Nail Polish – yay or nay?

By , February 6, 2012 4:47 am

Do you regularly keep your fingernails painted? Why or why not? If yes, do you paint them yourself?

Since the holidays, I have been regularly painting my nails. I am a nail chewer, and keeping polish on them keeps them out of my mouth. I am kind of amazed at how long they have become when I am not chewing on them all the time (imagine that!).

For all of January, I have been rockin’ either this glittery purple or gold (2nd and 3rd bottle from right):

But… I have a business trip this week and decided those colors might not be the most appropriate. So I switched to a shimmery tan.

And I guess that is my real question – do you think nail polish is appropriate in the office? 

Almost all the ladies on my team wear nail polish, and sometimes some really wild (but good looking) colors. But – we are a design team!

Interestingly, my favorite coworker is obsessed with nail polish, and has a huge collection and knows most of the color names from the top brands. She would probably be ashamed to know how old my bottles are, and that I don’t take care of them* (by keeping them in the fridge – hey – I did when I lived on my own!). I would love to replace my collection with some newer, fresher, colors.

*The first shimmery color I tried just clumped up on my fingernails. I ditched that bottle and bought four new ones on Sunday.

34 Responses to “Nail Polish – yay or nay?”

  1. Amy says:

    I thought this post was going to be about Polish food or something from Poland – LOL!
    I like having my nails look nice and sometimes I put polish on them, but I hate it when they get a bit chipped and don’t look so nice after a few days. The last color I bought was gray!

    • kilax says:

      I changed the title since it was confusing 🙂

      I think gray is actually in style now. I would like to try a gray polish!

      I hate the chipping too. Usually mine just wear down at the tips, which I can tolerate, but if I get a chip in the middle of the nail, the polish has to come off asap!

  2. Shelley says:

    my nails have been cracking and splitting so badly, so yesterday i got some nail hardener and clear coat..hopefully that will help them

  3. Kandi says:

    I used to always keep my toenails painted but leave my fingernails bare or with a clear coat. In December I wore a reddish nail polish (I’m not really a waitress – OPI). I recently got two free bottles (I had to pay shipping) from a company I’d never heard of. I got a reddish color and a white shimmery color. I wore the white on my fingernails but once it started chipping I had to take it off but it was difficult because of the shimmeriness. I still have specks of it on my nails.
    As for the office, I think it’s ok. I wouldn’t wear anything too crazy though. Although if I did, I bet nobody would care.

  4. The Linz says:

    I love wearing nail polish, but am not very good about keeping them looking great. After a few days they get chipped and I am not good about keeping them repainted. Eeek. I need to work on that. But I think you have fun with nail polish and be professional. 🙂

  5. Liz says:

    I’m a nail polish girl fo sho! Manicures are only $7 by me so I go weekly. My go to colors from Esse are ballet slipper, mademoiselle or waltz. I def stick with the lighter colors for work and play but mainly because they hide chips better (and to be honest don’t chip as much).

    • kilax says:

      I have heard Essie does not chip as much as OPI! I just love all my bottles matching so I keep buying OPI… dumb reason, lol!

  6. Kelsey says:

    we are twins! I also chew my nails, unless i have some nail polish on them! the problem is, i havent found any that doesnt chip super easy.

    I think nailpolish is fine for the office as long as it’s not obnoxious like neon colors.

    i LOVE that sparkley color!

  7. carol says:

    I like a nice polish but am too lazy to do it myself. I’m thinking that your office sounds very conservative?

    • kilax says:

      My office is not too conservative. A lot of people wear jeans unless they are meeting clients! I just didn’t want to have crazy nails when I was meeting new people.

  8. I used to be pretty diligent about getting manicures. And then my favorite nail lady quit to go back to school. So, I paid close attention to what she did to make my nails so pretty and began doing my own manicures. And then? I had a baby. And ever since, my hands have been crazy dry and my nails look like crap. I’m lucky if I keep them short and shape them just a little bit, so they’re not too gnarly looking. Sigh.

    • kilax says:

      Did you take prenatal vitamins when you were pregnant? I heard that really helps keep your nails strong, and just wondered if you concur.

  9. Christina says:

    I have been trying to keep them polished but, I have kept them in neutral or light colors but I am wanting to paint them a deep blue that I love. I have helped off on buying new polishes but I have my list.

  10. Melissa says:

    My office is very conservative (well, I should say…certain depts are) and so while I almost always have my nails polished, they are a very “boring” (classic?) nude/pink color…”Bubblebath” by OPI is what I usually wear. I always think about branching out but then I also think about the chip-factor and I keep doing the same thing.

    My toes? Fair game…I get pedicures every 3 weeks and currently am rocking a sparkly purple color from Aveda called “Inspire”

  11. j says:

    I love nail polish but I can never get my nails done because it always chips so fast. I get my toes done occasionally because it lasts a long time but other wise I don’t paint my hands or feet. I’m too ocd for that because I want it to be perfect!

  12. Emily says:

    I love nail polish but really only wear finger nail polish for special occasions because it chips so quickly. I ALWAYS have my toes painted, though!

    I think nail polish in the traditional colors (red, pink, nude) is fine in the office, but the neon colors or unusual colors like blue or green or black don’t work will in professional settings.

  13. Erin says:

    I cannot leave my cuticles and my nails alone. Even when I had acrylic nails I would still chew on them! Which means nail polish does not last on my fingers. Also, for some reason if I paint my nails I can’t do anything for like 2 hours while it dries or I’ll smudge it. So, I gave up.

    Still, it looks so pretty in the bottle!

    • kilax says:

      If you come to my house this weekend I am totally doing your nails… and we can see how long it lasts 🙂

  14. diane says:

    I love the look of neat nails with a natural polish (or glitzy for the weekend!). Unfortunately, I only have decent nails once every 3 months to even bother. Not because I bite either, but just because mine are so frail that they break off constantly. 🙁

  15. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I would love to wear nail polish, but someone more talented than myself would need to apply it 🙂

  16. Pam says:

    I looooooove having my nails done up nice, but I’m so rough on them at work. I have to keep them short because I’m constantly breaking them off if I let them get long. I paint them frequently, but it only looks good for a day or two before I chip them up.

    I absolutely think it’s appropriate for the office. I see nothing wrong with it at all!

  17. Courtney says:

    I love having my nails painted but the paint on my nails seems to chip so fast so I don’t ever paint them! Your nail polish looks so pretty though!! Do chips ever bother you?!?!
    I think nail polish in the office is fine as long as it’s not “crazy” or way over the top.

    • kilax says:

      I don’t mind if they wear down at the tips, but once I have a chip on the actual nail, I go bonkers and have to take the polish off immediately!

  18. Kelly says:

    As I’m writing this, I’m looking for a nail file because I just chewed/tore off what was left of one of my nails. I used to bite my nails really bad and then stopped in college. Now, with all the stress in my life, I always seem to go back to that bad habit when I’m having a bad week, etc. I should try to keep them painted again. That always helped.

    • kilax says:

      One of the things I bought this weekend was a bunch of nail files to keep all over the place so I wouldn’t tear/bite as much.

      Are you going to paint them?

  19. Susan says:

    I neverrrr paint my nails except for when a bridal party is getting nails done or something…my hands look like of gross (hang nails and such) and I think that polish looks really weird on them, even though I like it on other people.

    Plus, I’m terrible at trying to paint my nails myself, and I’m wayyyy to cheap to get a manicure every week or two.

  20. Etta says:

    I haven’t painted them too many times since G was born, but when I was working in the nursing home I’d paint them once every week or so. The old gals loved the bright colors. 🙂

  21. Bethany says:

    Nope, I very, very rarely paint my nails. My toenails are painted right now only because my little sister wanted to paint them over Christmas vacation. I don’t even own any nail polish!

  22. ChezJulie says:

    I’m in the camp that paints the toes but not the fingers. I either get a pedicure or do my own for the toes, but the fingers I think look fine just kept in an oval with no polish. The manicures just don’t last on me.

  23. RunningLaur says:

    I had my first manicure/pedicure in 9 years last week! I don’t frequently paint my nails because I hate when they chip (it seems to only take a day or so, boo) but I’ve been doing it more recently.
    I always have my toes painted, and I think all colors go for toes! My collection of nail polish is abysmal though – I have all of like 5 colors, and most of them are like 5 years old. Something to update!

  24. Mica says:

    …You’re supposed to keep your polish in the fridge? What???

    I really like painting my nails, but I use my hands so much that it chips and looks crappy almost immediately.

    I think that polish can look really professional in the workplace. I’m all for it! (Said from within the Ivory Tower…)

    • kilax says:

      I know! It’s weird right? But I have heard that time and time again.

      Maybe nail painting can be part of your dressing up once a week goal? Hey! I am still waiting for some pics 😉

      I painted my nails yesterday and they already chipped today because I was dealing with my stupid Yak Trax. LOL.

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