Training Week 100

By , September 18, 2011 3:06 pm

I am training for the Milwaukee Marathon on October 2nd.

Day 694 | September 12, 2011: rest

Day 695 | September 13, 2011: 5 m run

Five miles in the dark. Wearing my headlamp and blinker reminded me of running in the dark during the Ragnar Relay. It was cool, but humid – a strange combination. The weird smoke drifting in to northern Illinois from Minnesota had cleared, but the breeze that took it away brought in a barnyard smell. Yummy.

I was all excited at the beginning of the week, thinking my PF was going away, so I didn’t wear my boot Monday night or Tuesday night… then woke up in the middle of the night Tuesday with a stabbing pain in my heel. Yay…

Distance: 6.0 | Start Temp: 62° | End Temp: 57° | Time: 48:14 | Avg Pace: 9:38 | 1: 10:09 | 2: 9:56 | 3: 9:41 | 4: 9:23 | 5: 9:03

Day 696 | September 14, 2011: 3 m run

Wow – I ran late at night when it was pretty cool (high 40s) and I forgot what it is like to run in the cool temps! It’s amazing! After you warm up, you’re good to go. I took it easy though, since my PF was bothering me all day.

Distance: 3.0 | Start Temp: 48° | End Temp: 46° | Time: 29:17 | Avg Pace: 9:44 | 1: 10:09 | 2: 9:42 | 3: 9:23

Day 697 | September 15, 2011: 8.24 m bike

Steven and I went out for a fun bike ride on the trail by our house then through the neighborhood. It was in the 50s and my hands were actually numb at the end of the ride! I should have worn gloves!

Bike Time: 1:09:46 | Distance: 8.24 | Avg Speed: 7.1

Day 698 | September 16, 2011: 10 m run + strength

I met Bobbi and Lupe (from our running club) at the Rollins Savanna for an easy 10-miler. It was in the 50s and I first I felt too hot in a t-shirt! But I felt fine for the last 5 miles. It was nice to run with Bobbi and Lupe. I haven’t done a run with three people in awhile. It’s nice because you can zone out while the other two talk… but I was actually blabbing a lot. Oops.

Distance: 10.0 | Temp: mid 50s | End Temp: 57° | Time: 1:48:39 | Avg Pace: 10:51

After my run I had my first strength training session with Brian (we took about a two month break). We just used hand weights and a step, but boy, was I out of it. My heart was racing and I felt dizzy and light-headed. Not sure if it was from running 10 before, being low on sugar levels, or just not keeping up with strength, but I hope next week is better!

Day 699 | September 17, 2011: 4 m run

I was so unbelievably sore from my workout with Brian on Saturday. I tried to run to shake it out. I mostly hurt in my butt (that’s never happened to me before) and upper back. I felt better after my run but it was really slow in the beginning!

Distance: 4.0 | Start Temp: 65° | Time: 45:06 | Avg Pace: 11:15 | 1: 11:51 | 2: 11:16 | 3: 11:14 | 4: 10:42

Day 670 | September 18, 2011: 16 m run

I met Erin at the Half Day Forest Preserve for our last >10 mile run for Milwaukee Training! Unfortunately, I was still sore from Friday’s workout, so I was lagging a bit. Sorry, Erin.

It was a good morning for a run though – overcast and on and off rainy. We had a chance to try out our new race shirts to make sure they felt good and don’t chafe (win and win). Also, it was quite cool out – maybe only 60 – and that was good practice weather (I HOPE!!!) for Milwaukee. I didn’t drink nearly as much water as I normally do (maybe only 60+ ounces) and felt good (except for the whole being so sore thing – seriously, it hurt to roll over in the bed Saturday night!).

It looks like fall is starting to hit the trail. Some of the leaves are changing color already. I love the trails during this time of year!

After our run we went to Deerfield’s Bakery and Erin told me about some neat Mount Everest books and documentaries she’s seen/read. I think that will be my next goal after NYC. Just kidding! Ha ha (Steven and I actually watched the Everest: IMAX movie later in the day on Netflix Instant Queue, and Steven decided Everest is not for him – I think it was the scary ladders they climb over to get over the deep ice ravines).

Only two more weeks until Milwaukee!!! Wee!!! I am ready for my taper now. Me tired.

Distance: 16.0 | Temp: 60ish | Time: 2:50:08 | Avg Pace: 10:37

Week Summary: 38.0 miles

Well, yeah. I totally set myself up for failure with my strength training on Friday – both by running before and being a slacker for weeks before. I am happy Brian and I can work out together again – because I apparently don’t get anything done without him.

13 Responses to “Training Week 100”

  1. Kristina says:

    Sounds like a good training week! I like the purple shirts, by the way.
    OMG – the strength training stuff kicks my butt. I decided that I really need to get back into the habit of doing exercises for my knee (really for the muscles all around my knee). Even though I’ve been running and cycling, I should be more conscientious about knee strengthening exercises. So, I returned to weights on Wednesday and I was SO incredibly sore on Thursday and Friday.
    As for Everest and climbing – I’m totally obsessed. “Into Thin Air” is a GREAT read! Mountaineering is so intense – I’d love to rock climb more and I love hiking/backpacking, but I think that technical mountain climbing is an activity that doesn’t need to be on my “to do” list.

    • kilax says:

      Yay! I am not the only one with DOMS! Let’s moan and complain together!

      Erin recommended that book too! And I really enjoyed the mini documentary! I would like to have the strength to climb, but also think mountaineering will never be one of my hobbies!

  2. Christina says:

    Ooooooooooooooooooh love that tree pic!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks snis! I thought it turned out neat too. I took it with my cell phone 🙂

      When are you going to update YOUR blog?!

  3. Great job! I have to say I love reading your weekly summaries and seeing the variety of runs that you put together throughout the week. I’m also incredibly impressed by the increased weekly mileage that you’re doing – awesome job! Your Sunday run looked like it was beautiful!

    • kilax says:

      Aww, thank you for the sweet comment Lauren. I have been trying really hard this training cycle!

      Sunday was beautiful! You should come run the Des Plaines River Trail with me sometime!

      Congrats again on your marathon today!!!

  4. Kandi says:

    Great week! You deserve taper!! You’re going to be great in Milwaukee!
    I love the tree photo too.

  5. Kandi says:

    Also – congrats on your 100th weekly training update! You are awesome.

  6. Erin says:

    Another great week. Hopefully your soreness goes away quickly. Don’t forget to get some protein in your body after a hard workout! Muscles need it to repair themselves.

    And thanks for a great run today! Looking forward to our 10 miles next Sunday.

    Glad you enjoyed the Everest documentary. Crazy but fascinating, huh?

    • kilax says:

      Aww, you’re right! I should have made a shake with my awesome vegan protein powder. Damn. I will remember on Friday after my next session with Brian.

      I thought the documentary was totally fascinating. I was geeking out over all the facts about the moutain and the climb! (And by the way, your memory is really good for that movie – most of the stuff you said about it was spot on accurate)

  7. bobbi says:

    I love that picture of me, you and Lupe 🙂 So fun!

    You are kicking ass! Sorry strength training kicked YOURS, but you’ll be back in shape in no time. I’d give anything to be as strong a runner as you are right now! You are like the energizer bunny – you keep going and going (and usually with a smile).

    LOVE the purple shirts – I totally wish I could spectate for you 2 – I will be thinking about you while I’m running, and I’m sure you’ll carry me through tough spots 🙂

    • kilax says:

      I love that pic too! It was a fun run – perfect day in the Savanna!

      LOL – thanks for your nice compliments! You are going to love the class with Brian – you will be kicking arse in no time 🙂

      We’ll be thinking of you during our race too!

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