Training Week 182

By , April 14, 2013 7:03 pm

Highlight of the Week: Duh. Running through the water and mud with friends at the Double Down!


Monday | April 8, 2013: 6 m run + teaching strength class + 6 m run (w/Erin)
Loc: hood, Temp: 40°/41°, Time: 58:14, Pace: 9:42 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: fine
Strength: kettlebells + step, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 47°/43°, Time: 53:37, Pace: 8:56 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great/energetic
Tuesday | April 9, 2013: rest
Wednesday | April 10, 2013: strength class
Strength: cones and dumbbells, Difficulty: easy, Felt: not so great – my knee doesn’t like that workout
Thursday | April 11, 2013: up/down ladder (w/WU + CD)
Loc: hood, Temp: 40°/40°, Time: 53:22, Pace: 8:54 avg, Difficulty: hard (for me), Felt: in over my head
Friday | April 12, 2013: 9.5 m run (w/Kristi & Chris)
Loc: Grayslake to Savanna and back, Temp:  37°/37°, Time: 1:29:43, Pace: 9:27, Difficulty: easy, Felt: okay
Saturday | April 13, 2013: Muddy Monk Double Down (w/Bobbi and Rachel)
Loc: Dam No. 1 Woods, Temp: 35°/37°, Time: 2:19:41, Pace: 12:01 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Sunday | April 14, 2013: 22.05 m run (w/Emily, Rael and Stacy)
Loc: Round Lake to Grayslake and back, Temp: 47°/48°, Time: 3:44:30, Pace: 10:11 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: pretty good


  • Erin came to my class on Monday night! It really means a lot to me to have my friends trek out to Grayslake to try out my class (and to give me feedback)! I am thinking about offering a one-time Saturday class sometime so other Chicagoland people can come… let me know if you would be interested. 
  • Speedwork was such a biznatch this week. I really need to do it more than twice a month if I don’t want it to feel so hard every time. Ha ha ha. Riiiiight.
  • My long run on Sunday was supposed to be at a 10:00mm pace and I started too fast. I was pissed off at the 25mph winds and was running fast to feel like I was actually moving. Anyway, starting too fast really screwed my buddy Emily over. Sigh. She wasn’t upset with me, but I felt bad anyway. I told her it was a good reminder not to start out too fast at her marathon in three weeks… ha ha… right? Uh… 
  • After my last 22-miler on March 29 I felt something… crunchy on the inside of my left knee. It doesn’t hurt. I just feel it when I twist it to the side. So Wednesday’s strength class with a heavy focus on lateral movement didn’t feel that great during, but felt good after. 
  • And since I am mentioning aches and pains, my left calf felt tight during my long run on Sunday. My hands were all puffed up and swollen, so I think it’s a salt/electrolyte thing. We’ll see. I hope I don’t get a tight calf again. That happened to me in late spring 2010 and took forever to get rid of. 
  • For the record… I am not worried about my knee or my calf. Just recording it here!
  • This is my second 60+ mile week this year (61.2)! My first was exactly 60. I wonder how many more times that will happen. It’s getting hotter and I am not wanting to run as much. 

29 Responses to “Training Week 182”

  1. EmilyJ says:

    STOP! It was so much fun running with you and I’m NOT upset at all! I’ve been loving our runs 🙂 Plus, if I don’t ever have a tough run, I don’t learn anything from it. You really helped to bring me back from the brink of quitting and encouraged me so I could actually finish. A million thank you’s!!

    • kilax says:

      Okay. I am done feeling bad 😉 I hope you feel better today! And I hope we get to run together soon!

      18 days until Kenosha!!!!!!!

  2. YES! I am very interested!!!!

  3. Michelle says:

    Great work this week, Kim!!

  4. Anne says:

    I’ll come to a Saturday class! Especially if it includes a return trip to the wine bar (but even if it doesn’t) 🙂

  5. Not to be a busybody, but I’d get the knee checked – Laima didn’t and ended up with surgery on both knees.

  6. bobbi says:

    You know I’d come to a Saturday class if I can!!

  7. Diane says:

    I’m with Kovas–at least keep tabs on it. I had a knee injury when I was young that was healing on its own, and then one wrong twist and I had to have surgery.

  8. Kristina says:

    For the tight calf, have you ever tried ART (active release therapy)? It’s my new favorite form of torture – I have tight calves and PF, as you know, and ART helps with both of those.

  9. kelsey says:

    YOU know I’m dying to come to your class!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Looks like you had a great week!

  10. Maggie says:

    Nice ladder! I like ladders. Speedwork but not repetitive.

    I would love to come to your class. Could you teach one at the St James Health & Wellness Center in Chicago Heights? 🙂

  11. Kiersten says:

    That race looked like a blast. I love getting muddy 🙂 I swear every week I look at your weekly recap and vow to do one, but I still haven’t!

  12. If I’m available when you host it, I would totally make the drive out to Grayslake so you could kick my booty.

  13. I thought you said you followed a race with 3 miles of recovery, lady. That’s an interesting run you had there to shake out the legs this weekend 🙂

    And just so you know, I hate the wind. It is dumb.

    • kilax says:

      3 miles pre race. Or 9, in this case. When I am not “racing” though, I do whatever I want. Ha ha hahahahahah. I do plan a shakeout run tonight.

  14. Meghan says:

    YES! Count me in for a Saturday class! I bet you’re the best teacher ever. 🙂

  15. Mica says:

    Ah, I want to come to your strength class!!

  16. Erin says:

    I wish every Monday night could be like that!

    Also, having done speed work weekly for two years in a row, I’m here to tell you it doesn’t get easier 🙂

  17. I would also LOVE to attend a Saturday class, of course I might need to modify some of the workouts, but I would love it! 🙂

    I love when you do your fitness recaps for the week because it is always filled with variety and fun. When running and working out is a hobby, it is important to keep it fun so it stays a hobby instead of becoming a chore! 🙂

    • kilax says:

      I actually modify my class each week now for someone who is expecting 🙂

      Aww, thank you!!!! I feel liked I need to add MORE variety. Time for some biking! Steven just ordered me new wheels!! AWW YEAH.

      • Oh Yay!!!! That makes me even more excited to come to a class.

        I just was on the stationary bike on Tuesday and it was nice to do something different. Today I’m going to try and hit up the treadmill for a few miles. 🙂

  18. Emily says:

    I would love to come to your strength class sometime!!! Please do keep us all posted!!!

    Great training week as always, and congrats on your second 60+ mile-week this year! You are always such an inspiration to me. Do you realize that I consider a 60+ mile-MONTH to be good for me!?!?!?

  19. Hmm…I hate it when bloggers post their workouts, because I mean, I just don’t care. But I like it when you post yours, because you make a cool collage thingy and it makes your life look so fun!!!

  20. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I would come up for a Saturday class!!

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