Super trusted drivers

By , February 2, 2013 10:55 am

I wonder if other drivers see my bike on the back of my car in the winter and wonder if I am taking it somewhere to use outside? Ha ha ha. They probably see the slick on the back tire and know that is not the case.



We got some snow last night (!!!) so before I drove to my cycling class this morning, I asked Steven for (a refresher on) tips on driving in the white powder. Don’t worry – I am not that super nervous overly cautious driver making everyone go slow in the snow. But driving in the snow is also not my favorite thing! So I always like to get a little refresher from Steven before I venture out in it.

After I left, I was thinking about what a good driver Steven is, and how I completely trust him when I am in the car with him*. And I was thinking… there are not many other people like that in my life. Steven… and my dad? That is probably it. And believe me, I would not expect to be on ANYONE’s list for a super trusted driver.

Ha ha. This week, I had to travel within the suburbs for work. Another coworker drove us there, which was super nice of them, but wow. Just wow. Wrong way on roads, super slow, unconfident** on the highway… I was happy to get out of the car.

Who is on your list of super trusted drivers? Are you a pro at driving in the snow?

Alright, it’s kind of mean, but if you want, you can tell me who is NOT on your list of super trusted drivers, too. I am NOT going there though!

*And with everything else in life, ha ha.
**Dude. Is this not a word? Is it inconfident? Why am I so confused?

31 Responses to “Super trusted drivers”

  1. Christina says:

    Hmm my dad is probably one of those super trusted drivers. I am a pro at driving in the snow! I remember driving in snowpaclypse scary but I did it!

  2. Michele @ Running for Oreos says:

    I trust my dad and mom. NOT my husband, he scares me most of the time. I don’t mind the snow at all, but ice scares me to death.

    Funny story, when my parents were visiting a while back, we usually drive everywhere, my dad pulled me to the side and said, “Please drive, neither one of you are good drivers, but if I had to pick one, you’re the better one, but then again, that’s not saying much”. LOL!!

    So yeah, I’m a terrible driver, but I’m cautious when in snow/ice/rain…but not too cautious where it’s annoying. I guess if we ever meet, you’ll be driving! HA!

  3. Anne says:

    In general I really don’t like other people driving me around because I get really bad motion sickness, so my very short list is probably just Bob, both of our moms and my brother. My brother’s driving is actually pretty terrifying, but he’s always had really nice cars so I tell myself that he’d never want to wreck them. And I’ll go there – my dad is a terrible driver. His driving is similar to how you’ve described your co-worker. The last time I rode with him, there were 2 almost-accidents in a mile!

    I’m pretty good at driving in the snow now (actually, I might not be anymore because it’s been so long since we’ve had any!), but my car did spin out once while I was driving to work in it years ago. I crossed the line out of Chicago and into Lincolnwood where they apparently hadn’t plowed, so I was flying along on clean streets, hit the snow and spun out! So I’m a bit more cautious now ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Erin says:

    It’s taken me a long time to get comfortable with Jason driving because he was in so many accidents & near accidents when we first stated dating. But he’s MUCH better now. I let him drive everywhere ๐Ÿ™‚

    My mom is also a really good driver!

    Me, not so much. I actually just backed into a running club member’s car this morning! Thankfully the hitch on my car hit his license plate. So I just owe him a new license plate frame ๐Ÿ™‚

    • kilax says:

      I think you and I both have the “where are the corners of our car?” issue. Steven always says he is going to take me to an empty parking lot and set up cones for me to practice.

      And yet. He wants me to do Autocross. Hmm.

  5. Kelly S says:

    My Dad for sure! He has Always has been an expert driver and about 7 years ago he started driving flatbed trucks in his retirement – putting his skills to use!

    I like to think I inherited his skills!

  6. Kiersten says:

    I always used to think my parents were great drivers and I totally trusted them, but in the last couple years I have started noticing all the not so great things they do and now I get nervous when they are driving.

  7. bobbi says:

    I am a pro in the snow. For real. Growing up in northern MN forces that life skill on you ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am a TERRIBLE passenger though, but moreso with John than anyone else. And I would say I trust him above all others. I think it’s because we usually have all the kids in the car and that makes me anxious. And that he’s an impatient driver – sometimes I have to remind him that is ISN’T RUSH HOUR RIGHT NOW. haha!

    • kilax says:

      You did a great job driving us to IN ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Ha ha ha! He is used to rush hour! I get super super cautious when I am transporting younglings ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Emily says:

    I love your license plate!!!!!!!!

    I don’t particularly enjoy driving in the snow. But in driver’s ed I was taught to just be smart when driving in the snow (aka don’t do anything risky or stupid like pass a car on the shoulder), and I’ve never had any problems. Knock on wood. Parallel parking in the snow is a whole other issue, though. Thankfully I’ve always had covered parking at home, but on the days that I have to parallel park on city streets in the snow, it can get real ugly real fast.

  9. Michelle says:

    I get nervous in the snow ill admit. Have lost too many friends to vehicular accidents. And my bike is hanging in the garage for the winter lol. I’m too much of a clutz!

  10. Maggie says:

    I have a friend who I do NOT like driving with. She gets terrible road rage. It can get scary.

  11. ha! I used to think my Dad was a good driver growing up….now I refuse to let him drive with me as a passenger. Makes me nervous as hell. I don’t mind my husbands driving. Though I did get car sick one day with him driving. He’s just a jerky driver. LOL. Well not really but I’m glad I don’t drive with him every day. I would have a headache!

  12. The Linz says:

    I’d like to think I’m a pro at driving in the snow because there was a lot of it growing up in Idaho, but honestly I seemed to have forgotten everything I knew, or at least lost my confidence. WHen I was home over Christmas I was sooooo skirrrd, I pretty much just locked myself in the house rather than battle the snow. I think though, that I was more nervous about the little baby I’m carrying, I wouldn’t want to put myself in harms way and have something happen to the little guy. Being preggo has changed my outlook on a lot of stuff! I’m not sure anyone is trusty enough right now to drive me around. LOL!

    • kilax says:

      Aww, I bet that is totally natural to feel that way with your little guy. AHH! I am so excited for you and J Alabama!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Mica says:

    I am absolutely terrified of driving in the snow (or rain). I’m the same with Harrison and driving, but even then, I get really nervous worrying about other idiots on the road.

    Hmm….least-trusted drivers? Any time I drive with a friend who grew up in a bigger city with more aggressive traffic. Or if I go to a friend’s house and find out that someone else is going to drive us, like “Oh, we’re going to just catch a ride with [X person].” That stressed me out sometimes, but I guess I don’t put myself in that situation as much anymore so it’s all okay. Gah, I’m so neurotic.

    • kilax says:

      You aren’t. I get that way when I find out certain people are driving. Although, I do have that big city aggressiveness problem!

  14. Hooray Snow!
    I went snow shoeing for the first time today out in Galena and it was amazing! Hope you get to take your shoes out for a test drive : )

  15. ChezJulie says:

    My husband is The Best Driver in the World so I’m very comfortable with him. He’s never had an accident. My mom on the other hand drives about 20 miles an hour and likes to look at people’s houses and flower beds while she drives. Terrifying!

  16. Kandi says:

    I’m a decent driver in snow but it’s been a really long time since i’ve done it. I am much more timid about snow driving living close to the city than I used to be when i lived in the country. Something about multilane roads.
    That being said, I did end up in a snowbank once in college. I was driving home from my job at the ski resort and it was snowing. It was also super bowl Sunday. There were two lanes in my direction to get up a hill and when the right lane ended, it was hard to tell. My right tire got caught in the crunchy snow on the shoulder and I couldn’t get out so my car slowly drifted at a 30 degree angle into a snow bank. No damage though but it did take a few kind strangers to get me out!

  17. It’s so funny you mention how much you trust Steven. I feel the same way about Sweets. He has such a good sense of our truck and it’s capabilities and size and power (or lack thereof, sometimes) that he always has a great grasp for driving in almost any condition. That said, I also have to remind him that just because he’s a pro in the snow and ice doesn’t mean everyone else is … and that’s reason enough to stay off the road sometimes. =)

  18. I definitely trust my boyfriend and my dad driving. I wouldn’t consider myself a great driver but I am good about driving in the snow. Moving into a larger city has definitely changed my driving habits for the worse :-/
    I actually have a theory that people who grew up driving on gravel roads are better drivers especially in the snow. Definitely a generalization, but the seem to handle the “not in total control of my car” factor better than others.

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