Friday Question #198

By , June 29, 2012 7:08 am

Did you keep a hand-written journal when you were growing up? If yes, do you still have them?

I sure did. But my journals were so embarrassing, and I was so stupid, I threw them all away, except for one. I kind of hated high school and don’t have any desire to remember it!

The journal I did keep was the travel journal from when my dad and I went to Spain in  2002 (with some of my Spanish class and my awesome Spanish teacher). I keep that one because I didn’t blog then, and it’s a really good reminder of all the fun stuff we did.

Up for the sunrise in Torremolinos

I loved Spain! We did one of those 10-day tours where you hit up a bunch of different cities. We saw so much! We didn’t make it to Barcelona on that trip, but I went there in 2006 when I lived in Rome. I hope I get to go to Spain with Steven someday!

14 Responses to “Friday Question #198”

  1. maggie says:

    Yes, and I wrote in them pretty consistently through jr high and high school. I still have them but don’t read them because they are embarrasing. Once I discovered blogging (with livejournal, my freshman year of college) I wrote in a paper journal less and less. I still keep a paper journal but write in it maybe once every month or two, when something is on my mind that I don’t want to share with the blogosphere.

  2. kandi says:

    I did keep a hand-written journal through high school and partially into college. I still have them but I really want to get rid of them. No need to read all that crap I wrote back in the day. It was mostly about boys and stupid stuff anyway.
    I really wish I had the motivation to keep a hand-written journal these days. I know I have the blog but I would like to write some things down and not share them with the internets. I just haven’t found the motivation for it yet.

  3. gina says:

    I want to go to Spain/Portugal really bad! Wish I could you read your long lost journals!

    I never kept a journal. Blogging was my first foray into sharing my thoughts with the world.

  4. Anne says:

    I kept journals up through about 2007 or so, when I met my now-fiance. I was actually just reading through the ones I wrote when I first graduated from college and moved to Chicago. They were mostly discussing boy problems, so it makes sense that I’d stop writing once I met a nice one. They are, as others have noted, totally embarrassing, but it’s kind of fun to get inside my younger self’s head 🙂

  5. ChezJulie says:

    Yes, I also kept journals from high school and into college. Mine also talked a lot about boys (and music) and seem embarrassing to me now. I have all of them (about four) still, and they do help me to remember things I surely would have forgotten. Also to remember how young and naive I was! I should find a good page and scan it for my blog. 🙂

  6. Marlene says:

    I always keep a hand written journal – currently I have five! I’m inconsistent, but always go back to it. Thankfully, those from my youth have been destroyed – PHEW!. Happy Friday Kim!

  7. Emily says:

    Oh my gosh! I did keep a handwritten journal when I was growing up (many different versions of them – notebooks, little books that said “My First Diary” on them, etc., etc.). I never wanted anyone to see what I wrote so I was very careful about hiding the evidence. But then I read through them years later and was so embarrassed at my dorkyness. So likewise I threw them away, too!

    What I do now sometimes is I will journal on my computer using Microsoft Word, but then when I am finished I will close the document without saving it. Therefore, I get the therapeutic benefit of journaling without having to worry about it getting into the wrong hands later on!

    Torremolinos, what a gorgeous picture! I was in southern Spain when my husband and I were on vacation, but we didn’t stop in Torremolinos. Spain is so beautiful, though, isn’t it? Sigh.

  8. Pete B says:

    I’ve always wanted to go to Barcelona ever since I saw the movie “Barcelona” by Whit Stillman. It’s about a couple of Chicagoans living in Barcelona in the 1980s. They are driving down some boulevard in Barcelona, and one of the guys says “This is the Michigan Avenue of Barcelona”. At the end of the movie he says something like: “Barcelona and Chicago never looked more beautiful that summer, so I took direct flights, bypassing Madrid and New York completely.” As he is saying this, they show a great shot of the skyline from the Fullerton Ave. bridge. One of those magical movie moments, at least for me!

  9. Erin says:

    I had a diary that I kind of wrote in but never very much. In high school, though, my friend Carrie and I had a notebook that we passed back and forth that was kind of like our shared journal. I suppose it was blogging before there was blogging!

  10. kapgar says:

    I didn’t while growing up but I have been writing in Moleskines for nearly the past decade. Not always journal entries, but also sketches, notes, shopping lists, blog post ideas, anything. I do still have them too.

  11. Melie says:

    I’ve never had a handwritten journal. I’ve been keeping a handwritten agenda with my appointments and to do lists though for the longest time. It doesn’t have an alarm function but I always found it more convenient than my phone’s calendar.

  12. Etta says:

    I did keep journals when I was younger. They’ve definitely been destroyed, though. Embarrassing!

  13. J says:

    I used to but about this time last year I just stopped because I didnt have time. I was on a really good streak tho.

  14. martymankins says:

    I wrote some things down, but never kept a journal. There was a two year period of my life that I did keep a journal and I still have those.

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