The water vest that’s smarter than me / Cookie Classic 5K Giveaway WINNER

By , August 9, 2012 9:39 am

I’ve been really excited about trying the Nathan Vest that Steven’s dad gave me for my birthday! I thought about bringing it on my 12-miler last Friday but that seemed like too short of a distance. FAIL. I should have brought it. It was super sunny and I ran out of water.

So I definitely brought it on my 22-miler this morning. And I even took time last night to figure out how to use it.

Good thing.

Because it’s smarter than me.

The water bladder is just an open pouch that you fill up, then fold over the top, and slide a clip across to close. Seems simple, right?

Unless you are a Derpina and fold it the wrong way. See that track on the bladder in the photo above? Yeah, if you fold it the wrong way, then try to slide the clip across, it won’t go across. GENIUS!

I was worried I was going to break the thing, and had no idea why it wouldn’t work, so Steven figured it out for me. I can always count on him for that.

The run with it went smoothly this morning! There will be new chafing spots I have to find to glide, it will take time to get used to sipping more consistently on the water (rather than gulping from my bottle), and my back was a bit hotter… but I loved it. It feels comfortable. It has a million and one* pockets. One pocket even holds a water bottle. It holds about 2 liters of water. And… it makes me look really serious. Right… right?

Does anyone else run with a water vest?

*Slight exaggeration

The Cookie Classic 5K Giveaway winner is Anne! Anne, please let me know which email address I should give them to contact you!

Thanks to everyone who entered! If you can’t run it, it sounds like the fair will be really cool to check out too!

26 Responses to “The water vest that’s smarter than me / Cookie Classic 5K Giveaway WINNER”

  1. Liz says:

    Woa! 22 miles!! Amazing! I used to ride with a CamelBack but I found being hunched over with the pack bugged my traps, not sure how I would like it while running. I can tell you I hate running with a fuel belt, but I NEED water so it’s a must on anything over 8 – 9 miles.

    • kilax says:

      I actually noticed with this thing that it kept me more upright! Which is good, because I stopped using my belt because it was making my back ache! Have you tried a handheld?

  2. Anne says:

    Oh awesome! Yay cookies! You can give them the gmail address that I just provided above.

    I like that 12 miles is a short run to you! I probably need some kind of summer running water solution, but a vest seems a little hardcore for me and my “long” 4 mile runs.

  3. 22 miles – you’re a beast!

  4. J says:

    Awesome run this morning! Way to get those miles in! I have a nathan hydration pack too – its about 2 years old now I think and I love it. I use it all the time for my runs over 14 miles to carry food, phone and water.

  5. gingerfoxxx says:

    I did some design consulting for that company, and told them that the bladder was ridiculous and hard to use, and they did NOT take my advice!

    I tried! 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha! Thanks! It makes me wonder what the other brands are like! And it kind of bugged me that the thing came with NO instructions. I am not good at figuring stuff out on my own, as you can see 🙂

  6. you ran 22 before work today??? wow! no camelpak for me, but now that i won’t be doing all my miles on the lakefront i think i’m going to get a hand-held. poop, i’ve been avoiding these things for years.

    • kilax says:

      I had the day off 😉 But I did have to start at 4 am so I could get to the airport to pick up friends by 10:45!

      Why the handheld aversion? I really like mine 🙂

  7. Holly says:

    I have that exact running pack! LOVE IT. But I do have some issues with sliding that pack back in too, ahaha.

  8. […] morning, while reading Kim’s post, I realized that I have a serious problem. Well, as serious as a definite first world and running […]

  9. I’m glad you like your vest! I have a Camelbak that’s been really helpful on my summer long runs. It’s really nice to not have to worry about running out of water when it’s really hot out and you’re going to be running for a really long time. I’m so glad I bought it.

  10. ChezJulie says:

    Water vest. Learn something new every day! 😉

  11. Amy says:

    wow! Nice gift!
    I can’t get over you using the words “12 miles” and “too short” in the same sentence, though! LOL! I guess it all depends on one’s perspective, right?

  12. bobbi says:

    It was so fun running with you yesterday! And I am definitely in the market for a vest…I can’t figure out a better way to carry water with me.

  13. kandi says:

    I’ve never thought of it as a vest before but I run with a camelbak backpack. I use it for all my long runs (over 5 miles) in the summer. I require a lot of water though so I don’t overheat/get a migraine. I wore it during my marathon too and am contemplating wearing it for my next half.

  14. Erin says:

    I have a feeling that vest is really going to come in handy for you! Did you have enough water or did you need to refill it?

    • kilax says:

      I had to refill it once and took a few big drinks at the Savanna. It’s probably enough for 10-12 miles since I drink so much.

  15. Meghan says:

    Congrats on the 22! I don’t have a water pack (I use a hand-held) but it looks complicated – ha!

  16. Pete B says:

    22 Miles? Wow, that’s six miles more than my longest marathon training run! Congrats. That vest would definitely be nice to have for those long runs.

  17. 22 miles – sounds like you’ll be ready for tNF!

    Kovas and I just tested some Camelbaks – my favorite (the Ultra LR) has a waist belt which keeps the pack nice and snug. Not in the review, but my all time favorite is a simple Camelbak waist pack with water bottle…

  18. The Linz says:

    Yes I totally think the vest makes look uber serious! I’m glad that it worked out so well for you. I definitely had to rely on my camelbak for long runs so I wouldn’t run out of water.

  19. Emily says:

    You look super hardcore with the water vest. I usually picture people that wear water vests to be the ones who do the ultramarathons or the Iron Man triathalons. My fear with the vest would be that it would weigh me down and/or that it would bounce! I have enough trouble just wearing my little runners fanny pack with my GU, MP3 player, and keys in it, LOL.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha. Thanks! Some of my smaller running friends tried it on and thought it was a bit heavy, but I actually like it a lot and feel like it balances me out! I will bring it whenever we run together for you to try. I am still trying to decide if I want to use it for the 50K or not. I probably will not need it since there are stops every 5 miles.

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