Obligatory first burn of the year post

By , March 18, 2012 10:29 pm

One of the lazy parts of my run this morning I did not mention – no sunscreen. 

I was going to make a big deal about getting this burnt (burned?) on March 18 (so early in the year1), but the truth is, you can be an idiot like this any time of year. And looking at my blog posts from last year showed me that I did this on April 10, 2011 – which is not too far away. So, let’s move on to more important things – 

Can anyone recommend a type of sunscreen that does not block all my sweat and make me feel worse?

I am big on sunscreen, but not so much when I am running, because I sweat so much and sunscreen doesn’t let the sweat leave my skin. Long runs > skin cancer (sarcasm).

I’ve been off of Google Reader for a whole week! Eek! I’ll catch up soon…

30 Responses to “Obligatory first burn of the year post”

  1. Melissa says:

    OUCH! I am in pain just looking at that! Unfortunately I have no good recommendations on running sunscreen b/c I have what sounds like a similar problem. (I sweat too much, I feel like my skin is suffocating, etc) Hope you feel better soon!

  2. carol says:

    Now that looks like it’s gonna hurt! I’ve heard people complain about sun screen blocking sweat. I just use an SPF 90 on my face (below eyes only since hat covers forehead and I don’t want it to drip in my eyes) and a SPF 50 on my neck, exposed part of chest and upper (sometimes lower)arms (but not underside). Don’t seem to need it for my legs. Seems to work for me.

  3. The Linz says:

    Ooouch!! This looks like it hurts! I just use whatever sunscreen I can find and have not even thought about the sweat factor. Though now that you mention it, I should probably think more about that, lol.

  4. Amy says:

    Jeez! That looks painful!

  5. Losing Lindy says:

    I love a product called “Insurance”. It is made by California Sun to help heal your burn.

    I use coppertone sport spray for V and I.

  6. cindy says:

    Check with your running store, they may carry sun screen for runners. Gosh that looks painful.

  7. Pam Fench says:

    Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!!! I just had a hot flash just looking at that photo! Ouch!!!!!

  8. Michel says:

    ow. I just use the spf50 stuff we get for the kids. which is just the stuff that was on clearance at Target. Oh and FYI if you go to the end caps of Target right now they have lotions on clearance because they expire in the summer.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks for the heads up! I have to go to Target tonight since they effed something up yesterday when I went 🙂

  9. Scape!!!! It’s kind of pricey but it is amazing! And I just noticed now that Data is on a leash in your last posting…silly cat!

  10. gina says:

    I’m sending you to the time out chair, missy!

  11. Gingerfoxxx says:

    hey there twinsie! we have matching sunburns 😀 (if you find that sunblock, let me know!)

  12. shelley says:

    owieee crazy girl 🙂

  13. Ouch! I had to learn my lesson the hard way with burns. I like the Nutrogena Sport spray sunscreen knockoff at Walgreen’s! It seems to not sweat off but also does not block me from sweating!

  14. bobbi says:

    Ouch!! It is too early in the season to need to be running early enough to avoid these shenanigans!

  15. Oiy, Kim! We were outside a ton this weekend, too, but somehow managed to avoid getting burned. I guess having a toddler makes me a little more wary (crazy) about the sun. =)

    I don’t have a specific recommendation, but do a search on EWG and sunscreen. They do a lot of research and rate sunscreens. Once you have a few good recommendations, it’s probably worth finding out what EWG has to say about them.

  16. Kelly says:

    That is a serious sunburn! Try taking an oatmeal bath to soothe the sting.

  17. Erin says:

    I’m bad and don’t wear sunscreen while running either. Thankfully I seem to have avoided burns. But I should probably still wear sunscreen! Do you think something more like a lotion would work better than the spray stuff?

    • kilax says:

      I wonder. I actually thought the spray was better than the generic lotion but maybe a workout specific lotion would be ok?

  18. Ouch! I’m fortunate to have a reminder of a fiance. I love the Coppertone Sport that he helps keep stocked so there’s no excuses on not using it. I wear SPF 50 on anywhere that gets sun, and it’s good on my face too.

  19. Marcia says:

    Ouchie! I second the motion for Scape. What I do though is get out really early when the sun is low. My non running sunscreen is neutrogena spray stuff.

  20. martymankins says:

    Sounds like this Scape stuff is the best. I’ve had really good luck with the Bull Frog brand for most uses.

    Hope that heals soon.

  21. Laura says:

    Hope your burn didnt hurt too bad. I like the neutrogena spray in the blue bottle. It works and doenst seem to block me sweating. It smells pretty good too!! It sounds like you had an amazing week of friends and running!! Hope you have a great week.

  22. Mica says:

    Oh Kim, ow ow ow! That looks so painful!

    I like coppertone sport because it doesn’t burn when it runs in my eyes.

  23. RunningLaur says:

    I’m late to the party, but I tend to use spray sunscreens because I’m much more likely to put them on before a run.
    Coppertone turns really gritty on me, so I don’t recommend that. The Target brand spray has been working really well, but it has A TON of overspray, so I think I can only apply it outside. There’s a layer of it on my bathroom floor and walls and door that doesn’t want to come up.
    My brother swears by Bull Frog brand.

  24. Susan says:

    As a burn nurse, I saw the title of this post and cringed…sunscreen for future use, aloe STAT!

    • kilax says:

      Sorry to scare you like that! Do you treat people for stuff like this too? I didn’t think so but now I am wondering!

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