Training Week 177

By , March 10, 2013 1:43 pm

Highlight of the Week: Knowing when to stop. This might not make any sense, but when I woke up this am and saw I was at 50.6 miles for the week, I thought “I gotta run 10 and get to 60!” Sigh. I went out on my run and felt fine and was enjoying it, but stopped at 6. I don’t need to always be pushing it. Maybe that helps with injury prevention? Ha ha. 

ALSO! I got to work out with four different bloggers this week! And take TWO new (to me) classes!


Monday | March 4, 2013: 6 m run (w/Bobbi!) + teaching strength class
Loc: hood, Temp: 34°/32°, Time: 56:33, Pace: 9:25 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: happy to run w/Bobbi!
Strength: dumbbells + core, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Tuesday | March 5, 2013: 10 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 30°, Time: 1:36:15, Pace: 9:37 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Wednesday | March 6, 2013: strength class + 5 m run (w/Bobbi and Carrie)
Strength: bands + dumbbells, Difficulty: medium/hard, Felt: good
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 31°/31°, Time: 51:40, Pace: 10:20 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Thursday | March 7, 2013: rest
Friday | March 8, 2013: 3.6 m run to 5 m run (w/Anne) + Shred 415 (w/Meghan)
Loc: Chicago, Temp: 32°/35°, Time: 35:14, Pace: 9:48, Difficulty: medium, Felt: good
Loc: Chicago Lakefront Path, Temp: 37°/39°, Time: 1:00:46, Pace: 12:09, Difficulty: easy, Felt: g00d
Shred 415: 15 min treadmill intervals/15 mins cardio strength x 2, Difficulty: medium, Felt: strong/challenged
Saturday | March 9, 2013: 18 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 29°, Time: 2:59:26, Pace: 9:58 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: good
Sunday | March 10, 2013: 6 m run + yoga (w/Katie)
Loc: hood, Temp: 39°/40°, Time: 1:00:07, Pace: 10:01avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: heavy legs
Type: Level I Yoga @ Total Body in Mundelein , Difficulty: medium, Felt: misalinged


  • I checked out Shred 415 with Meghan on Friday. Has anyone else tried Shred 415? You go back and forth between the treadmill and weights, for this class, 15 minutes at each, twice. On the treadmill, we did hill and speed intervals, and on the floor, we did the first set of cardio strength with the BOSU, and the second set on the floor/bench. Whoa. Crazy fun/hard!
  • On Sunday I took a Level I yoga class with Katie. Ha ha ha – I am so awful at yoga! I try really hard to balance/be aligned, and whoa, everything is going where it shouldn’t. I felt good after class, but during it, I did worry I would twist something by doing the moves poorly (and due to my own fault – the instructor was very good and corrected me once). 
  • I’ve put almost 300 miles on the Asics Gel Cumuluses I got in December and haven’t had issues with them yet! I think this just proves what I always thought – that your shoes last longer if you are lighter. What do you think?
  • P.S. I ordered a new pair anyway!!!
  • I had gone so long without having a bathroom emergency on a run! My streak is broken. Ha ha ha. On Saturday I barely made it back to the house. I wonder if eating candy instead of GUs had something to do with that. Hmm… nah!!!
  • I am super excited for the upcoming week! I am running Erin‘s 20 miler with her (hence why I did 18 this week to prepare). Also, my friend Mica will be here for a short bit, so I may make her run with me too, ha ha. 

23 Responses to “Training Week 177”

  1. Michelle says:

    I can always tell I need a new pair of shoes…my shins start talking to me. But that doesn’t stop me, from buying extra shoes just in case! Best of luck on your 20 miler with Erin!

  2. Pete B says:

    Impressive mileage! 18 miler this week and 20 next week? Nice. I guess we were on the Lakefront at almost the same time on Friday. I like all of your pics except the one with the sign that is super excited about spring! 🙂 Oh well, that’s all I hear from everyone around these parts…

    • kilax says:

      LOL! I am not so excited about spring either. Sigh. I guess I wish we could skip the snow getting all nasty.

      Yeah! We were on the trail around 9:00! I will be down on it in the loop around noon on Sat 🙂

  3. Michele says:

    Awesome week!! And it looks like you already got that whole, “knowing when to stop” thing going!

    I think that too about shoes. That’s why I’m trying to lose some weight. hehehehehe. But seriously, it makes sense in my mind too! I mean, think about it, less weight, less impact…less wear and tear…

    I have no idea what Shred 415 is, I’ll have to google/youtube that…

    • kilax says:

      Thanks 🙂

      I am happy to hear I am not the only one who thinks that way. It was funny for my shoes to never last as long as my runner friends. LOL.

  4. robyn says:

    Looks like a big training week and yes, you can stop after 6 miles, it is good to listen to your body, especially when you have already done 50 that week! Yoga is the way to go if you want to prevent injuries in the long run:)

    • kilax says:

      It is! I gotta get back in to stretching. Sigh. At least I do the strength stuff (that is what I keep telling myself, lol!).

      Man. I am still impressed with your killer bike race!!!

  5. abbi says:

    My goodness, another tough week. I think I’m tired just reading that! I always just go by feel with my shoes. I tend to change when something weird starts to hurt!

  6. First of all, big congrats on your first class! I’m sure you killed them. Wait, I mean it.

    The Shred 415 sounds awesomely difficult – like Barry’s Bootcamp (or so I’ve read). I would love to do try it. Sort of like those capris. Alas, my Kohl’s didn’t have them 🙁

    P.S. I have 13 miles next Sunday. Feel free to steal Bobbi, swing by Kim’s, and run them with me.

    • kilax says:

      Thank you!!! We should talk teaching tips sometime. As in, you give them to me 😉

      I had to order the capris online! You should get some so we can be twinsies. They had another color too… hmm.. what was it… OH NOES! They are sold out!!! 🙁

      Gosh! I would love to come down there and run with you. I am so excited I get to see you in < 2 mos!

  7. Glad you enjoyed yoga! My quads are actually really talking to me right now. I was focusing on them in the bridges and I think it worked!

  8. Valerie says:

    Three things:
    1. New pair of colorful workout pants?! You have the best ones!
    2. That Shred 415 class sounds AWESOME and challenging!
    3. KILLER mileage this week…and on track for just as much (if not more) next week with that 20 miler- you go girl!
    PS- In the next few weeks, we should run together- it will be officially nice enough out for my old lady bones to handle lol!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! Kohl’s, again 😉 Online this time. YES! We must twin it up with our crazy pants soon! Before it’s too hot to wear pants! Maybe a Thursday since you work from home?! 3/21?!

  9. Anne says:

    Shred 415 sounds pretty intense. I keep seeing workouts that involve cycling between the treadmill and strength, and I always wonder about how that would work.

    And you forgot to mention the 14 pound backpack for the first half of Friday’s run! That should count for something.

    • kilax says:

      I tried the cycling and strength thing once at Brian’s and liked it!

      Oh gosh! How could I forget! Your poor scale must be sad it only got one social media appearance! 😉

      LOL, forget to tell you that I loved the pic of me with the dogs on your blog 🙂

      • Anne says:

        Oh, I meant going back and forth between the treadmill and strength. Which do you think was harder coupled with strength – treadmill or bike?

        The dogs also liked that picture, but obvi they would’ve liked it more if you had shared your snacks. So, pack more next time 😉

        • kilax says:

          Oh! Hmm. I think the bike was harder since I had to lift my legs up to get on! TWSS. HAHAHHA

          I will definitely bring more oranges next time 🙂

  10. Steph says:

    Whatever, candy on runs is the best thing ever! I like to take Swedish Fish, but a lot of times, I won’t save them for my run because I’m a candy-holic, so….oh well.

    • kilax says:

      Yay! I am not alone! I just convinced my husband to let me buy some Easter candy “for my runs.” I prefer Swedish Fish type candy too 🙂

  11. Erin says:

    Sounds like the candy wasn’t the best idea 🙂

    Shred 415 sounds intense! Maybe I should check it out after this marathon.

    Also, I think that if you kept doing yoga you’d get a better sense of where your body is in space. Do you think you struggle with that in general?

    • kilax says:

      Caaaaandy… so I can’t bring any on Saturday?!?!?!??!

      You should check out Shred 415! I think you would like it. It’s a good rush.

      Hmm, what do you mean “sense of my body in space”? I know I have no sense of whether or not I am doing a pose right… is that how you mean it? 🙂

  12. Meghan says:

    Girl, you are my hero! What an amazing week! We so need to workout again. Just sayin’… 🙂

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