The Garden Project: Getting Our Act Together

By , June 6, 2011 5:57 am

We finally got our act together (really, just had the time) to buy tomato plants on Sunday and plant them, along with our other seeds, in our garden.

We have a 20’x20′ plot in the local community garden. This year, we decided to plant 16 tomato plants, two rows of green beans, two half rows of cucumbers, and two half rows of sugar snap peas.

Steven does all of the planning and planting – he is better with precision and detail than me.

And I am the raw power. RAWR!

Here is everything planted – the tomatoes, green beans behind them, cucumbers to the back left and sugar snap peas to the back right.

The red line is not there, I just added it so you can see the boundaries of the garden.

We are getting things in pretty late this year. Last year we had our seeds in in the second week of May, and our tomato plants in maybe 3-4 weeks later. We will just have a late crop this year!

I want to keep better track of my time spent in the garden this year, so I will note that it took us about 30 minutes to select and buy plants, and about three hours to do the work in the garden. And then there are all of the hours I spent dreading it all week…

Seriously, does anyone out there like to do yard work?

It is fine once we get out there and get in the groove, I just have no idea what I am doing.

Other garden posts from this year:

The Garden Project: It’s Back

19 Responses to “The Garden Project: Getting Our Act Together”

  1. J says:

    I am way behind on all things gardening. Our new house has some pretty well established gardens but the previous owner kind of lets things go so I have been pulling out all this stuff that is dead or dying or just ugly. I wanted to get some tomato plants to grow this summer but idk if it will happen.

  2. Wow – that’s a big plot! You’re going to have so much out of it!
    I like my garden – it’s a balcony container garden, but I don’t love the maintenance/non-plant activities. Mike took everything down at the end of last year, but I’m typically the person getting it all together in the spring. I’m also on water duty throughout spring & summer.

    We had our first 2 strawberries this weekend! Now my question is whether we are only going to have the 6 strawberries that were already budding when we got the plant, or if we’re going to get more strawberries off this plant?

    Love the updated banner! Great photo!

    • kilax says:

      I hate taking everything down and setting it up. I don’t mind the maintenance.

      I bet you will get more strawberries. How were the two?

      Thanks about the banner!

  3. Michel says:

    We need to. Especially since I was out in the yard and realized our grass looks like crap and that we could do something better. But I am not sure if anything I grow could survive. We’ll see. It looks like a big garden! I hope it works for you!

  4. bobbi says:

    I loathe yard work. Which is why my yard and plants look like death. *sigh* It’s something I always wished I was good at…

    (completely unrelated, but I meant to sent you this link beofre about the Milwaukee marathon: )

  5. Erin says:

    Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be planting anything this year. I just can’t find the energy to do much more than weed our (tiny) flower beds. Which means I may have to beg you for some tomatoes 🙂

  6. Marcia says:

    Looking good! It’s been so cold and wet this year I think everything will be late. I enjoy yard work but must be in the mood. Like anythng else, it becomes a habit.

  7. Jen says:

    I’m not a big fan of gardening but it looks like it would be a good workout!

  8. Kristi says:

    I’m awful at gardening and flower beds. I won a cactus for being the biggest loser at Bunco a couple months ago and even that think is looking like it’s had better days. We were talking to our neighbor who has beautiful landscaping about paying her to do something new to ours every month- and maintaining it so we don’t kill it.

  9. I can’t wait to see what you guys end up with. Hopefully my garden will work out well this year, and yours too and we wil both have so many vegetables that we won’t even know what to do with them all.

  10. Etta says:

    I really want to garden, but I’m too hot this year (thank you, pregnancy hormones!). I’d die in the garden. I did pick up a copy of Backyard Homestead, though, and am getting ready for next year.

  11. Kandi says:

    I want to plant a tomato and pepper plant in pots on my deck but I haven’t committed to it yet. 🙁 I should work on that.
    I can imagine that having a garden that is not at your house would be even less motivating. I haven’t found the energy to clear out my brand new flower garden but I have been motivated to water my herbs in the pot on my deck.
    Can’t wait to hear what you get from the garden this year.

  12. Britt says:

    Can’t wait to see how these plants flourish! I have a strawberry plant in my house right now and I tomato plant that I have already accidentally killed this year. My green thumb is more of a black thumb.

  13. dad says:

    Are you putting up your fence? I think you should. It’s going to break your heart if something gets in there and eats all your veggies.

  14. kaylen says:

    Nice!! You are so good at documenting your garden! Last year was fun to watch.
    I agree with your daddy – put up a fence!

    I planted some thing about two months ago – some starts, some seeds, some little seedlings that I started indoors – and most of the stuff are doing great. My one cucumber plant died within a week when I totally neglected to monitor the heat/water. My broccoli is doing outstanding though!!! I expect to be able to pick some and eat it up within two weeks!

  15. martymankins says:

    I love your garden. Very organized and I like how you have outlined where everything is going on paper.

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