Training Week 119

By , January 29, 2012 5:22 am

Day 827 | January 23, 2011: 5 m run (easy)

Would you rather run in the dark:

  • on the snow-covered streets? or
  • on clear streets but with 30 mph winds?
A warm Monday rain cleared the snow from the streets (and left ice), but apparently brought in some wind too. The wind was making me a bit angry, so I ran really fast (for me). Oops. This is supposed to be my easy week!

Distance: 5.0 | Start Temp: 30° | End Temp: 30° | Time: 42:50 | Avg Pace: 8:34

Day 828 | January 24, 2011: cross

I went to cardio kickboxing and used it to work out the day’s frustrations again! I started to feel pretty drained during the middle of the class and wasn’t kicking as high as the start of class.

Day 829 | January 25, 2011: 5 m run (easy) + strength

I think I was still tired from kickboxing when I got up before work to run 5 miles. But at least the sidewalks were clear! Well, mostly. My headlamp warned me about the huge ice patches. 

Distance: 5.0 | Start Temp: 20° | End Temp: 20° | Time: 45:54 | Avg Pace: 9:11

At strength class in the evening, we did a kettleball + step workout. Which happens to = torture. I was wiped. Good wiped. 

Day 830 | January 26, 2011: 5 m run (easy) + strength

I was surprised by how warm it was for this run I did before work – 32°F! In January! I was also surprised to see another runner – since we’ve gotten snow I haven’t seen many in my neighborhood. 

I also saw another type of runner when I first started my run – a deer! He was running through someones yard. It was kind of creepy, since it was still dark out, and it took me awhile to register what I was seeing. 

Distance: 5.0 | Start Temp: 32° | End Temp: 32° | Time: 47:49 | Avg Pace: 9:33

During my lunch break, Brian came over and we did a workout with weighted sticks (not bars, but shorter) and the bench.  The weighted sticks made me feel like a ninja. A tired ninja!

Day 831 | January 27, 2011: 8 m run

I ran 8 hilly miles in Kansas City with my BiL, Andrew. We basically chatted it up the whole time. I love running with Andrew! Except for those damn hills. I don’t blame him for them. Too much, anyway. Ha! Who am I kidding? Andrew, I blame you for everything. 

Distance: 8.0 | Start Temp: 33° | End Temp: 37° | Time: 1:24:27 | Avg Pace: 10:33

Day 832 | January 28, 2011: 5 m run (easy)

On Saturday I was also lucky enough to have a running partner – my friend Laura, who drove a really long distance to come run with me. We ran on the same trail that I ran on with Andrew the day before. We ran at dawn and saw about 9 deer cross the trail in front of us. So neat!

After our run we ate breakfast at HyVee – then our chat session was quickly over! We never have enough time together. Laura is such a sweetie. I want to spend a whole day hanging out with her!

I see a lot of visits to Kansas City in my future, especially since my sister wants to move there! I know I will have more time with Laura… hopefully sooner rather than later!

Distance: 5.0 | Start Temp: 26° | End Temp: 26° | Time: 48:01 | Avg Pace: 9:36

Day 833 | January 29, 2011: rest

Week Summary: 28.0 miles

14 Responses to “Training Week 119”

  1. Losing Lindy says:

    All this talk of HyVee makes me want to go there. 😉

  2. ChezJulie says:

    I can’t believe you think of 32 F as warm! To me that would be freezing cold, stay inside weather.

  3. Erin says:

    So far the weather has really been cooperating this winter, hasn’t it? If a few days of wind and the occasional ice patch are all we have to complain about that’s nothing!

    • kilax says:

      So true. I cannot believe how warm it’s been. It really makes me wonder what’s ahead of us for future weather.

  4. carol says:

    LOL! Love the pic with your hubby. Felt that way so many times! i HATE running in the wind and a 30 MPH wind is a deal breaker. If it is solid snow I’ll just wear Yak Tracks unless I’m trying to do a long run. Of course the best option is with snow but a dry road : )

    • kilax says:

      That is my brother-in-law 🙂

      I thought about staying in on the treadmill for that windy run, for sure!

  5. Laura says:

    Im so honored to be in your post!! Thanks Kim. I had a great time with you too and just wish we had more time. I could talk to you for days!! You are so interesting and funny. I love that we share our passion for running and I know I have so much to learn from you in the years to come!! Thanks for taking time our of your family time to see me. I really appreciate it. Hope you had fun at the concert and have a safe trip home. Hope to see you soon!!!

    • kilax says:

      Aww, thanks Laura! It’s such a compliment that you want to learn about running from me! 🙂 I still feel like I am learning! 🙂 🙂 🙂

      I will let you know the next time I am down! Hopefully it will not be a long drive for you then!

  6. Megan says:

    So crazy – we are moving from Chicago to the KC area at the end of the summer – now we DEFINATELY have to meet!

  7. The Linz says:

    You rock! Another great week. I think I would choose snow over wind. I hate to say it, but I miss the snow this year. 🙁

  8. Kandi says:

    Your 8:34 pace 5 miler was speedy!! I think you are going to kick some 5k ass!!
    I thought that was Steven in that photo too at first and then read and saw it was your BIL. They look a lot alike I guess.

  9. gina says:

    Snow covered streets FTW! Ah, don’t pay attention to me. I am just bitter about my windy run on Fri.

  10. J says:

    Ugg snow covered streets or 30mph wind? Thats tough. I guess snow covered streets. but really neither!

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