Men’s Shoes

By , March 24, 2012 4:32 pm

This morning I rode the train to the city with two fun bloggers (Bobbi and Katie)

(photo taken on the way back home as they added their new running friends on Facebook)

met up with Erin to walk to “the Bean”

Me, Erin, Bobbi, Katie

met a blogger I knew (Kelly) and two new bloggers (Maggie and Rachael) for a fun 3 mile run, 

Back row: Bobbi, Erin, Rachael, Maggie, Kelly; Front row: Me and Katie

followed by meeting a celebrity blogger (Kelsey) at the expo (totally got her autograph!)

and lunch with everyone plus Sara (minus Erin who had to leave early).

Me, Katie, Sara, Kelsey, Bobbi, Kelly, Rachael, Maggie. Photo credit: Kelly. 

 You know what this means, right? I just added a bunch more asterisks to bloggers I have met on my blogroll! Boo yeah!

Actually, this means I am kind of bummed because there was a big group of us and three hours is hardly enough chat time! Let’s get together again ladies! Maybe next time for an even longer run, with even more bloggers!

Thanks to Chicago Running Bloggers (Maggie) for organizing this meetup! Chicagoland bloggers – follow that blog if you aren’t already! It’s a great way to find local bloggers. 

It’s interesting, I found a lot of these people’s blogs (Kelly, Maggie, Katie, Sara, Kelsey) right in the beginning of 2012, and they are some of my favorite bloggers. They’re just fun to read… and now I know to be around!

Oh! Where does the title fit in to this post?!

I saw these at the expo. And had to have them. 

It’s not a secret that I love orange. And now it’s not a secret that I own a pair of men’s running shoes. 

They are the same make as mine (Asics Gel Cumulus), and they fit and feel great. I should be okay… right? RIGHT? Ha ha ha. 

Seriously, I crave those bright colored running shoes that usually only come in racing flats or Newtons (which I want to try). I love bright colors. And I LOVE orange. LOVE it. 

Do you wish for flashier colors in regular running shoes? Would you ever buy a pair of running shoes that were made for the opposite sex?

26 Responses to “Men’s Shoes”

  1. Losing Lindy says:

    I have huge feet, so I can easily wear Men’s shoes. I couldn’t make it to the event, for many is my sidekick doesn’t run fast and whines 😉

  2. Susan says:

    Love the Chicago running bloggers and the bean picture…so fun!

    I’m often jealous of men’s shoes and clothing because I like the colors much better. Women’s clothing tends to stick to pink/purple/pastels and I like the men’s colors better. However, I think the shoes would be too big…

  3. Kelly says:

    So sorry I missed this meet up! Those are some hot shoes, too.

  4. Erin says:

    I had so much fun this morning and really wished I didn’t need to leave early!

    I’ve never bought men’s shoes but I did buy boy’s shoes, once. My MIL told me that some of the larger boy’s shoe sizes are similar to smaller women’s sizes. I get tired of so many women’s running shoes only coming in blue!

  5. Maggie says:

    I would love shoes in fun colors (but not pink!) but so far the shoes that fit me best come in pretty boring colors.

    I had so much fun meeting everyone today!!!! Can’t wait for our next meet-up. Whenever that is.

  6. Michel says:

    I thought of you guys this am as I was driving in the rain into the city. I’m sorry I missed you guys!

    The shoe colors! Man I thought I would like bright colors on shoes until I tried on a pair of bright blue shoes in January. ow. Man it was a difference!

    Are you racing tomorrow?

  7. Pete B says:

    I have never worn women’s RUNNING shoes. Then again, if I’m going out dancing at the discothèque with my work buddies, that’s a different story. 🙂

  8. Ian says:

    Looks like I missed another Kimbot meet. I was at the expo both days in the PM working at the Clif Bar booth. Today (Sat) we was slammed. People like the free samples.

    • kilax says:

      I stopped by CLIF in the am! I was hoping for actual samples to take home 😉 😉 🙂 Sorry I missed you!

  9. Amy says:

    That is so cool you got to meet up with all those fellow bloggers!
    When I first started running, I ran in a pair of men’s Nikes. I don’t think it should make a difference, really. If the shoe fits…

  10. OHHH! Love the new photo!

  11. I love meeting other bloggers. They’re some of my favorite people.
    I haven’t ever bought men’s running shoes, but theres really no reason why I wouldn’t if they fit. Whatever works right?

  12. bobbi says:

    I had so much fun 🙂

  13. Kelsey says:

    SO great meeting you!! Keep that autograph in a safe place. The value is going up as we speak.

    • kilax says:

      I put it on eBay and the bidding is already up to $200!!!

      JK, you know I have it framed on my nightstand 🙂

  14. Anne says:

    Fleet Feet had me trying on TONS of mens shoes when I was in the market for a new pair a few months back. I wear a size 10 in womens and my feet are a bit on the wider side, so the fit was definitely better than most womens shoes. I did end up buying a pair of womens Brooks, but I’m definitely not opposed to men’s shoes.

    • kilax says:

      Which Brooks did you end up in ? I wear 10 in dress shoes and 11 in running shoes and used to wear the Adrenaline. Until I found out it was totally the wrong shoe for my feet!

      • Anne says:

        I have the Adrenaline GTS 12. After years of wearing the wrong shoes, these are definitely good for my feet. I’ve also paired them with Smart Soles inserts to help correct some pronating.

  15. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I’ve never bought anything at an expo, are there good deals??

    • kilax says:

      Not especially. The GUs and bars and all that stuff is more than you pay in stores. There was not a big shoe discount (but there was some previously worn shoe booth that had cheap stuff). The race themed clothing is expensive too. I think there are a few bargain things, but not much!

  16. martymankins says:

    Wel, you already know I’m an Asics fan (and have been for well over 15 years now). Flashy colors are not my thing. My Asics are white and blue mostly (my newest pair also have some black in them).

    I prefer the men’s shoes and would never buy a pair for women’s. Too small and not fit for my foot.

  17. The Linz says:

    Love those shoes!! I would totally buy running shoes based on color. I wish they made them more crazy honestly. And now that I work at a running store, I will be able to fill up my closet a little bit easier. YAY! Sounds like a fun blogger meetup!!!

    • kilax says:

      So do you think they would ever sale men’s shoes to a woman at your store?

      • The Linz says:

        YES! I’ve never really asked the protocol on this as I’ve read there are structural differences in men’s and women’s shoes…but I actually did sell a men’s shoe to a woman the other day no questions asked. She specifically said she needed it to be a men’s shoe. She was a firefighter or something. So there ya go! Come to GA and I’ll get you hooked up~!

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