The weird things I photograph

By , February 28, 2012 6:36 am

Yesterday I was showing someone pictures of my lunch (the Oklahoma Bacon Cheeseburger from Native Foods, sub Chicken) and they very outrightly proclaimed how weird it was that I took pictures of my food.

Oh, honey. If you could only see all the weird things I take pictures of. Really. Wow.

Any good looking meal, I am going to take a picture so I can send it to Steven (or post it here!). If I see some random thing that strikes me as funny, I will take a picture. Fashion ideas on random people… yes (and yes, fashion faux pas, which I amย very guilty of being one). Any injury, funny cut, bruise, gross blister… somewhere I still have a picture of when I had over 100 mosquito bites on me… mostly on my butt. I could name many more random things…

I don’t want to ever regret not taking a photo. And one of my biggest fears is losing my digital photos. So yes, the random photos are important to me too.

And now that I have a smart phone, and taking and sending (admittedly, lower quality) photos is even easier, I don’t think my habits will be changing anytime soon!

What are the random/odd things you are photographing? Or, are you more reserved with photography?

27 Responses to “The weird things I photograph”

  1. carol says:

    I take a lot of weird photos. My cell phone automatically uploads anything I take on it to Google Plus (into a Picassa file).

    • kilax says:

      Do you like that? A blogger I read recently said how upset he was that his phone does that without him telling it to.

      • carol says:

        You can turn it on or off. I like it because I use it as backup. There are photos that I just end up deleting but sometimes there are photos I want to keep too.

  2. gina says:

    DELETE THAT! Hahaha : ) I’ve been known to take a picture of a thousand chick peas on the street just so I could send it to someone…

  3. Kelsey says:

    that’s one of the perks of being a blogger you get to take photos of EVERYTHING. and of course lots of pictures of yourself ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. OMG, that burger looks DELICIOUS!!! I want to go to there. I take pictures of my food sometimes, mainly if I actually make something to eat.

    Also, I would be most sad if I lost all the photos I have of my dog. I mean, I have like a thousand probably, but I love all of them!

  5. Kandi says:

    Oh man! Is that vegan?? It looks insanely delicious… you’re making me hungry!
    I take pictures of my food sometimes, especially if it is really good or I made it (or most likely, both).

  6. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I am obsessed with taking pictures of signs. Like road signs, billboards, etc. Kind of like proof that sometimes i go places ๐Ÿ™‚ and how did you like native foods? i have been meaning to go!

    • kilax says:

      Cool! Have you shared some of those pics on your blog?

      Oh gosh. How do I like Native Foods. Hmm. Well, they have a reward card when you get 1 point for every dollar spent, and at 200 points you get $10 back. I am at 160 points. Yeah. Yikes.

      Everyone wants to go there, so I have been a lot and they have a ton of amazing dishes! My coworker and I have a menu that we are marking up with our 1-5 rating of everything. It’s great!

  7. Melissa says:

    I also like taking pictures of signs or even more specifically funny/weird things that people put on their cars, including personalized license plates. One time last year I came back from a run and the car’s plate said “FNCLASY”!!!! Ummm…not so much! But the funnier(?) thing about this is that the car was in my work parking lot, which is gated and only for people in my company. Sooo…yeah. The car is *always* in the lot now and I’m hoping that I will see the owner of the car one day! I actually saw a car similar to that (it’s very distinctive) out driving this weekend and I thought “ooo I wonder if that’s FNCLASY!” but no such luck haha

  8. Honestly, I have seen a huge surge in people photographing their food for facebook and stuff. And these are non-food bloggers we’re talking about!

    Since I got my iphone, i won’t lie. The most random things end up in my pic gallery.

  9. Erin says:

    I so rarely think to pull my phone out and take a picture! I love that you take pics of everything, though.

  10. martymankins says:

    I’m a food photo shooter. Not everything, but enough to warrant me getting some looks.

    My iPhone has me taking more pics lately.

  11. I take a lot of picturs of my dog – as you know. ๐Ÿ™‚ And when I make something at home I take like 30+ shots of the finished product. I don’t keep them all obviously, but still – my photography has gotten a bit out of control. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. I used to be more reserved with photographing, but now I’m really not. Although I did wait until no one was looking today when I took a picture if those Reece’s eggs at the grocery store! But I have no problem photographing my food any more.

  13. ChezJulie says:

    My husband thinks it’s bizarre that I take pictures of food. But I know that I’m not alone! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. I try to take photos. And then I try to post them. I’d say I’m about 50% successful at both.

    What did you think of that sandwich? I’ve been falling in love with the Native Foods by me (in Wicker Park), but I think the Oklahoma burger-or at least the seitan- was my least favorite. I think I’ve been 3 times in the last month.

    • kilax says:

      The sandwich was really good! The only problem is that it was so big it was hard to eat (not stomach size wise, but getting it in my hand)! I did not have the seitan on it – the waiter recommended the soy based chicken substitute.

      I have been to Native Foods a ton since it opened and tried a lot of their stuff! I love their wraps!

  15. J says:

    I take so many weird pictures. Lately I feel like i Have more pictures of food and running stuff than actual people.

  16. Laura says:

    That sandwich looks amazing!! YUM! I hope you enjoyed it :-).

  17. Rachael says:

    I have started to take more pictures of food and running things and I find people giving me the dirtiest looks! In restaurants I try to quickly take the photo so no one sees me and judges me! haha

    • kilax says:

      Unless you are taking picture of other people or their food, I see no reason for the dirty looks! ๐Ÿ™‚

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