The Kmart Modeling pics

By , October 18, 2012 6:08 pm

Since you asked

Were you guys expecting more Toddlers & Tiaras?

I have no idea what the story is behind this. Maybe I can get a comment out of my dad’s sister (who is in the pics) to explain it all? My mom said I was modeling Easter clothes. 

16 Responses to “The Kmart Modeling pics”

  1. Gina says:

    Pure gold! You were the most adorable toddler ever!!!! And the matching purse and dress! Hello, fashionista!

  2. Tracy says:

    We were having a spring/easter fashion show and I was so proud of my beautiful niece that I signed you up to model with me 🙂

  3. Tracy says:

    And you did a wonderful job and looked so cute!!

  4. Amy says:

    Oh how cute – love your curly hair!

  5. Kim says:

    Oh my gosh! Adorable!!!

  6. awww that’s sooo cute!

  7. CourtneyInControl says:

    TOO CUTE!!! Your hair is adorable!!!

  8. Erin says:

    Look at your curls!!

  9. The Linz says:

    Adorable!!!!! Seriously!!!! 🙂

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