Storm Door

By , November 19, 2011 6:21 am

Don’t forget to enter my Races2Remember giveaway today! I know it’s near the end of racing season, but there are a lot of good things to order – maybe a MyNames bib for your next race or a Back Bib!

Our big exciting purchase this fall has been a new storm door. We’ve talked about getting one f-o-r-e-v-e-r. In the winter, you can actually feel the breeze come in under the front door. We figured that might not be so great for our heating bill. 

Does your home have a storm door? Did you put it in, or did it come with the house?

So the new storm door was installed the day before we left for NYC. It’s kind of funny, when we got back home, and went through the front door to get the mail, we almost walked right in to the storm door – we had forgotten it was installed!

I was really excited to see how Data would like the storm door. And… he loves it! It was really windy yesterday so we opened the front door and let him watch the leaves. He even tried to attack them through the glass.

And tried to escape. Silly Data!

Completely unrelated, look at this box that came in the mail. What do you think was in it?

A t-shirt. A freaking t-shirt. Why the large box?!

13 Responses to “Storm Door”

  1. RunningLaur says:

    My guess for the box was “more scarves!”
    We have storm doors at home and the cats love them – here Rhoni is all about the screen door at the back of the house = fresh air! I hope Data loves having you home from NYC!

    • kilax says:

      LOL! Ha ha ha! I am trying not to buy ANY more! I did point out one I liked to Steven last night when we were at Target though. UGH! MAKE ME STOP!!!! 🙂

      Data is happy to have us home! How is Rhoni? I want to see more pics!

  2. Christina says:

    Getting a Storm door is on our to do lis. Since we live in a condo, the back door faces the deck and the storm door would bring in more light and awesome people watching for the pets. Maybe next year.

  3. J says:

    WE have a storm door and I love it because it lets in the sun but not the cold air! Its great for winter!

  4. Kandi says:

    We have a storm door that came with the house. It is the kind that has a screen so you can move the glass down when the weather is nice. We don’t usually keep the main door open though. I do like that the house has a storm though. None of the apartments I lived in needed one but I grew up with one so it feels more like home to me with one.

  5. ChezJulie says:

    I was going to make the same guess as RunningLaur.

    Last week I got a similar sized box in the mail. What was in it? A beanie hat.

    • kilax says:

      I’m bad about the scarves, aren’t I?! Do you have any? I bet they would look great on you!

      • ChezJulie says:

        Good morning, Kim! 🙂

        Yes, I do have some pretty interesting scarves that I rock for work. I will try to photograph them for the blog. You should give us some tips for photographing oneself in a mirror! My “fashion” pics never come out as good as yours.

        • kilax says:

          Ha ha. Thank you! I just take A LOT of them and pick the best one! I do think it helps to put the camera a bit above my head and aim toward the mirror to see as much as possible 🙂

  6. Erin says:

    Isn’t it Amazon that lets you give feedback about their packaging? Crazy.

    We had a storm door put on for the same reason: air coming in around the door. We hardly ever just leave our door open, though, since you can’t see out of the storm door anyway with the day it’s situation. But I do like having one! Like Kandi, it makes it feel more like a finished house.

  7. Amy says:

    We need a storm door but I’ve never seen them here in belgium so I don’t know if they are even sold here…
    We usually have a thick roll that we put at the bottom of our door to keep the wind and cold from coming in in the winter.

    and yeah – what’s the deal with the huge packing boxes??? What a waste.

  8. kaylen says:

    We have a storm door AND one that is a screen door we can put on in the summer.
    However -the front door is in this alcove type area and if you look out the front door, all you can see is the tree in the front yard and the neighbors smoking on their front porch across their street. As such, we almost never leave the front door open. If I’m working in the yard, I leave it open so the cats can look out and it keeps them from being interested in the kitty door that goes into the garage-the big garage door is usually open when I’m doing yardwork and I don’t want them to have the chance to escape.

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