Training Week 112

By , December 11, 2011 8:57 am

This is my first week working with Britt to train for the Frosty Footrace 5K (on 2/26). For each run below, I’ve added the type of run it was supposed to be in the title (behind the date and garmin link). I’ve also added a bit more detail than normal about how my body was feeling. Yes. This training log just became even more boring.

Day 778 |  December 5, 2011: rest

Day 779 | December 6, 2011: 4 m run (easy)

Tuesday’s schedule called for a nice, easy 4 mile run. And it did feel really good and easy, except my legs started to feel a bit heavy, about 2.5 miles in. So I wonder if I was running too fast. 

Distance: 4.0 | Start Temp: 28° | End Temp: 27° | Time: 35:30 | Avg Pace: 8:52

Day 780 | December 7, 2011: 3 m run (easy) + strength class

Funny how 3 miles “easy” is so much slower than 4 miles easy the night before… when the 3 miles happens at 4:10 am in the morning. It seems that it takes my body forever to wake up when I roll out of bed and out the door for a run. This time, I was really noticing my left foot in the beginning. I think it took about 3/4 of a mile until I could run on it normal. It’s really stiff when I wake up (snort, giggle) and takes awhile to loosen up.

Distance: 3.0 | Start Temp: 28° | End Temp: 28° | Time: 29:42 | Avg Pace: 9:54

I really liked our Wednesday night strength class. We did a lot of moves with dumbbells, but also boxing and some core work (some with weights). I love how Brian puts together these awesome workouts using such basic equipment!

Day 781 | December 8, 2011: 5 m run (easy w/5×10-15 sec strides)

I had plans to do this 5 mile workout in the am before work, but after Wednesday’s slow performance, I decided to move it to the afternoon. Ha ha – who am I kidding? I just wanted to sleep in a bit longer.

Anyway, this workout was fun – 5 miles easy with some strides thrown in. And not all out sprinting, but just at a good pace that “allows your feet to have a quick turnover yet still allow you to maintain your natural running form.” I did the strides starting at mile 3.0 with one minute between each. Here’s where I went wrong – I was having so much fun that I forgot to focus on my form. But I did focus on it for the rest of the run (I remembered after I finished, of course). I noticed the strides kind of took it out of me for the last 1.5 miles – I felt tired! I felt good for the rest of the run though, except for a sore butt from the Wednesday night strength class. 

Distance: 5.0 | Start Temp: 33° | End Temp: 32° | Time: 48:06 | Avg Pace: 9:37

Day 782 | December 9, 2011: strength + 4 m run (easy)

After my Wednesday night strength class, I told Brian I felt like I needed to work on my balance. So we did Friday morning – a little bit of Bosu, and a lot with a three step contraption he built (jumping up and down it, going side to side, plank walks up and down the side of it with rolls and pushups at the end… who comes up with this stuff).

A couple of hours after my strength session I went out for my “easy” 4 miler. It was not easy. I felt out of steam the entire time. I think there are at least four reasons for that: 1. I did a tough strength session prior to running, 2. I hardly ate anything in the morning, 3. I ran the hilly route behind my house, and 4. I over-dressed. I thought since it was in the low 20s I should wear a shirt over my Under Armour but I just felt too hot. 


Good thing I was by myself on the trail – I would have been getting passed.

Ugh. Hard to believe I ran so fast on Monday when I have a poopy run like this!

Distance: 4.0 | Start Temp: 23° | End Temp: 25° | Time: 41:41 | Avg Pace: 10:25

Day 783 | December 10, 2011: 8 m run (last 5:00 min @ MP)

Thankfully, Saturday’s run was much better than Friday’s! My legs felt great and I was energetic. The only issue was an upset stomach and a bit of congestion. Meh, it’s almost winter. 

The goal was 8 easy miles with the last 5:00 minutes at marathon pace (between 9:00-9:10) and I managed the last 5:19 minutes at 8:55. It felt good, too!

The weather was weird though. A bit chilly and windy, but sunny. I took my gloves on and off a few times, and felt too hot overall (had on under armour top, a wind breaker, capries and knee highs).

Distance: 8.0 | Start Temp: 19° | End Temp: 23° | Time: 1:18:01 | Avg Pace: 9:45

Day 784 | December 11, 2011: rest

Week Summary: 24.0 miles

My first week working with Britt went great! I am excited to see what she has in store for me for next week! We did discuss doing three weeks of base mileage then starting speedwork, so it looks like I have until Christmas sans speedwork! Hee hee! Early Christmas gift?

9 Responses to “Training Week 112”

  1. bobbi says:

    I am SO GLAD you said you had a sore butt on Thrusday – I was totally expecting to feel it in my arms after double boxing, but really? My ass was KILLING me!

    I am LOVING Brian’s workouts – wish I had the $ for more, that’s how much I love them…

  2. J says:

    I love feeling sore after a good workout! Great week!

  3. Another awesome week of training. I’m so excited to see everything your new running coach has in store for you! 🙂

  4. Kayla says:

    Nice work Kim! 🙂

  5. Erin says:

    It’ll be hard, but don’t run your easy runs too fast! I’m sure Britt will tell you the same thing.

    I’m looking forward to seeing what else Britt has in store for you 🙂

  6. Kandi says:

    I love your shirt too. 🙂

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