Worth the ride

By , August 5, 2011 6:57 am

Pretty views from my bike ride to the train this morning:

It makes me crazy that I have to commute for so long and far to get to work, but I love living so close to all the parks/trails/nature.

And besides, if I didn’t take the train to work, I would miss out on all the funny incidents, like the guy telling a family off this morning for talking on the Quiet Car. Ha ha ha. People are so uptight. It’s Friday! Don’t be such* a doucher!

*I mean, sure, tell them they are in the Quiet Car and what the rules are, but don’t be a dick about it. Just say your piece nicely then shut up and watch your Star Trek Voyager on your iPad, you big dork**.
**I can make fun of him for watching Star Trek because we are currently watching Star Trek Next Generation from start to finish. We’re on season 5. We’ve been working on it since the winter. Yes, we are dorks too.***
***But it’s unlikely I would tell someone off on the train.

12 Responses to “Worth the ride”

  1. Kandi says:

    I never sit on the quiet car but I’ve heard stories such as this! Oh, and I sat on the quiet car once because the train was super crowded and I had my cell phone in my hand but on vibrate, and I was only planning to text with it (you can make calls on these things? heh) and I had no less than 3 people (including the conductor) tell me that the quiet car did not allow cell phones. Don’t worry people, I will not disrupt you!
    I love living near nature too and don’t mind my commute but I don’t think mine is as long as yours. I think it’s about an hour door to door for me each way.

    • kilax says:

      Wow. I am surprised you got comments just for getting your phone out! The people there are hardcore! I wonder if I will ever get comments for how loud I type on my netbook?

  2. Etta says:

    Doesn’t going off on someone for talking in the Quiet Car go against the principals of the Quiet Car? You should have whispered, “Sir, this is the Quiet Car, please lower your voice.”

  3. Erin says:

    Those are lovely photos! I agree that it sucks that the jobs are in the city but the beauty of nature is so far away sometimes.

  4. Christina says:

    Lol! I loved all your * comments snis. You’re hilar.

  5. Alice says:

    haha, i love the idea of shushing the shusher 🙂 we don’t have quiet cars in dc, but i HAVE been yelled at for talking on my phone on the metro before anyway (!?!?) – i guess just because it was early and people were tired and irritable? whatev!

  6. Such pretty views! Your commute sounds terrible sometimes, though the entertainment must help. What a jerko that guy was- that would have been hilarious if you called him out!

  7. Kristina says:

    What a great ride – I have envy!
    I think that commute choice can be hard. Hopefully you get good reading done – since you can’t catch up on your phone conversations!

  8. I think having those trails nearby would be worth it.

    Ummm . . . and I love that you said “doucher” again. That may be the best word ever.

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