
By , August 21, 2012 6:47 am

WARNING: the post is about snot. And contains pictures of my hair. You may not want to read this post before eating your breakfast. Especially not while eating.

Beth tagged me for the Liebster Award. Thanks, Beth! The Liebster Award is that fun meme where you tell 11 random things about yourself, answer 11 questions from the tagger, post 11 questions and tag 11 people to answer them.

Fortunately for you guys, I cannot think of 11 random things. So here’s one:

It took me an embarrassingly long time to learn how to blow my nose.

I was that kid who used their sleeves (or arm! ha!) to wipe their nose and their pants (or legs! ha!) to wipe off their hands. Sigh. I am that adult who will wipe their nose in to their running shirt when running (eww).

Anyway, I remember running around my dad’s parents house, congested or whatever, and my grandpa trying to get me to blow my nose. He always had a handkerchief (hankie) on him. He would hand it to me and…

… instead of blowing out, I would do the reverse – suck everything back in. Sigh. He tried with me for a long time. I am not sure when I ever learned. Maybe college?

Just kidding. I hope it was before then.

Please tell me I am the only one who struggled with blowing their nose as a kid.

I think it’s interesting that my grandpa always had a hankie on him. Do people still carry those to use to wipe off/blow their nose?

I have hankies (I call them bandannas), but they are more of a fashion accessory.


HA HA HA. That is me in high school. So fashionable. Sigh.

Please tell me I am the only one who wore bandannas as a fashion accessory.

Really, they are just used to hide my hair. And I could use one to today. My hair’s looking a bit cray cray. I suppose brushing it from time to time would help. Meh. Too much work.

For fun, here are Beth’s 11 Questions! Feel free to copy and paste them in the comments and answer them yourself, if you’d like!

  1. What’s your favorite fruit? strawberries
  2. What’s the one thing you easily justify splurging on? nail polish
  3. What’s your favorite season for running? winter
  4. What’s your dream vacation destination? Niagara Falls
  5. Who is your hero? Batman
  6. If you could go on a run with any famous runner, living or dead, who would it be? Shalane
  7. What’s your favorite breakfast food? Bagels w/vegan cream cheese
  8. If you could fluently speak another language other than your native language, what would it be? Dirkastanese Español
  9. Do you have any siblings? yes (three)
  10. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
  11. What piece of trendy clothing will you not be caught dead wearing? printed pants

26 Responses to “Handkerchief”

  1. kelsey says:

    I still use my shirt to wipe my nose sometimes and when i run or workout I just use my shirt. Max is really bad about it, he straight up wipes his nose across his shirt and when I go to do laundry i just see lines of snot. its pretty gross…

  2. Oh man. That high school photo is amazing. I def have some of me wearing a bandanna as a fashion accessory. It was a great way to not have to actually do your hair while still looking “cool.” Maybe we can bring this style back???? Zooma 2012?? 🙂

  3. Oh my word. Hilarious.

  4. Kelly says:

    My fashion sense in high school was nonexistent. So some things never change. I still need Erin to tell me what to wear.

  5. Christina says:

    I didn’t learn how to blow my noise until sophomore year of college. I think that is something your parents are supposed to teach you and ours missed the memo.

  6. Snotrockets are the way to go, though frowned upon inside the home, at leasst by my wife.

  7. gina says:

    Man, that high school picture is all kinds of wonderful!
    What’s your favorite fruit? strawberries
    What’s the one thing you easily justify splurging on? nail polish
    What’s your favorite season for running? winter
    What’s your dream vacation destination? Malta.
    Who is your hero? Judgment Cat.
    If you could go on a run with any famous runner, living or dead, who would it be? Kara – she could push the stroller for me.
    What’s your favorite breakfast food? Omelets
    If you could fluently speak another language other than your native language, what would it be? Spanish or Italian. Luca-ese.
    Do you have any siblings? yes (three)
    Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
    What piece of trendy clothing will you not be caught dead wearing? Skinny jeans because it would look bad. very bad.

  8. Melie says:

    Haha! It was the 90s. Everybody was using a bandana as a head accessory! Although my bandana tying capabilities were such that mine always looked like my grandma’s headband. And that’s not a good thing..

  9. Kiersten says:

    I had never used a real handkerchief in my life until the Antarctica marathon. As soon as I start running, my nose immediately starts running. At home, I rely on a combination of snot rockets, my sleeve, and tissues. But in Antarctica, we couldn’t bring tissues ashore and I was wearing too many layers to get to a soft sleeve. One of the other runners was so prepared she brought a bunch of handkerchiefs and gave them out. It really worked! I kept it as a souvenir (don’t worry, I did wash it first!)

    • kilax says:

      Aww, that is so cool! And a great idea for the winter when I cannot find something to wipe my nose on that doesn’t hurt 😉

  10. Anne says:

    I wore bandanas ALL THE TIME through college. I was so lazy about my hair then (and was often covering up some botched dye job – woops), they were a great option for that. Being the late 90’s and early ‘oughts, I’m pretty sure they were in then, as I sported them with overalls a lot.

    And I didn’t really learn the “right” way to blow my nose until I started getting allergies really bad, also in college. I wonder if allergies and bandanas are connected in some way.

  11. sizzle says:

    My dad was always trying to get me to blow my nose into his hankie. Yes, he carried one around always (he was old school, probably from same era as your grandpa). I hated blowing my nose but with his persistence, I did it. Now I kind of think hankies are gross. Why carry around a used snot rag?

    • kilax says:

      Yeah… I wasn’t going to go there, but they kind of disturb me too. As it is, I barely maximize tissue use because I blow and want to get rid of the gross thing.

  12. I carry a hankie all the time to blow my nose, although I’ve never been good at blowing my nose. I wear “bandanas” to keep sweat from running in my eyes while cycling and also to keep my bald head from getting sunburned through the holes in my helmet.

    What’s your favorite fruit? Honey Crisp Apples
    What’s the one thing you easily justify splurging on? Food
    What’s your favorite season for running? I suppose winter…on the treadmill watching TV at the YMCA
    What’s your dream vacation destination? Hawaii
    Who is your hero? I don’t know.
    If you could go on a run with any famous runner, living or dead, who would it be? Kim
    What’s your favorite breakfast food? Lucky Charms or Donuts
    If you could fluently speak another language other than your native language, what would it be? Bambara
    Do you have any siblings? Yes, one bro and one sis
    Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
    What piece of trendy clothing will you not be caught dead wearing? Used to not wear striped shirts…still try to avoid them.

  13. Emily says:

    TOO FUNNY!!!!!

    What’s your favorite fruit? Mango
    What’s the one thing you easily justify splurging on? Blackhawks tickets (which I just bought yesterday!)
    What’s your favorite season for running? Fall
    What’s your dream vacation destination? Kenya/Tanzania
    Who is your hero? Too many to list
    If you could go on a run with any famous runner, living or dead, who would it be? Carl Lewis (I’d ask him to sing the national anthem)
    What’s your favorite breakfast food? Veggie omelette with LOTS of cheese and guacamole
    If you could fluently speak another language other than your native language, what would it be? Mandarin Chinese
    Do you have any siblings? No (only child!)
    Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
    What piece of trendy clothing will you not be caught dead wearing? Skinny jeans, closely followed by those 10-inch platform stilettos that are all the rage these days

  14. bobbi says:

    What’s your favorite fruit? Strawberries or watermelon
    What’s the one thing you easily justify splurging on? running shoes
    What’s your favorite season for running? Fall
    What’s your dream vacation destination? I just want to go back to Hawaii
    Who is your hero? John 🙂
    If you could go on a run with any famous runner, living or dead, who would it be? Dean
    What’s your favorite breakfast food? All of it. I could eat breakfast for every meal and be happy
    If you could fluently speak another language other than your native language, what would it be? Spanish (and I seriously typed “sapnish” 3 TIMES before I got it right)
    Do you have any siblings? a sister
    Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
    What piece of trendy clothing will you not be caught dead wearing? Answering this would require me to actually KNOW what is trendy. Alas, I am old and fashionless

    (I should post a high school pic of me. GIANT hair. Ah, the 80s)

  15. kandi says:

    1.What’s your favorite fruit? Strawberries (though this question was difficult…)
    2.What’s the one thing you easily justify splurging on? Food 3.What’s your favorite season for running? Fall
    4.What’s your dream vacation destination? Italy
    5.Who is your hero? my Mom
    6.If you could go on a run with any famous runner, living or dead, who would it be? ummmm..
    7.What’s your favorite breakfast food? Greek yogurt with fruit and granola
    8.If you could fluently speak another language other than your native language, what would it be? Italian
    9.Do you have any siblings? Yes (one)
    10.Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
    11.What piece of trendy clothing will you not be caught dead wearing? Colored jeans (I say this but if I see it enough it’ll likely grow on me and I’ll succomb to the trend. sigh)

  16. Erin says:

    I wore a bandana to workout in for several years. They are great for covering up post-workout hair, too. Don’t think I ever wore one just as an accessory though.

    I don’t have any thoughts on blowing my nose but Jason will tell you that he thinks I sneeze wrong. I sneeze more through my mouth than through my nose. Is that weird?

  17. Meghan says:

    I definitely had trouble blowing my nose as a kid. Nothing ever came out! It drove me crazy!

  18. True story – my ex boyfriend still does not know how to blow his nose and he’s 28 years old. I won’t even start talking about that though, because it actually makes me angry. It made me crazy.

  19. gingerfoxxx says:

    Stick with me, kid. No hankey needed, you just shoot it right out of your nose.

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