Friday Question #177

By , January 6, 2012 10:08 am

Do you drink coffee? Why or why not? If you do, how long have you been drinking it, how often do you drink it (in a day) and do you make it at home or buy it out?

Steve and Steven on the subway – this is the only picture I could find on my blog with coffee cups in it, ha ha. 

Can you guess what I woke up craving this morning?

Just kidding! I don’t drink coffee. It really upsets my stomach. But I have been thinking a soy chai latte from Starbucks sounds good since last night. Maybe that is in my destiny for today. 

Sometimes I feel like everyone drinks coffee except me (and Erin) so I am curious to hear what you all say. 

If you don’t drink coffee, do you drink something else that is caffeinated?

35 Responses to “Friday Question #177”

  1. Kelly says:

    I’m not a dedicated coffee drinker, but I am a die-hard Diet Pepsi fan.

  2. abbi says:

    Nope, not a coffee drinker at all, unless it’s some sort of drink with lots of other flavors, more as a dessert but on a rare occasion. I do have enjoy soda for a caffeine fix.

  3. Ren says:

    I don’t drink coffee but I do often have (diet) soda in the morning (and the rest of the day). However, I’ve never particularly found caffeine to have much effect on me, so I often drink caffeine-free soda. Well, I used to. Now that I’ve grown so found of Coke Zero, which isn’t available without caffeine, I’m much less successful. I actually have a very slight preference for Diet Rite over Coke Zero, which is caffeine (and sodium) free, but my morning soda is usually from McDonald’s where I’m stuck with regular Diet Coke.

  4. Melissa says:

    Not a coffee drinker either. But I do enjoy espresso oddly enough and allow myself one latte a week from Starbucks (or wherever). I also enjoyed cafe con leche when we were in Argentina which I suppose *is* coffee but it tasted more like espresso to me and I did not use any sweetener.

    My daily caffeine fix is usually in the form of one diet coke!

  5. Etta says:

    I try and avoid caffeine, except when delivered in the form of chocolate. 🙂 I like iced coffee, but I’m not a huge fan of it screaming hot. I’m testing a Keurig and ordered decaf coffee to use with it.

  6. Kandi says:

    I don’t consider myself a coffee drinker in the sense that I need it everyday but I do enjoy it. My main reason for drinking it is because it’s low calorie (I drink it black) and it often helps me feel full longer. I also like to drink something other than water all day at work so I’ll either buy coffee, make instant coffee (most die hard coffee drinkers probably don’t like instant coffee but I find if I don’t compare it with real coffee then Nescafe isn’t bad), or make hot tea. I will also go on coffee runs with coworkers to break up the day and socialize a bit.

  7. Christina says:

    I have never tried actual coffee, but I LOVE lattes, cappuccino, chai tea, steamers, etc. Pretty much anything but actual coffee. 🙂 Not a huge soda drinker though. I will have one every now and then, but mostly they just give me headaches!! I do notice when I drink coffee-like-drinks that I get a huge energy surge and am bouncing off the walls for a while after. Then I crash.

  8. bobbi says:

    I heart coffee, but I didn’t become a regular coffee drinker til I became a mother. 🙂 I drink a pot (minus one travel mug worth that I share with John) nearly every day. But I only drink it in the morning.

  9. Michel says:

    I like coffee but unless I had a horrible night do I crave it. Plus my husband says I like coffee with my cream 😉 so the cream is way to much WW points right now.

  10. Losing Lindy says:

    I drink a lot of coffee. I make it at home, and sometimes I will splurge on a latte from Starbucks.

  11. Christina says:

    I am not a coffee drinker, I prefer tea. However, I love the smell of the coffee beans being roasted but am not a fan of the taste.

  12. Steve says:

    Yum…COFFEE! Love my few cups in the morning. I will make it and buy it. Hot in the winter and switch to ice in the summer. And for an added kick, I will add pumpkin spice in Oct/Nov and peppermint in Dec.

    But after noon, I am done. I switch to soda at that point : )

  13. ChezJulie says:

    I think you know about my iced latte habit, Kim. But now I have all the tools I need to make iced soy lattes at home, including a snazzy travel mug for iced drinks!

  14. gina says:

    I’m not a die-hard coffee drinker. I don’t HAVE to have it, but I enjoy trips to Starbucks to get a latte! Sometimes I will just get coffee if I’m feeling it. I think I rather drink a can of soda for a caffeine fix.

  15. martymankins says:

    I’ve been drinking coffee for many years now… since I was 17… possibly before that. I tend to drink a cup or two most mornings. Sometimes stop off at Starbucks or Beans and Brews (local to Salt Lake) for a cup after work on the way home.

  16. shelley says:

    I drink coffee, I am an addict..I wish I didn’t, but it’s sooo good..

  17. I love my coffee and I am 99.6% addicted to caffeine. I started drinking it when I was little, just sips of my parents here and there. It wasn’t until all nighters in college that I really started to drink it. I used to have a coffee pot in my dorm and in studio so that I could have it 24/7. Now I have dialed it back to 1-2 cups per day, usually only at work.

  18. Maggie says:

    I am pretty much addicted to coffee. I have it every morning and usually again after lunch when I’m at work (need some right now actually). I’ve been trying to swap green tea for coffee in the morning at work. Doesn’t help that I love the way coffee tastes, especially with soy milk. At work they have Starbucks grounds, and at home we make our own, so I rarely go out for it. But when I do … ooooh so good. I love a soy latte, hot or iced.

  19. Erin says:

    Jason tried coffee in our hotel room at Christmas. He said it was drinkable if he put in all the creamer and all the sugars 🙂

    When Rachel and Tony were visiting Rae asked if we had any soda. I’m like, nope! We don’t drink it. Well, Jason drinks Jones Cola (Green Apple Flavor) when he can find it but I don’t think that has caffeine in it. Give me tea over coffee or soda, please!

  20. sizzle says:

    I used to drink a lot of coffee. A lot! But it made me cranky by 3pm and I needed more and I was like- oh, I’m addicted. So I quit the stuff and went to green tea. I’ve been a tea drinker for over 12 years. I really miss coffee- I love the taste! But I hate how it makes me feel- upset stomach and I feel like I want to take a nap. I know. Weird. It has the opposite effect on me now.

    Sometimes I’ll have a cup of really good decaf or a decaf latte if I go to Starbucks as a treat.

  21. Susan says:

    Oh man, I drink WAY too much coffee. It’s bad. Really bad. Especially when I’m on night shift, much better when I’m on day shift. I actually get really bad headaches and nausea if I go more than a day without it, which kind of makes me nervous. I like my coffee plain with a little bit of milk, the fancy drinks at Starbucks never really did it for me!

  22. Courtney says:

    I am NOT a coffee drinker (it makes my stomach hurt too), David on the other hand is (personally I think coffee stinks but David love the smell too). On the extremely rare occasion I do drink something like that it is a vanilla frappuccino.
    On the other hand, I love unsweet ice tea, that is how I get my caffeine fix.

  23. i drink coffee by the gallons! okay not really that much, but i sure throw back quite a bit of that liquid black magic. i often crave it at odd hours of the day and will drink it cold, hot, sweetened, unsweetened, black, with cream, in latte form, you name it i’ve tried it. mmmm, now i want some.

  24. Kristina says:

    I sometimes think that the only reason I get up is because of my cup of coffee! I make a great, strong cup (French press, crazy expensive coffee, use plenty of half-and-half in it!), but that cup is usually all that I drink for the day. I don’t mind some of the drinks at Starbucks, but often I go to there just for a break, not really for the coffee. In fact, I usually order a chai latte, which I do like.
    Hope that you got your fix!

  25. Sunny says:

    I definitely drink coffee, but I shouldn’t. I have stomach problems and cysts on my bladder that it really irritates! (TMI, I know.) But, I live in Seattle – it’s EVERYWHERE, literally!

    Do you think it’s an acquired taste?

    • kilax says:

      Never TMI here.

      Yeah – I think you get used to drinking it. I don’t want to… so I haven’t tried it much (people tell me my stomach would get used to being upset… uh, no thanks).

  26. I used to love coffee. I got a job in college at a coffee shop, which lead to my appreciation and regular drinking! However this fall I began to notice I was drinking a bit too much, heart beating more,etc and quit. I then drank tea – replaced the several cups o’coffee each day w/ several cups of tea!
    Over the holidays there were a few times I’d have a single cup of coffee, and feel fine.

    Yesterday I tested things (livin’ risky!) and had a couple cups of coffee at work (not the best thing for when I accidentally skimped on breakfast) and ended up with the fast heartbeat pretty quickly.
    No more coffee for me. I do get decaf lattes or chai lattes at starbucks when I get the urge for my older coffee treats.

  27. RunningLaur says:

    I don’t like the taste of coffee, so I don’t drink it. It’s kind of a bummer because the beers that I like most are generally porter and stouts, and they can tend to have a very coffee-ey flavor. Sometimes an otherwise great beer is ruined by the coffee 🙁
    Do love me some tea and soy chai though!

  28. I’m not a coffee drinker. Well, I’m a reformed coffee drinker. It’s been over three years since I was a daily latte kind of girl. And I gave up diet soda almost six months ago so I’m pretty much caffeine free! I still love the smell of coffee but can’t stand the taste of it anymore or the way it makes my stomach feel.

  29. I love coffee! I especially love the uber expensive lattes from starbucks. Caramel brulee lattes are the jam!

  30. Laura says:

    I’m a big fan of froo froo Starbucks coffee. It’s actually kind of like crack to me…so I try to stay away.

  31. Bethany says:

    Nope, I really dislike the taste of coffee so I don’t drink it. However, I do enjoy my Starbucks chais!!

  32. J says:

    I love coffee! I have it almost every morning but I really just enjoy it because it is a warm beverage. I sometimes think I should switch to tea because the caffeine doesnt really affect me. If I drink super strong coffee around 6pm or later, I sometimes can’t sleep so it seems like only the strong stuff affects me. Anyway! im rambling again…love coffee, make it at home and take it to work with me.

  33. Dave2 says:

    I do not drink coffee. Given my proximity to Seattle, this is considered a penalty punishable by death, so I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t tell anybody!

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