Training Week 90

By , July 10, 2011 6:13 pm

Day 624 | July 4, 2011: cross

We’ll call water skiing crosstraining, right? Even if I didn’t spend that much time vertical? I spent a lot of time trying to get vertical!

Day 625 | July 5, 2011: 4 m run

I met Erin and her work running group for a 4-mile lunch run. I knew if I ran with other people it would force me to run faster in the heat and it worked! We averaged around 9:10-9:20 minute miles (ignore that third mile split – it includes walking around a water fountain and other walking to meet the group – I wasn’t sure when to stop and start the garmin). It was fun to chat with Erin and her friends from work (with whom I ran the relay). It went by too fast though! I wanted to chat more.

Erin was asking me how skiing went and I told her how challenging/fun it was. She asked if I was sore and I told her no. Well, I wasn’t at that point, but I sure was by nighttime! My forearms were so sore it hurt to open the door to my car!

Distance: 4.0 | Temp: high 80s |  Time: 37:37 | Avg Pace: 9:24 | 1: 9:08 | 2: 9:11 | 3: 9:57 | 4: 9:18

Day 626 | July 6, 2011: rest

Day 627 | July 7, 2011: 4 m run + strength + hills (4 m run)

I woke up early in the am and ran at Rollins Savanna with some guys who I know would make me run fast. It worked! We ran negative splits and averaged 9:09 miles (which is very slow for them). We started running at 5:15 and it was only 58°! Craziness! I had not run when it had been that cool in a LONG time. It felt so so good. I was actually cold when I left and cold the rest of the day until…

My strength training session with Brian. This is #9! Can’t believe we have done that many! We did a kettlebell workout. It felt kind of easy, so I am not sure if I was half assing it, or if I just like kettlebells that much. The core work was not easy. Some boat-pose type stuff and twisting planks. Lots of work left to do there.

Brian mentioned he had free time but it was too hot to do anything outside. I said, “No it’s not! Let’s go for a run!” and took Brian on the hilly course by my house. Well, only he ran ahead (which I told him to) and I slogged behind. My legs were SO dead. And my left heel has been bothering me, so I was really midfoot striking, probably too much. But, I got it done. With super POSITIVE splits. Yay. I was thinking on the way back, how many damn hills are on this small course? There are eight frickin’ hills, and most of the course is up and down. It’s only flat in the beginning. Brian said he found it challenging and thinks I should encourage other running club members to run it for hill work. That makes me feel less crazy for thinking it’s so hard.

Distance: 4.0 | Start Temp: 58° |  End Temp: Start Temp: 57° | Time: 36:45 | Avg Pace: 9:09 | 1: 9:27 | 2: 9:09 | 3: 9:04 | 4: 8:56
Distance: 4.0 | Temp: high 70s |  Time: 41:50 | Avg Pace: 10:27 | 1: 9:06 | 2: 10:14 | 3: 11:10 | 4: 11:18

Day 628 | July 8, 2011: cross

I rented a pedal boat with Steven and his dad and brother at the Independence Grove Forest Preserve. My quads were SO SORE from the day before, that pedaling around the lake for about 40 minutes really took its toll!

It was a beautiful day though! I loved being out on the water… even though I wanted to be IN it!

Day 629 | July 9, 2011: Grayslake 5K

I ran the Grayslake 5K with my brother-in-law Andrew and he got a huge new PR!

Day 630 | July 10, 2011: 9 m run

I met Bobbi (and a few running club folks) at 6:00 am at Independence Grove to beat the heat for our long run. Nice try – it was already humid and in the high 70s at that point! I have kind of been ignoring how hot it’s getting, and just making sure to bring lots of water, or run by water fountains (I drank 40 oz. on this run, and took one GU at 4 miles). We took this 9-miler nice and easy, just the way I wanted to! I was still completely drenched in sweat by the end though. So gross.

It was really nice to catch up with Bobbi. We just talk away on our runs. I think I may have to do a few more longs runs with her – we are both training for October 2nd marathons!

Distance: 9.0 | Time: 1:40:40 | Avg Pace: 11:09

Week Summary: 24.1 miles

This was kind of a different week for me – doing some very different cross training, one two-a-day and not much strength training. Still a very fun week though! I didn’t do one run alone – and I liked that!

I feel like I should note that my left heel has been bugging me since mid last week. I think it might be from wearing flats when I was in Louisville. Either way, it is affecting the way I walk and run. I need to be careful with that. Also, my quads have felt so shredded since Friday morning. I hope that goes away soon – I can barely walk down the stairs! And I was just getting to be able to walk down the stairs like a normal person (or as Steven says “normal for me”) again!

On a more fun note – SUPER drool – I saw the new Asics Gel Cumulus 13s online this week – the pink ones are SO cute!!!

I totally want them. But I am going to be responsible and stock up on the 12s now that they are much cheaper on Amazon. But if anyone wants to get me shoes for my birthday, I wear size 12B!

7 Responses to “Training Week 90”

  1. bobbi says:

    I am so happy we ran today – it was great catching up with you. I totally want some redemption on the hills by your house. One of these days when it isn’t a gajillion degrees I’m coming over!

    Spent the rest of today in the pool. It ruled 🙂

    • kilax says:

      I had a great time too! And please come over and teach me how to run up those hills! I suck at hills, apparently. Brian went up them no problem!

  2. I don’t mean to rub it in or anything… but I have those shoes!! 😉 (Not in pink, though. Didn’t have a choice in that!)

    <3 <3

  3. Katie H says:

    Those shoes are adorable! Great training week, Kim!

  4. ChezJulie says:

    I love your new photo header. Hee hee!

    You are so good at always mixing in new things alongside your running, like yoga and kettlebells and paddleboats!

  5. Kandi says:

    You got a lot of runs in this week! I really need to amp up my mileage soon.
    I like that you wore your garmin when you went on the paddle boat. I should do that when I go kayaking! In fact, I need to go kayaking!
    My left heel was randomly bothering me last Sunday night/Monday and finally started feeling better on Monday night. No idea what happened. I was sitting on the couch and stood up and it hurt. So weird. Hope yours feels better soon!

  6. Erin says:

    Great week! Isn’t it fun when you get to do something different and have it count as cross-training?

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