5K Tunes

By , February 25, 2012 9:38 pm

Tomorrow is my goal 5K. All along, I thought I would just use whatever music is on my old MP3 player, as I had not figured out how to put music on my iPhone yet. 

iTunes scares me

But! Today I was inspired! I decided I needed some good tunes to push me through the pain of a 5K!

I downloaded them on iTunes and got them on my phone all by myself. This means a lot for the girl who asks her husband for help* with everything.

Celebration in order!

Do you run with or without music for a 5K?

I am pro-music for a 5K, especially, since my coach pointed out, it will block out those 20 mph winds. Yee haw!

*read, to do everything

10 Responses to “5K Tunes”

  1. carol says:

    Good luck!!

  2. Losing Lindy says:

    good luck! I can’t wait to hear how you did! Remember you are super strong, and super fast! You can do it!

  3. Amy says:

    Definitely with music! Although my fastest 5K I ran with my nephew who was complaining the whole way that it was too fast and he couldn’t do it – go figure!
    Good luck!!!

  4. Kandi says:

    I’ve never raced with music before. Not even for a 5k. Good luck on your race though you may have already run it.

  5. Courtney Ilax says:

    Kim! I loved the video. OMG I laughed so hard but so wished I could of been there to dance with you. 🙂

  6. Courtney says:

    Kim- you crack me up!!! Good luck today!! I know you can do it!! I can’t wait to hear how it goes!!!

  7. abbi says:

    Hope you had a great 5K! I’m a fan of music for pretty much any distance…when it’s allowed!

  8. Hope it went well!!! This video cracks me up, I love it! 🙂

  9. Marcia says:

    Look at your header! I’m guessing you PRd in a big way. Look at you slice through the wind with those karate hands. Cannot wait to hear all about it.
    I just stopped running with an iPhone + Shuffle last week. Redundant much? Plus I created my first playlist with no help from the peanut gallery. Color me proud.

  10. J says:

    Hope the race went well!! I hope the winds weren’t too bad! I haven’t run with music in a long time – even on the treadmill because I have been using the treadmill with my running buddy so we talk instead.

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