Training Week 120

By , February 5, 2012 6:05 pm

Day 834 | January 30, 2012: 6 m run (10×1 minute hard/1 minute recovery)

Two mile warm-up, followed by 10×1 minute hard/1 minute recovery, and 1.5 mile cool-down. 

The minute “hard” segments were at goal 5K pace – between 7:25-7:40. My minutes: 7:30, 7:29, 7:22, 7:22, 7:12, 7:14, 7:14, 7:18, 7:29, 7:08.

Felt okay while I was doing it, but have no idea how I will sustain that for an entire 5K (under) 23 minutes!

Distance: 6.0 | Start Temp: 41° | End Temp: 38° | Time: 52:07 | Avg Pace: 8:41

Day 835 | January 31, 2012: cross

Erin and I took the cardio kickboxing class together. I was feeling really strong, except for my stomach. I had a snack attack and the afternoon and that was not playing well with class. 

Day 836 | February 1, 2012: 6 m run (easy) + strength class

I was too tired to get out of bed in the morning to do my run so I did it right before strength class. 

Distance: 6.0 | Start Temp: 43° | End Temp: 37° | Time: 54:41 | Avg Pace: 9:07

In strength class we did stations with medicine balls, then used soft balls in between. I really like the soft balls – they are just big enough that it is challenging to grip one with one hand. We do all sorts of things with them – punches, side raises, squats… I have one soft ball of my own at home. I think it’s fun to toss it to someone while doing crunches. 

Day 837 | February 2, 2012: rest

Day 838 | February 3, 2012: 5.5 m run (easy)

I met Bobbi at the Rollins Savanna for a 5 mile (turned into 5.5 mile) run. I feel bad – Bobbi asked how things were at work and I let it all out. Then bitched about some other things. Thanks for listening, Bobbi! We went to Dunkin’ Donuts after our run for drinks (hence the awesome background in our photo).

I love Bobbi’s new haircut! I want to chop my hair off!!!

Oh! I almost forgot to mention – we saw a few coyotes while we were running. That was pretty cool (photo from Bobbi):

Distance: 5.5 | Start Temp: 31° | Time: 55:32 | Avg Pace: 10:06

In the late afternoon I had a personal strength training session at Brian’s. I thought it was pretty easy at first – just ketllebells, soft balls, and walking pushups (okay, that was not easy) – until Brian had me put on a weighted vest to do some moves again and some new ones!

Day 839 | February 4, 2012: 13 m run (easy w/last 2 miles @ MP)

My younger brother and his wife were visiting, so I woke up early to get my 13 miles in before we all started our day. Reminds of of long runs in the summer – waking up early to beat the heat! Only this time, it was in the 30s the entire run (which was quite nice). 

Not quite so nice – my stomach was in knots for this entire run. Hmm, maybe my trail mix is not doing me any favors. Bummer. Whatever was going on, I completed the run and ran my last two miles just under marathon pace (9:00mm) at 8:55 and 8:41. I am always amazed when I can pull those “fast” miles out after a long slow run, but I think I am just anxious to finish!

Distance: 13.0 | Start Temp: 36° | End Temp: 36° | Time: 2:12:15 | Avg Pace: 10:10

Day 840 | February 5, 2012: 5.5 m run (easy)

I cut .5 miles off of my scheduled 6 easy 6 miler to subtract for the .5 extra I ran on Friday. It felt so weird (in a good way) to be out running in the beginning of February, with no hat or gloves, a long sleeved tee, and capris. I had to dodge a lot of cars covering the sidewalks for this run. I think a lot of people were having parties to watch some football game?

Distance: 5.5 | Start Temp: 39° | End Temp: 35° | Time: 49:00 | Avg Pace: 8:55

Week Summary: 36.0 miles

20 Responses to “Training Week 120”

  1. bobbi says:

    What a great week! And so fun to run with you on Friday – I needed that one.

    I’m posting about this tomorrow, but I was way too excited to not share this with YOU first:

    No. Walking. Wahoo!

  2. Losing Lindy says:

    great job on your training!

  3. I love your “regular” training – i.e. not focused on marathon training. Although I would like to point out your MP pace is setting you up for a 3:55 marathon?!!!! AWESOME!!!!

  4. Michel says:

    I see the weighted vests but I think of two things when I see them. 1) Adding body weight after you’ve lost weight to show you how much of a difference it is. and 2) My Little one wears a weighted vest to regulate herself at home and school.

    • kilax says:

      I am ignorant (and curious) – how does the weighted vest help your daughter?

      • Michel says:

        It’s like being hugged for her.The weight is distributed around her belly and it feels good to her. I’m sure there’s a better explanation out there but the only thing I can say is if it she’s having a rough day and I show her the vest it’s an automatic calm down for her.

  5. Erin says:

    I discovered last summer that dried fruit + running is not a good combination for me. Maybe your system isn’t too thrilled with it either?

    And, hey, I had NO idea how I was going to sustain 9:00 minute miles for an entire 13.1 and I did it so I’m sure you can do your 5K just fine 🙂 Maybe I should pace you on the bike. Hmmm, that’s probably not allowed.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, I am wondering if my overall system cannot handle all of the dried fruit I’ve been eating. It’s hard to stop eating it (it’s so good!) so I put portions in smaller bags.

      I wish you could pace me on the bike! I bet I can find some people who are running that pace and use them as rabbits 🙂

  6. Kayla says:

    Way to go with another great week!:)

  7. Amy says:

    Ha ha – some football game! I can’t believe the mild weather you guys are having and we are getting slammed with this cold – too weird…

  8. The Linz says:

    !!! This is an amazing week. You rock Kim! Seriously, I’m so proud of all your hard work. I wish I could knock out a week like that with all those runs and cross training. I can’t get my balance it’s either cross or running.

  9. Kandi says:

    We had warm weather this week too. Crazy!
    And crazy that you saw coyotes while running!!!

  10. gina says:

    I am constantly amazed at all the energy you have! I like Bobbi’s new hair cut, too! Very cute!

  11. J says:

    You are getting faster and faster girly! Keep it up! I think this whole training plan is definitely working for you! I think 5ks are really hard to pace but I also think as you run them more and more you begin to learn how to pace them. Those 1 minute 5k paced runs may feel hard but I know you will be holding that pace for the 5k!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you for your encouragement!!! 🙂 And I do think I can do it for the 5K… I am just trying not to think about it too much now. It’s going to be painful! 🙂

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