Run Walk and Roll for a Drug Free Community 5K Race Report (2011)

By , October 29, 2011 11:59 pm

My older brother Nick and I ran the Run Rock and Roll for a Drug Free Community 5K last year (in 28:34). I happened to be in Cedar Falls, IA the same day it was being held this year, so we decided to run it together again. 

And again – no training for Nick. I even sent him a little training plan, but he wasn’t interested. That’s okay with me! 

It was in the mid 30s and sunny – a perfect day for a run! The course starts in front of the Behavioral Services Clinic that hosts the event. Then you run through a parking lot, down a grass hill, and on some streets until you get to a paved trail. Then it’s an out and back on the trail, then back the way you came, with a few hills thrown in. 

I told Nick I thought it would be a good plan to stick to average 9:00 minute miles, and pace ourselves. Well, we averaged 9:00 minute miles, but with positive splits. That works too! Nick did really well. We came in at 27:21 (Garmin stats here), which was good enough for 1st place for me in my age group, and 3rd place for Nick (we had small age groups*). And more than a minute off of our time last year!

Nick did really well this year. Much less overall walking than last year, and a more steady pace! We ran all the way to mile 2, then Nick took a few walk breaks in the last mile (during which I harassed him to start running). Nick said he felt like he had to throw up in the last mile, which I told him meant he was running the 5K “right.” I told him if he did throw up I would pay for his entry fee, but he never did. 

Since it’s so close to Halloween, I wore my funny Stitch hat, which got a few funny comments. And my Team Kimbot Cheer Crew was out there! I love how the shirts turned out that my sister designed! There is a pattern on the back, but I will have to show you that after the NYC Marathon. 

L to R: Sue, Mom, Me, Christina, Dad, and Nick

This race is pretty awesome. It’s $15 in advance or $18 on-site. You get a long sleeved tee, a ton of yummy treats after the race, and a chance to win door prizes. This year I won a UNI t-shirt and Nick won a case of soda. The race is put on by a group of fun, passionate people. I am surprised more people don’t run it! My aunt Sue mentioned she may want to run a 5K next year. Hmm, maybe this one?! I have a lot of fun running with Nick. It would be great to get even more people out there!

*And I would like to note the woman winner won in 25:40 so I may have a chance of winning next year, if I want to go for that. 

10 Responses to “Run Walk and Roll for a Drug Free Community 5K Race Report (2011)”

  1. Congrats! It’s fun to run not only fun races but races where there’s a small enough group of people where you have a decent chance at the competition! I love the stitch hat and matching shirt, adn I love the Kimbot shirts! hope you have a fun halloween!

  2. Love the stitch hat, nice touch. The picture with you smiling where he is laying on the ground is hilarious. I can’t believe that the race was less then $20 and you got a long sleved t and a medal, that’s a race worth running! Looks like you guys had a great time. Oh I love that you told him that he’s running the race right if he feels like he’s going to vomit! So true about a 5k.

  3. J says:

    Great job on your age group win! You should go for it next year and win! I love the smaller races because they usually have great stuff!

  4. Erin says:

    So….were you the only one in costume again this year? There were a ton of people in costume at the 10K I ran on Sunday. I kind of wish I had worn something fun!

    And it’s too bad Nick won’t run regularly. He has some natural talent he could put to good use!

  5. bobbi says:

    Wouldn’t it be cool to WIN? You totally could!!! Next year I think you should go for it 🙂

  6. Congrats on your win! And I love that you ran in costume! Can’t believe the marathon is just around the corner! Your cheering section looks awesome in their KimBot shirts! 🙂

  7. kaylen says:

    I was ready to be all irritated with your brother for not needing to train at all and to be in shape enough to just go out and run a 9 minute mile for a 5k…but then the end picture was perfect and I totally retracted all irritation.
    You sound like a really supportive sister! 🙂

    • kilax says:

      LOL! Yeah, my siblings are pretty athletic without training, but to my brother’s credit, he works on his feet all day (he’s a mechanic) and was really sore the day after the race.

      I love to run with family and friends! I will encourage anyone 🙂

  8. Kandi says:

    How fun to run with your brother again! I think your brother looks a good bit like your dad.
    I ran a race like that last year and I placed 3rd overall with a time of about 25:15! It was crazy! I felt like if I had just pushed a bit more I could have come in second. I even won $25!

  9. !!!!!!First place, that is so awesome! Congrats on your win and such a fun race. And so funny that your brother just runs and doesn’t train.

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