Why there’s a kids’ bike in our garage

By , October 19, 2011 6:17 am

I had a longer version of this story written out that wasn’t really appropriate so here is the abbreviated version.

A lot of times I write about reasons I would be a bad mother (impatient, easily irritated, like my free time, selfish) but today I have a reason Steven would be an awesome father. Some of our neighborhood kids have been having bike issues. A few weeks ago Steven helped them put air in their tires. They’ve been coming back to ask for air, and most recently, Steven made a special trip to the store to get a tool to fix one of their broken chains, and get a new inner tube (the air wouldn’t hold) and also put together a newish bike for one of the kids.

This boy was having issues with the chain on his bike and when we went to the store to get a new chain (and decided it was too expensive) they gave Steven this parts bike to use (it was in the shop’s recycle pile). The boy decided he liked the green bike better so Steven combined the two bikes to make one good one. The original one didn’t even have brakes!

Steven is so nice to be doing all of this. And he is really patient and good with the neighborhood kids.

And hey, the more he knows about bikes, the more likely he is to fix mine if I ever have issues! Ha ha.

Are you handy? Do you like to take things apart and put them back together?

Steven really does! I don’t. But I like that Steven does. So hey… we balance each other out.

10 Responses to “Why there’s a kids’ bike in our garage”

  1. Kandi says:

    That’s so sweet that Steven is helping the neighborhood kids!!
    I’m mildly handy but I’m not sure I could combine two bikes like that. Joey is much more handy than me and I like it that way. 🙂

  2. gina says:

    Sweet bike! I admire Steven for helping out the kids with their bike situation. Steven is really handy and patient. I am not. That’s why I coming up with a list of stuff for Steven to do around the house in Nov. Just kidding! Maybe.

  3. Oh sad. It sounds like those kids might not have the best home life. I can see why you’re frustrated though!

  4. Amy says:

    How nice! And I wouldn’t be so sure you wouldn’t be a good mom – you’d certainly be a very FUN mom!

  5. Steven is such a good guy. I miss you guys!

  6. Erin says:

    I wish I had some skills that I was willing to use to help people out like that!

    Also, that bike store person sounds super nice. Bike stores intimidate me so that’s awesome that he was so helpful.

  7. That is so sweet! I am so not handy –not at all.

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