Thrice fooled

By , April 4, 2013 6:15 am

Did you guys fall for any April Fool’s jokes? Did you play any?

(I know, this question is a few days late, but I am really far behind on the internets).

Steven unintentionally fooled me three times – but a day late:

1. My work offers battery and ink cartridge recycling. Steven put a bag of these items in my backpack so I would remember to recycle them in the office on Tuesday. Oh. I did remember. I have proof:


Ah! He got me! Ink! All over my hand! Ha ha ha. 

2. I haven’t had time to fill out the dry erase calendar in our kitchen for April. I came home Tuesday night to see Steven had filled it out! How sweet! Wait. He filled out every day as July 31st. Ha ha ha. That’s my birthday! I might just leave that calendar up for the month of April. I am still waiting on my birthday presents for the first three days of the month. 


3. The last one is really freaky. I woke up around 4:30 am Wednesday morning because I heard a man and children yelling. I thought they would just shut up, but when they kept going at it, I opened the shades to look outside. No one. I walked to another window. No one. The noise sounded really close, like it was next door! But we haven’t heard people from next door (through our shared wall) in a long time. So I walked in to our open office and the voices got louder. Like they were in my house. 

Mind you, I was walking in the dark, in the middle of the morning. Freaking out. 

The voices? Were a movie* that was playing on our speakers in our office. GOSH!!! That was scary for a second! I thought someone was in our house! I noticed the speakers were on before I went to bed, and thought nothing of it. I will turn them off next time!

And you know I was about to go all ninja on someone’s arse. For realz. 

And the cruelest joke of all? It’s not Friday. Ha ha ha. 

*Zero Dark Thirty

24 Responses to “Thrice fooled”

  1. Kandi says:

    I like that he marked everyday as your birthday! Bring on the gifts and cake! 😉
    I had a super paranoid day yesterday. It started with getting in my car and realizing it was in neutral and the emergency brake wasn’t pulled. I usually pull the E brake and keep my car in reverse so I had that weird sensation that someone either was in my car or had been in my car. Then I kept hearing banging sounds at work and was kind of creeped out by it thinking someone horrible was happening/going to happen. Then I turned to look out the window and a window washer guy was hanging there and it scared the crap outta me!
    As for April fool’s jokes, I was lucky and didn’t get pranked. A coworker did though. He was telling us duuring our lunch run how his 10 yr old daughter was on spring break but woke up early anyway and offered to make his lunch. He got out the sandwich making supplies and left her to make his sandwich. When he went to take a bite after the run, he bit into a knife (luckily one of those very dull spreading knives used for cheeses)!! He called me over to show me and said “don’t let a 10 yr old make your lunch”. I noticed something that looked like a piece of tape across the turkey and asked him about it. A few minutes later he called me and told me it was tape and that it said ‘April Fools’ on it. HA!

  2. kelsey says:

    omg I’m DYING at #3. Loves it. what did Data think of that?

  3. I work in a Middle School. I gave extra thanks we were off on April Fools Day!!!!

  4. bobbi says:

    I was actually expecting more from my kids this April 1, but nope…nothing. And that was OK by me!

    (holy crap – number 3! I would have completely lost it!)

    • bobbi says:

      Oh! And I can’t tell you how much I love the look on Yvonne’s face in your new awesome masthead. Next time tho, I’m making sure my hands are completely visible…

  5. chezjulie says:

    That would be very freaky to wake up and hear that scene from Zero Dark Thirty! Yikes! (And imagine how much Steven could have fooled you if he had actually been trying).

    I am big admirer of Henri, the cat who stars in little black and white existential films modeled on French films. On Facebook, the filmmaker posted that he had signed with Fox to do a cartoon version of Henri, but the network wanted it to be in color, not in French, and with no philosophy! I fell for it for a minute because I’m so used to people selling out and ruining things I enjoy!

    • kilax says:

      Aww man! I love that one! Is that the one where he hates life and is so miserable? GAH! Too bad that was a joke!

  6. kapgar says:

    How did a movie just start up? Haunted computer/DVD player?

    • kilax says:

      We have a centralized DVD server plugged in to our whole house audio system. It was set on the menu for that movie and decided to start playing for some reason. So… yes! Haunted!

  7. Anne says:

    #3 would totally freak me out! Sometimes if I can’t sleep I get freaked out just by the random building noises, but if Jude’s not barking, I feel pretty safe. So you need to have Data patrolling better!

    OMG, this post just made me realize my April Fool’s “joke” this year was food poisoning. I’m going to lock myself inside my house next April Fool’s Day.

  8. No jokes on me. Thank goodness. Busy work week would have meant some throat-punching otherwise. I love that Steven filled out the calendar so every day is your birthday. But does that mean you get gifts everyday? Because that would rock.

  9. Erin says:

    LOVE the calendar joke! Too funny.

    No jokes or pranks here. Thankfully. I didn’t even see any online!

  10. Alyssa says:

    My coworker saved an image of my desktop and then hid all my icons so it looked like my normal desktop but nothing worked. The funniest part was that he and another coworker stood by and watched as I turned on my computer and started opening things and it took me a few minutes to even figure out anything was wrong. Once they started bursting out laughing I knew something was up.

  11. Kim says:

    I don’t get into April Fool’s, but my brother did try to get me. He called and said, ‘Hey, are you part of the area in (my town) that’s affected by that gas leak?” Momentary freak-out. Hardy har, well played brother.

  12. Valerie says:

    That is so funny that Steven adjusted the calendar…I love it! A funny, not scary practical joke is awesome! But that man/child thing is FREAKY! Did you computer just start playing something? Crazy!

  13. Emily says:

    There is nothing scarier than being woken up in the middle of the night to voices like that. I’ve been there with getting ink all over my hands, too (i.e. every time I try to refill the ink cartridges in our home printer). That ink is really stubborn and hard to wash off!!!

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