Friday Question #218

By , December 7, 2012 5:57 am

What are your nervous habits? Or (more fun) what are other people’s nervous habits that you have noticed?

Displaying our nervous habits*

After a meeting yesterday, two people told me (on separate occasions) that they stayed attentive during the meeting by paying attention to other people’s mannerisms. Ha ha ha. So it made me wonder if people would notice my nervous habits…

  1. Picking at my nails
  2. Playing with my earrings (if not wearing studs)
  3. Fidgeting (bouncing my legs up and down)
  4. Binge eating (geesh, hopefully not in a meeting!)

I looked online and there were pages dedicated to people’s nervous habits, and what it says about the people who have them. I chose not to read in to it. Ha ha.ย 

*My mom wanted me to say that we are faking it – that we really don’t have any.

40 Responses to “Friday Question #218”

  1. abbi says:

    Eating and being nervous when I talk that I can’t really get things out clearly, rambling I guess, like I’m doing here, haha!

  2. I play with my hair when I’m nervous or bored. It doesn’t look good and I’m trying to catch myself and stop this habit fast!

  3. Michelle says:

    I’m a cuticle picker all the way!

  4. I bite my nails when I am nervous. I try not to do this in business meetings (for obvious reasons), but sometimes I don’t even realize I’m doing it until it is too late.

    • kilax says:

      I have been picking at them all weekend since I don’t have polish on. My grandma was visiting and kept telling me to stop. LOL!

  5. picking at nails, or playing with my hair!

  6. bobbi says:

    Picking my nails, picking my face (damn zits. they haven’t figured out I’m an old lady yet.)

  7. I scratch at my hairline. I probably look like I have lice or something…

  8. Kandi says:

    I crack my knuckles. Now it is more of an annoying habit that I can’t break than a nervous habit (i.e., I don’t need to be nervous at all to do it). It started when I was in 4th grade. I can sometimes stop for a few months but then I usually pick back up where I started. It drives some people crazy so I try to quit.

  9. Anne says:

    I pick at my nails and cuticles BIG TIME. I always feel so embarrassed about how bad they look when I’m getting a manicure.

    Is it bad that I’m curious to see that link?

  10. kelsey says:

    I def play with me hair. I also rub my lips-my parents have SO many pictures of me doing that when I was little. I try to avoid it in meetings bc it could be taken the wrong way….especially since I ooozzze sexiness.

  11. The Linz says:

    I think I play with my hair when I’m nervous. I feel like I’m always putting it behind my ear.

  12. Erin says:

    I hope you’re having fun with your family!

    My “worst” nervous habit is picking at my cuticles. I don’t even notice I’m doing it half the time!

  13. sizzle says:

    Not sure if it’s a nervous habit but I bite my nails and I also play on my iPhone. I get so bored in meetings!

  14. diane says:

    I would like to see the web page about what nervous habits mean. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I pick at my scalp, it is disgusting and embarrassing and gets far worse when I am stressed. It’s an OCD trait.
    My co-worker picks her nails in meetings and clears her throat ALL DAY LONG. Like, every 30 minutes, sometimes more frequently. It irritates me, but then I figure watching me tear my scalp up probably grosses people out so I try to keep perspective. It would be much better if we were all relaxed!

  15. I pick at my nails or play with my hair. I feel bad for doing it but it helps me focus sometimes!

  16. Susan says:

    I pick at my nails/cuticles constantly. Don’t even know I’m doing it.

    I have a nervous cough…it’s bad. My mom has so many pictures of me coughing on the start line at high school track meets, oops And I play with my earrings. Fail…

  17. gingerfoxxx says:

    I am a nail biter/fidgeter. When things get really bad, i am a hair and skin picker, but luckily that is usually in check because it is horrific and gross….

  18. Maggie says:

    I get very fidgety. Usually I crack my knuckles and play with my hair.

  19. My worst habit is nail biting and nail picking. I do it like crazy!!

  20. ChezJulie says:

    I pick at myself. Scabs and things. Just a self-soothing primate habit, I reckon.

  21. Marcia says:

    Yep lots of nail picking here too. And pacing while on the phone. But that’s a good habit, right?

    • kilax says:

      I think pacing is okay! I know my husband and I both do it. Better than using the internet at your computer while on the phone… which we are also guilty of. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  22. Michele @ Running for Oreos says:

    Picking at my cuticles. Oh and biting the inside of my cheek. The dentist always says I need to stop, but I can’t!!!

  23. That picture cracks me up, I’m so nervous I’m biting my nails too!!!

  24. martymankins says:

    I have to think about this one, since off hand, I can’t think of anything nervous I do… unless you count hand and finger movements (like cracking my knuckles) as nervous habits?

  25. Emily says:

    I play with my hair and pick my nails. Ridiculously sexy, I know.

  26. Meghan says:

    I just basically talk. And talk. And talk. And fill the silence with awkward conversation:)

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha. I think we are twins! Seriously, I could do a blog post each week “Why did I say that?!” New series for us to start?!

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