work* but people use my salad dressing without asking all. the. time. Honestly! Just ask me! I will share! But I get annoyed when I buy a brand new container of salad dressing, and the second time I use it, more than a third of it is gone. That happened to me last week – I used it once, even measured out two tablespoons** – then went to use it the second day and a lot more of it was gone.

So… I started marking where the salad dressing is at when I am done using it.

Yes, I am crazy. But when I went to use my dressing today it was at the same level where I left it! Yay!

And really, I don’t care if people want to use it. I will share! Just please, ask! It says my name on it… I am usually at my desk… why don’t you ask me? And you should know, sometimes, when it spills over the top I lick it off the bottle, so maybe you don’t want to use it? Just warning you…

(Really, this isn’t a big deal to me. I actually think it’s kind of funny. But, we do have a camera in our lunch room because people steal each other’s food. Isn’t that ridiculous?)

*Seriously, who would want my salad and leftovers?
**Because I am trying to be good and track my food and ugh BORING.

30 Responses to “It’s come to this”

  1. Michel says:

    That is sad that they have a camera in the lunchroom and people still steal. But I measure everything out. Makes life easier!

  2. I think it is SO rude to use something that belongs to someone else without asking. I mean, you paid for that with YOUR money. Its disrespectful.
    I once had my actual leftovers from a restaurant stolen from the work fridge. I couldnt believe it. I mean, its awful to take someones food, but to take leftovers, is just disgusting.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha. Yeah… why would you take something that has already been partially consumed? I didn’t even think about that!

  3. Erin says:

    Maybe you should put a note on it that says “I lick the top of this bottle?” And then take a picture of it and send it to 🙂

    Are you tracking your calories or just your food? Did Brian ask you to?

    • kilax says:

      Ha. I like your idea!

      I am tracking calories and food and protein. Brian recommended it. I think it does keep me honest. It really makes me think about every little thing I put in my mouth! Will be hard during Ragnar though, ha ha!

  4. The same thing happened to me at my office, only with BUTTER. I had a tub of it for when I’d bring in English muffins during pregnancy (and I couldn’t eat anything else). Not only would people in my office use my butter, they’d leave their icky bread crumbs in it. I just don’t understand why people think that’s OK. Especially since I assume we both work with people who have the financial means to provide their own condiments. =)

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha. I like your point – it’s not like people aren’t getting paid. It’s just so much easier to use Nilsa’s butter!

  5. Kandi says:

    Too funny. I’ve had a lot of good luck when it comes to my lunch items. *knock on wood*

  6. Ha. I love that you lick it! Too funny! I would be the same way – totally open to sharing but totally mad if you just took without asking.

  7. diane says:

    I used my boss’s creamer from the fridge ONCE at my old job because the kitchen supply was all out. (she probably would NOT have shared!) I just thought, well, no one will notice if I just nip a little just once, right? Probably 5 people think that 5 times and before you know it, you are out of dressing! Ha!

    • kilax says:

      So, should I put a note on that says “please ask to use I will say yes”? Ha ha.

  8. Etta says:

    I’d seriously be PO’d if someone took any of my food, but I think it’s because being pregnant is very similar to being an angry grizzly bear. Fortunately at work, it’s generally very clear if food is meant to be shared. Also, we just steal salad dressing from the dining room. 😛

  9. ChezJulie says:

    I am having the same issue with my hot sauce, even though I have hidden it at the back of a drawer.

    Did they ever find out who was stealing all the lunches before?

  10. sizzle says:

    I would love it if you put a sign on it that says “I LICK THIS.”

  11. Kier says:

    Ha. I used to do this with my Halloween candy as a kid. Except I would subtract the number of pieces I ate from the total on the ice cream bucket and then proceed to re-duct tape the thing closed. Yeah…my brother and sister did this too – I was not the only crazy sugar freak.

  12. oh my gosh I am actually laughing out loud right now. I love that you do this

  13. Kapgar says:

    I actually had to mark a container on something I had on a shared fridge as well. Can’t remember what but it did work.

  14. Stephany says:

    I think you HAVE to put a sign on it. I like “I LICK THIS” the best. 🙂

    I had a roommate whose boyfriend would steal my drinks and food from our fridge. If he had just asked, I wouldn’t have had a problem with it, but to steal it? Really? I started leaving just one drink in there, knowing he wouldn’t have the audacity to steal THAT (he never did). It’s just really annoying. ASK!

  15. bobbi says:

    I love the “I LICK THIS” idea. Pure awesome.

    I haven’t had that problem since college roommate days. Seriously – in a work environment, we are all GROWNUPS, yes? Seems like a no-brainer…

    Your only other option is to start hoarding single serve dressing packets….

    • kilax says:

      I thought about buying individual packets but they are so expensive! And it’s a pain to bring a serving in each day, but maybe I could do that.

      I forgot that I had the bottle in a brown paper bag and clipped it shut to deter people before. I need to start that again.

  16. J says:

    People steal lunches here too. I sometimes take stuff out of the fridge to use it but no one puts their names on stuff so I have no idea.

    • kilax says:

      I am thinking we should put markers by our fridge to encourage people to mark their crap 🙂

  17. Melissa says:

    Oh no! We have vultures in our office that scavenge the shared food but not too many incidents of stealing. Except…

    A couple of years ago my coworker would bring in a few single serve yogurts or pudding or something of the like and noticed that they were disappearing. We totally we thought we had the theif pegged(!) and then eventually she stopped bringing in that particular item. Well, a few weeks down the road we were in the kitchen with our boss’s boss making conversation. He opens the fridge (this is also where the shared office sodas, etc are kept) and looked around and said “I wish they would start stocking those yogurts again…those were a really good snack”

    !!!! So clueless!!!! And this man was so nice (and usually socially clueless) so in this case it was hard to be mad! In hindsight (b/c of who it was), it’s pretty amusing.

  18. Carol says:

    Just start the rumor that you spit in your salad dressing. It should spread rather quickly and I’m guessing no one will touch it in the future. Just a thought . . .

  19. One time, someone ate the other half of my half-eaten wrap. Not kidding. We have to do shit like this all the time. Pathetic, really. Cause I am the same way, just ask!

    Hope all is well- I took a little hiatus and def missed your posts!

  20. martymankins says:

    As I posted on the more recent post of this ongoing saga, I can tell you that if asked, I would gladly share, too.

    I like the licking of the top. Although that seems to never stop a food thief.

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