
By , June 6, 2012 5:40 am

Why am I bringing the Sipper-Saurus to work today?

Well, there can only be one answer to that question – I am bringing it in for my favorite coworker, with whom I have a t-rex inside joke.

Steven does not understand why the t-rex inside joke is funny*. Of course he doesn’t. It’s an inside joke. It’s only really funny between me and my coworker. And maybe even she is a bit sick of it… hmm. Nah. She just sent me a t-rex comic in an email yesterday! Surely, she is still interested! Surely!!!

Unfortunately, most of my humor seems to be inside jokes, followed by inappropriate jokes, situational jokes, or me making fun of myself… which means most of the time I am the only one laughing at me. Just kidding! I am like the Most Interesting Man in the World – I have inside jokes with complete strangers.**

What’s your goofiest inside joke?

*And at first said no to spending $2 on the Sipper-Saurus until we saw it in another aisle of the store and I told him it was a sign that I MUST purchase it.
**Steven said this is not the case, and that I in fact make so little sense that he has had to secretly start a blog called “ilaxSTUDIO Explained” to explain what the hell I am talking about in each post so people will come back and leave comments. I didn’t know you were all reading another blog to understand this one! Thanks, guys!!!

18 Responses to “Inside”

  1. kandi says:

    I have a lot of inside jokes as well and I love them.
    My best friend and I have many that range from quarters, to boats, to hot dogs.

  2. gina says:

    I have a newly minted inside joke that may involve a certain disease…

  3. bobbi says:

    John and I have so many inside jokes that it can be annoying for other people to be around us. NOT that that stops us from laughing like dorks 🙂

  4. Kristina says:

    Yes to inside jokes! I have a bottle of hand lotion that was a present from a student – it looks nice but is really stinky. It’s been going back and forth between 3 different people (including myself) for the past 2 years, mysteriously appearing or being included in a gift.
    I think that it’s your obligation to keep the joke going!

  5. Kelsey says:

  6. Erin says:

    Inside jokes are a great sign that you’ve really connected with someone!

    My problem is that I tend to forget them if they don’t get brought up on a regular basis. Not sure why my brain can’t remember fun stuff like that!

  7. I think that about 90% of my jokes are only funny to me – I’m ok with that though because I think I’m freaking hilarious.
    I’m not sure if I have any inside jokes. I’m sure I must – but nothing comes to mind. Unless of course you count random jokes about 50 Shades with my friends. Those would only make sense to people that read the books.

  8. Kelly says:

    T-Rex hates push ups.

  9. Emily says:

    Ooooh, wish I could get the scoop on the t-rex joke, it sounds like it was hilarious!

    Inside jokes are the best. Especially when you’re playing board games like Taboo or Pictionary where you need to be able to communicate things to your teammates without doing so outright. =D My husband and I have a ton of inside jokes based on our shared love for things like hockey, the Food Network, and Disney. People that see us randomly giggling at things probably think we’re complete dorks! LOL

    • kilax says:

      Ooo, that is such a good point. That is probably why I rock at those games when I play with Steven! I am like “remember the time that I saw a turtle?” And he’s all “FORK!” (made-up example)

      We have a program at work that reminds us of the word t-rex. So everytime we get an email about it (and we get A LOT) we are like “Rarw! T-rex!” It’s been going on for over a year now 🙂

  10. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I don’t even need to know the joke to want that sippy cup.

  11. I don’t think you need to understand the inside joke to understand why everyone needs a Sipper Saurus!

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