The office dump

By , March 27, 2013 11:45 am

Today I am guilty of the office dump.

Wow. That sounds really bad, doesn’t it? Ha ha ha! I will let you decide how bad it really is… once I explain what the heck I am talking about.  

Don’t worry! I am not talking about anything that involves a visit to the bathroom. But I am talking about food. Again.

I hauled this big-arse (heavy!) bag of food to the office today. But it wasn’t full of things to fill up my snack drawer.


Sigh. It actually had my lunch and it, and a bunch of snacky stuff from our pantry (snacky stuff in bag below on left, lunch on right).


My food hoarding got the best of me this month. I might write more later about my tendency to stock up on not-so-healthy treats then not eat (all of) them, as an exercise in self control… but we’ve already had enough disordered food talk this week. So I’ll save that topic for another day.

But anyway, I eventually sabotage myself by having so many not-so-healthy treats around, because when I want to binge, there they all are. So! I took a lot of them* out of the pantry, and brought them in to work. Hence – the office dump – dumping my snacky food off in the office pantry. GUILTY!

Are you ever guilty of the office dump?

I sure am. I work in a huge office, and food goes fast. When I used to bake more, I would bring in the extra stuff. Sometimes I feel bad about it, like I am encouraging other people to eat junk. But whatever. I see what some people eat on their own… if I wasn’t providing it, they would be!

And that huge bag was mostly gone by 9:00 am.

*Not all. I don’t follow  the “don’t have any not-so-healthy snacks in the house” policy as a way to stay on track with my eating. I believe in small indulgences each day. We just had WAY too much stuff, because I was food hoarding.

24 Responses to “The office dump”

  1. bobbi says:

    That was my downfall, back when I was working. It wasn’t that I MINDED the birthday treats and delicious baked goods, it was that once everyone else went home (I worked second shift) it would CALL to me from the break room all night. And with no one else there to see what I was doing, I would pig the eff out.

    I am WAY guilty on dumping on my husband’s office tho, haha!!

  2. Heather says:

    ABSOLUTELY. I always bring cookies, cake, etc when we have too many leftovers at home. I don’t bring ALL of them because the boys would kill me, but I’ll bring more than half. 🙂

  3. Mica says:

    If I bake something and want to get it out of the house (or think that it won’t get eaten fast enough at home and will go stale), I ALWAYS bring it to the office. Hungry grad students nom-nom that shiz up!

    Semi-related: There was a professor in another department who would go up to a different floor in my building to make an office dump. And I don’t mean the snacky-food kind. 😛

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! You need to take your leftovers on the same day as the pointless presentations so the grad students don’t get in trouble for nom-nomming all the fancy foods 😉

      HA HA HAHAHHA!!!

      Gross. Ha!

  4. Kiersten says:

    This is why I miss working in an office. I love to bake, but if I keep what I bake, I’ll eat it all myself.

  5. Oh, I do it all the time. Or, whenever the occasion arises. I once took the leftovers from a bridal shower to work because I didn’t want them in the house. But, normally, if I bake something for a party and have leftovers, the leftovers go to the office on Monday.

    I’m intrigued by this idea of food hoarding as I’m completely opposite. I am more likely not to have any of the bad stuff around as a way to keep myself on track. I have a big problem allowing myself, say, 5 M&Ms and then making it OK not to track because it’s just 5. Then I’ll eat 5 more, a handful of nuts/raisins, and I ate 200 calories making dinner. Not there, can’t eat it.

    • kilax says:

      Maybe I will write more about the food hoarding thing. For me, I can go a couple of months having things and not binging on them (or “forgetting I ate them”), but them something snaps and I have to eat them all. The reason I know it wouldn’t help to keep them out of the house is because I will binge on anything. Overeating is my problem, in general. It’s not specific to any food… if that makes sense.

  6. Luz says:

    I’m guilty of feeding my boyfriend everything I don’t eat.. or don’t want to eat and leave it at his place. haha. oops.

  7. chezjulie says:

    Oh, yeah. The excess from “teacher thank you” gifts and “tower of treats” Christmas presents often ends up going to my office dump.

  8. I would not be able to handle my life if I had not so healthy food in my cupboards just to teach me self control. I definitly do not have that much self control. Maybe one day but probably not. 🙂 If I brought food to work I would be the only one there to eat and that wouldn’t work out so well for me.

  9. Michelle says:

    I’ve sooo done this. Lol

  10. Emily says:

    For sure. Anytime I have extra food from potlucks or that my mom gives me that I can’t/don’t want to eat, I’ll totally bring it all into the office to get rid of it. But – I justify it in that it’s a two-way street. Anytime others bring in extra food, I do my part for them by helping to eat it. =)

  11. Anne says:

    Thank you for clarifying what you meant by “office dump.” I was definitely worried you were posting about a “road game,” if you know what I mean 😉

    I’m always the office dumper! I used to bake all the time when I was going to the office more often (hmmm… are the two connected? I DO stress-bake!) and would always take stuff in. I also used baked goods to win approval and maybe even friendship from my co-workers when I started at my job. Will they like me if I don’t have a few dozen white chocolate macadamia cookies with me?!

    I never feel bad about it though – better to throw it off on my co-workers than have all that stuff sitting around here, where Bob will definitely eat it all (okay, I help a little). Also, now my office is a lot of dudes, so they never pass up free food.

  12. Erin says:

    Yep, I bring stuff to work all the time. I figure that way I’m sharing the load 🙂 If I have it at home there are only two of us to eat it. At work there are definitely more than two! Our boss also likes to bake and he lives alone so he shares what he makes with the office. I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all. In fact, it probably helps foster work relationships.

  13. Xaarlin says:

    I had been bring tons of foods to work to snack on (are you kidding me, Im not sharing my foods!). and now ive eaten all the small oranges, so I dont know what tomorrow will hold for me. Ive brought food to dump in the office- like the popcorn my aunt bought me for christmas a few years ago. People love free food!

  14. Steph says:

    Uh, yea. All the time! My coworkers love me for it, especially when it’s something homemade. I try to give it to people that I know aren’t worrying about their weight/health so I don’t cause any undue stress over it.

  15. Kandi says:

    I do this sometimes if we have something in the house we don’t really like or have too much of something. It’s incredible how quickly it disappears!

  16. Michele says:

    I have so done this too!! Just yesterday! I had an abundance of tangerines in the house, I”m the only one who eats them, so instead of letting them go bad, I took them to work.

    I dump things that we don’t like too, if we was trying something out and we didn’t like it, someone in the office likes it, so I think of it as not being wasteful!!

    I’ve also sneak and dump the not so good Halloween candy that my son gets wayyyyy too much of! He doesn’t have a clue!

  17. Jacky says:

    I do this all the time, especially with my kids holiday candy. While the kids forgot about the treats after a few days, I keep eating them. Then it is off to work they go!

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