Friday Question #171

By , November 18, 2011 5:09 am

Have you ever made an elongated coin? Do you collect them?

Steven has been casually collecting them for awhile, so I bought this Penny Passport for him while we were in NYC*.

I didn’t realize this until I went to write this post, but apparently, elongated coins have been around since the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893! That’s pretty cool. 

I know I made a few as a kid, but have no idea where they are. It would be fun to find them and see where I made them. 

It’ll be fun to fill up Steven’s Penny Passport! Now we just need to go somewhere besides NYC…

*It will probably take me another week until I stop mentioning tidbits from our trip.

13 Responses to “Friday Question #171”

  1. ChezJulie says:

    I made one once but can’t remember where. That’s awesome that they have been around since 1893. I had no idea! Nice bit of research.

  2. I have to laugh — as I just realized we both wrote friday coin posts. LOL! I think I had one made at the Oregon Coast once, but I never thought about saving them as a collection. The passport book is a cool idea.

  3. Amy says:

    We are collecting the state quarters in a book like that! We also collected the full set of Euro coins from all the different countries when the Euro started in 1999. Coin collecting is fun!

    • kilax says:

      Do you have all the first state quarters? They went back and added landmarks and national parks, right?

      I love the Euro coins. Love them. I think coin collecting is fun too. We have some other coins in our safe, but they are not organized in any neat way!

  4. gina says:

    I like his budding elongated coin collection!!

  5. RunningLaur says:

    I collect National Park stamps in their passport and got Troy into it too. It’s become a really cool addiction and I WANT THEM ALL!

  6. I’ve never made an elongated coin before. I wanted to when I was little and we were at Disneyland, but my parents refused to pay for it. Totally ruined all my fun.

  7. bobbi says:

    I’ve never seen one before! Very very cool! 🙂

  8. Kapgar says:

    I could get you one from Naper Settlement across the street from where I work. Let me know.

    I have an elongated quarter I made by duct taping it to the train track that runs behind my house. It’s pretty swank.

  9. Erin says:

    I’ve never done it but I see them all over touristy places. Jen from Cake Wrecks and Epbot collects them as well and turns hers into jewelry!

  10. martymankins says:

    I don’t collect them, but I have made a few over the years. I think the last time was Sea World in Orlando in 2007 when I made a penguin penny (i know, shocking…).

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