Losing my edge

By , July 2, 2012 8:48 am

A few weeks ago I barely managed to ride six roller coasters at Six Flags with Gina (before feeling like I was going to throw up).

This weekend, I only went on the rope swing at the beach three times. And each time my heart rate rose, and I got all shaky. And I never even tried jumping from the very top step. 

Gosh, I think Steven may have even gone on it more times than me!

It’s official. I’m an old, boring geezer. At the age of 27. Don’t bother to invite me anywhere, folks. I am going to sit inside my house. Knitting a sweater. For my cat. A sweater for a cat with cats knitted on it. First, I just need to learn how to knit. 

Wait! Maybe I am just maturing? Wanting to take care of myself? Yeah! YEAH! That’s it. 

Okay, not really. Because the last time I went off this rope swing I kind of messed up and landed too shallow and hurt my legs a bit. We’ll see how that all ends up. I may ignore it because I am determined to end the Fourth of July Curse this year (I realize riding this rope swing and encouraging family to do so does not help end the curse). 

On a side note, the things people come up with to do on these beaches on the Mississippi River blows my mind. In 2009, there was a man-made water slide at another beach. Many of you have probably not been following my blog long enough to know that that last time I went on this slide, I injured myself when landing (there was a ramp at the end, of course). I pulled a bunch of ligaments or something in my right wrist and that arm was not very functional for several weeks. Ha ha. 

So maybe I just need to work on my landing!

I should do that today!

19 Responses to “Losing my edge”

  1. gina says:

    Give me a push when I go on the rope swing, ok?

    We’ll keep in low key when you come to NYC. I’ll push you around in Luca’s stroller.

  2. I stayed in on Friday and Saturday night, watching the track trials and cleaning. Does that make me an old geezer too?

  3. kandi says:

    That rope swing looks fun! Glad nobody got seriously injured on your trip this year. Hope your legs are ok!

    • kilax says:

      It was a lot of fun! It kind of reminded me of the fear of jumping out of an airplane (on a lot smaller level) – you are afraid to jump then have fun after you do 🙂

  4. Erin says:

    As fun as that looks from over here, I don’t know if I’d be brave enough to try it! So, you’re at least braver than me. But be careful!

  5. Xaarlin says:

    If you’re an old geezer at the ripe old age of 27, then what does that make me? I’ll be 30 in a few days!!!

  6. Emily says:

    Sorry to hear about the shallow-water landing hurting your legs. =( I wish you a speedy recovery!!!

    LOL, your comment about “working on your landing” made me think of how all the Olympic commentators for gymnastics and diving always fixate on landings!

    I totally get the “taking better care of yourself” thing, too (and I’ll be 34 in less than 2 weeks). I get motion sickness just riding on a CTA bus. And this past Saturday I went to bed at 9:00 PM so I could wake up at 5:30 AM yesterday morning to go running. Way to tear it up on a summertime weekend. What a party animal I am, eh? =D

  7. Melie says:

    oh no! knitting? don’t you know that real badass old ladies do crochet? ;-P

  8. Aw, I bet Data will look super cute in a sweater with cuts on it! When you learn to knit, that is! 😉

    Don’t fret – I’m sorta a big wimp when it comes to doing things that may physcially harm my body. I’m a huge klutz so I know that chances of me injuring myself on something like a rope swing are pretty high!

  9. Marcia says:

    I used to be a roller coaster maniac! Now I’ll ride them but my head gets all dizzy. Nothing puke worthy but I think the vestibular system changes as life goes on. The rope wing looks fun though–I’d definitely be on it.

  10. Oh dang. I am a disaster! Starting a few years ago – possibly when I was 27, I started to get motion sickness! I feel like such a wuss! Driving in the mountains, boat rides through choppy water, and some amusement park rides…they make me sick!! Luckily I just get a headache and very sleepy which is better than nauseous I suppose, but it does make me feel very un-adventurous!!!

  11. Mica says:

    I am such an old geezer and have been FOREVER. Let’s sit in a house and knit Data sweaters together.

  12. ChezJulie says:

    Just got around to reading this! Will you make me a sweater with cats on it for MY cat? And maybe a matching one for me? 🙂

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