Training Week 157 / Running (Safely) in the Dark Giveaway WINNER

By , October 21, 2012 3:22 pm

Highlight of the Week: Running a very FUN half marathon with Bobbi (and Kelly, for the last 3 miles!) and not feeling like death on the hills (except the last one – race report tomorrow!).

First things first! Who won the Running (Safely) in the Dark Giveaway by guessing closest to my half marathon time but not going over?! Well, my official time was 2:14:31…

And the closest guesses were Kelsey at 2:14:30 and Paula at 2:14:24! Kelsey and Paula, please email me at to claim your prize!

It’s really funny that Kelsey was only a second off from my actual time, since she was there to watch me finish the half! She said she was looking at the clock when it was one minute to go from my finish time and wondering where I was… then I showed up! And I ran the whole thing with Bobbi… she was only 5 seconds over! Alright, on to the weekly training recap…

Last photo from the ZOOMA Facebook page

Monday | October 15, 2012: 9 m run (5 + 4 w/Anne)
Loc: Half Day FP, Temp: 58°/49°, Time: 49:02/51:45, Pace: 9:49/12:56 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: good
Tuesday | October 16, 2012: 8 m run (2.3-7.7 w/Bobbi)
Loc: Nippersink FP, Temp: 66°/64°, Time: 1:18:57, Pace: 9:52 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: labored
Wednesday | October 17, 2012: strength class
Strength: Kettlebells & boxing, Difficulty: medium, Felt: sloppy
Thursday | October 18, 2012: rest
Friday | October 19, 2012: 3.6 m run + strength
Loc: xx, Temp: 43°/43°, Time: 37:49, Pace: 10:31, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Strength: Spartan Try-to-kill-Kim workout, Difficulty: VERY hard, Felt: like death
Saturday | October 20, 2012: ZOOMA Half Marathon
Loc: Lake Geneva, WI to Fontana, WI, Temp: 39°/44°, Time: 2:14:31, Pace: 10:14 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: decent
Sunday | October 21, 2012: rest


  • My strength workout was so hard on Friday, it almost inspired me to get serious about losing weight. Almost. I could do so much better if I were at a healthier weight. But that isn’t just exercise for me – it’s mental health too.
  • I had such an amazing time at the ZOOMA weekend, with all the other bloggers! I don’t think I have ever done an girls-only all-weekend getaway, and it was a BLAST!
  • That damn right butt cheek. Sigh.

19 Responses to “Training Week 157 / Running (Safely) in the Dark Giveaway WINNER”

  1. Woohoo! that’s a fantastic time girl!

    And, I kinda loved the whole guess-your-time thing! 😀

  2. Kayla says:

    I can’t believe Kelsey was only 1 second off!!! So awesome!! It was so much fun hanging out this weekend!! 🙂

  3. Melie says:

    congratulations on an awesome time! 🙂 and especially for feeling good after the race. On a slightly irrelevant note, I’m thinking of taking photos to post for my workout roundups too. Yours look always so good and so fun.

  4. Anne says:

    Oh I so close! But way to go, sounds like you had a fun race! And that definitely sounds like a great girls getaway – I really hope to do it next year! My best friend and I had a Girltoberfest trip last year (involving wine tasting and eating fudge and NO running – clearly we’re growing and maturing here…), but that pesky wedding just threw a wrench into it this year.

    And, since that’s not enough about me, I have to share that I did my first 6 mile run this morning! So I’m almost halfway to doing a half.

    • kilax says:

      Your Girltoberfest sounds awesome!

      AND HOLY SCHNIT 6 MILES?!!!!! That is fricking awesome!!! You know what this means… I will not let you get away with any less on our next run… just kidding. It will get dark too early. Stupid sun 🙁

      • Anne says:

        Yeah, I think we’d have to start at 3 or so to fit that many miles in! I missed our Monday run tonight though. The weather was too iffy, so I ended up working late (and feeling associated guilt for not exercising) instead 🙁

        • kilax says:

          Ugh, are you going to be able to run tonight? 🙁

          I got home at 6:00 and made dinner quick and got ready to go to the airport, then my husband’s flight was delayed by 2.5 hours. So I ran 3 miles after 8:00 but was so moody that I had to leave my house at 10:30 to get him and that we didn’t get back home until close to 1:00! Not his fault, but I am beat today 🙁

          • Anne says:

            Oh that sounds like a really frustrating evening! Nothing you can do about flight delays, but it still throws a wrench into things.

            I probably could run tonight, but I had my class this morning so that was more than enough exercise for the day. Maybe tomorrow.

  5. J says:

    Ahh I was so close! Great job on the half! Glad you had a good time!

  6. Losing Lindy says:

    good job! and Yay to the winners!

  7. Xaarlin says:

    I wish I went to Zooma.. That is all 🙂

  8. gina says:

    Soooo close but so so far away! People are really good guessers!

  9. Erin says:

    Lots of runs with people this week! And are you sure you and Kelsey didn’t collaborate on that time???

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha. Well, we did have a few private conversations…

      Seriously though, w/o that hill at 11 and getting salt from Bobbi it probably would have been closer to 2:12. I could not remember people’s guesses at all and opened the spreadsheet right away when I finished because I was curious about the winner.

  10. Emily says:

    Congratulations on running such a strong race, despite that torturous hill at Mile 11. You are a powerhouse!!!!!

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