Friday Question #173

By , December 9, 2011 7:09 am

Are you good at remembering people’s names? 

Usually, I am pretty good at it, and make an effort to remember people’s names when I first meet them (I usually come up with a trick to remember their name).

However, I was at Whole Foods a few weeks ago with Erin, and very* randomly ran in to two coworkers and could only remember one of their names! AHHH!!! I was a bit embarrassed! Granted, I do have hundreds of coworkers, but I should have known that one. 

Then, last week at the Rotary Santa 5K, I saw a coworker and could not remember his name until after I introduced myself, chatted, then said goodbye. And at Thanksgiving I could not remember our friend’s parent’s names (who I had met a few times before). 

I hope my memory is not starting to fail me already!

*I live far away from that Whole Foods and they do too. What are the odds?!

19 Responses to “Friday Question #173”

  1. I am terrible at remembering names. It is embarrassing. I have had people see me, yell out my name, and then I have absolutely no idea what their name is and have no idea how to find out since they clearly already know my name. I ran into a girl at the pool last summer that I could place her face but couldn’t remember her name. This is a person that I hung out with and talked to while my daughter was at dance class for years. So once a week for several years I sat for an hour and talked to this person and then when a few months passed without seeing her I ran into her and had no idea what her name was. Totally embarrassing! I did remember it….after I was at home much later. Liz, her name was Liz. Now I will never forget it.

  2. abbi says:

    I’m actually pretty good at remembering names and faces. I have a pretty good memory all around actually…hopefully I don’t lose it!

  3. Courtney says:

    Honestly, it depends on when I meet the person, how often I see them, and what else is going on in my head. The worst for me is if they remind me of someone else and I constantly want to call them by the wrong name!!!

  4. gina says:

    I’d say I’m pretty good at remembering people’s names. Although some people I can just never remember their names. I don’t know why that is.
    But here is something kinda random but kinda related. Someone just asked me if Luca was two years old. I was like umm…not quite…

  5. bobbi says:

    I completely suck at this. It’s VERY embarrassing, and I work at it, but still struggle. And my hubs sucks just as bad as I do, so I can’t even rely on him…

  6. Marcia says:

    I am good at remembering people and their names. Alas most people do not remember me, at all. At a party last weekend i had a woman come up and introduce herself as if she’d never seen me before when in fact we’d shared a bus ride and a day-long horseback riding trip in Puerto Rico earlier this year. Wonder if she should be embarrassed or if I need to work on not being mousey and forgettable?

    • kilax says:

      WHAT? If you were in a foreign country together, she should remember your name. She must have a problem with it!

  7. Kapgar says:

    I’m terrible with names.

    Who are you again?

  8. Erin says:

    I am SO BAD at remembering names. Just horrible. Sometimes I can place the face but can’t recall their name. Other times I can’t even do that. I’ve tried all the tricks but nothing seems to help.

  9. Etta says:

    I’m generally really good at remembering names if I only have to remember one or two. Introduce me to an entire room of people, though, and it’s anybody’s guess which ones I’ll remember.

    I took a psych class on memory in college. The first day we did an exercise where we had to introduce ourselves and then say the names of all the people who had gone ahead of us. My name always threw people off because it’s so different.

  10. sizzle says:

    I’m pretty good with remembering names. Mr. Darcy is terrible at it. I remind him that he’s lucky he has me. 😉

  11. Ren says:

    I’m pretty bad at learning people’s names. I’ve made more of an effort lately, but with only limited results. Sometimes I’ve forgotten somebody’s name before I even have time to think of a mnemonic. It’s sad, really.

  12. ha, i have this problem too. terrible at it. i think its because i get nervous around people i don’t know and my mind goes completely blank.

  13. ChezJulie says:

    I used to be really good at it but I’ve gotten worse. I have to refer to people as “whosie” in meetings. (Not to their face).

  14. Kandi says:

    I try to remember people’s names but I’m not always good at it.

  15. Cher says:

    I am ok at names, but have really had to work on it. Kids will come in my office and usually I can only remember first or last names… Not both!

  16. martymankins says:

    I rarely forget names. Now, as I get closer to 50, I do have one or two people that I have a hard time with their names, but 99 percent of the people I come into regular contact with, I remember their name.

  17. RunningLaur says:

    I am the WORST at forgetting names, and I have no problem being up front about it. Troy still makes fun of me occasionally that the day we met, he was introduced to me and my response was an oh so wonderful “I’m Lauren; I’m sorry but I probably won’t remember your name.” Ha, I’m such a jerk! But I did remember his name thanks to it being programmed into my phone 😉

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