Homemade Cheese

By , April 10, 2012 4:34 am

Steven acted quickly on turning our fresh milk in to homemade cheese! He spent time Saturday researching how to do it then jumped right in on Sunday. 

The way we did it is actually pretty simple!

Boil a gallon of milk and stir it occasionally. 

Right before it boils, add 1/4th cup vineager. 

Boil for a minute then turn off heat. Stir until it curdles. 

Pour over a cheesecloth in to a bowl.

Squeeze out excess water to desired moisture level. 

Season with salt. 

Make in to the shape you want.

Refrigerate it!

And enjoy!

It took about thirty minutes and Steven really liked the way it turned out (except it didn’t melt when he used it on the pizza, so he is going to work on that next)!

Have you ever made your own cheese?

28 Responses to “Homemade Cheese”

  1. Kandi says:

    We made homemade ricotta before. Basically the same steps you mention only we used lemon juice instead of vinegar. It was delicious!

  2. I used to make my own cheese all the time but I used a rennet that said it wasn’t from animals. I always thought maybe they were lying so I kind of stopped using it and didn’t buy any more when I ran out. Now that I see you can use vinegar, maybe I’ll try that.

  3. So cool!

    Now…just figure out how to make vegan cheese! That is something on my project list!

  4. It worked!!! What kind of cheese did it taste like? Farmer’s Cheese?

  5. Emily says:

    I’ve made homemade ricotta cheese before using lemon juice and milk, and I enjoy jazzing it up to taste with Italian herbs and other seasonings. =) It’s so much fun to make homemade food dishes! That pizza looks delicioso, too!

  6. Kelsey says:

    yum! I’ve been wanting to make homemade cheese for a while!

    i love your new banner!

  7. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I REALLY want to do this now! i love making things from scratch!!

  8. Michel says:

    I’m always amazed at those who can make their own cheese! Interesting!

  9. shelley says:

    OMG i’ve never seen anyone do that..how cool is that!!!!

  10. Making my own cheese is something I’ve wanted to do forever. Considering how much I love cheese, it seems like making my own would be a logical thing to do.

  11. Melie says:

    My grandmother used to make cheese from time to time from fresh cows milk and more often greek yogurt. It’s really easy if a little bit time consuming. I kind of hate the smell, so I never tried to do it myself.

  12. Kelly says:

    Impressive! I’d love to give it a try.

  13. Wow! Thats pretty awesome! DId it say how you can get different flavors of cheese?

    • kilax says:

      Maybe use something other than vinegar? Or let it age differently? We don’t know, lol 🙂

  14. Marcia says:

    How cool! It has never occurred to me to make cheese. Looks good though!

  15. Kayla says:

    Sweet. I have never thought about making my own cheese. Looks like it turned out pretty good 🙂

  16. Christina says:

    My husband made cheese a few times and it is so delish. I may have to ask him to make it again

  17. cindy says:

    When I went to Italy to cook they had a shepard come to show us how to make cheese. He had us all soak our feet in the whey that was left and it really did soften them.

  18. Amy says:

    Wow! I love that he used vinegar and not rennet to curdle his cheese so that it is vegetarian. The ironic thing is, my best friend from the U of I (and mother of my godchild) just did a post of how she made her own goat cheese on her blog – maybe Steven wants to check it out? http://locabusylocavore.blogspot.com/

  19. Erin says:

    So…why didn’t it melt?? I guess I know nothing about cheese!

    • kilax says:

      I guess it may have had too much moisture, and it has something to do with the way the fats grab each other? Too much vinegar? (LOL, Steven is dictating to me on the phone)

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