Training Week 145

By , July 29, 2012 7:10 pm

Highlight of the Week: Chasing some club members for my long run Saturday. I couldn’t keep their pace, but it was nice to have other people around for that many miles. 

Monday | July 23, 2012: rest
Tuesday | July 24, 2012: 8 m run
Loc: Around Town, Temp: 79°/80°, Time: 1:21:35, Pace: 10:12 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: great
Wednesday | July 25, 2012: strength class
Strength: Weighted bars and medicine balls, Difficulty: medium, Felt: a bit pukey
Thursday | July 26, 2012: 7 m run
Loc: Grant Woods F.P., Temp: 80°/79°, Time: 1:13:45, Pace: 10:32 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: decent enough 
Friday | July 27, 2012: strength + 4 m run
Strength: dumbbells/plyo, Difficulty: medium, Felt: challenged
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 77°/76°, Time: 44:04, Pace: 11:01, Difficulty: medium, Felt: so achey
Saturday | July 28, 2012: 20 m run (w/GRC)
Loc: Around Lindenhurst, Temp: 64°/74°, Time: 3:55:47, Pace: 11:47 avg, Difficulty: hard, Felt: like death on my legs
Sunday | July 29, 2012: rest

Lessons learned:

  • Maybe run less hills. Every run this week was hilly. Maybe that is not so good for me, until I get more used to them. 
  • There’s a lesson in here, somewhere, about strength training, but I am not sure what it is. My IT bands started to hurt Thursday night. They were really sore during my Friday afternoon run. On Saturday morning I could not sit down without bracing myself – my IT bands, quads and butt were so sore. On Sunday I started to feel a bit better. I am not sure WHAT I did in class on Wednesday night – maybe it was just that I didn’t work with my trainer last week and this week was a shock to my body? Or maybe I just worked that hard in class? Who knows. Either way, I could NOT get my legs moving for my long run Saturday. They were just too sore. The run took me forever. BUT – I plan to run the 50K at a slower pace than that run, so maybe it’s okay? We’ll see if I can get the pace down a bit on my next 20+ run. 

8 Responses to “Training Week 145”

  1. abbi says:

    Great week, hope the legs feel ok after the 20 Mildred. Looks like some tough workouts in there

  2. Pam says:

    Hahaha… Mildred… gotta love autocorrect.

    Great mileage week! Sorry about your IT bands. 🙁 That sucks. Hope you’re feeling better!

  3. Mica says:

    Oof, four solid runs on hills? You’re beasting it!!

    50K!!! Wow! Lady, you’re on fire! Hope your IT band feels better soon.

  4. Erin says:

    Sore legs just means they’re getting stronger afterward, right? Right?

    You look so miserable in the Friday run photo. Did you make that face on purpose?

    • kilax says:

      I did not need to make that face on purpose. I had to go to the bathroom for the last mile of my run and felt uncredibly uncomfortable 🙁

  5. Kristina says:

    Nice going with the 20-miler! I do hope your IT band feels better. I’m a fan of taping. And rolling, of course.

  6. bobbi says:

    I hope you are feeling MUCH less sore and tired now after some rest 🙂

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