Training Week 184 / Gypsy Runner Arm Sleeves Giveaway WINNER

By , April 28, 2013 6:46 pm

Highlight of the Week: Running with my new neighborhood friend! And all my other friends. No solo runs this week!


not pictured: Friday’s run

Monday | April 22, 2013: teaching strength class
Strength: body bars, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Tuesday | April 23, 2013: 8 m run (last 4 w/Alyssa)
Loc: Millennium Trail to Nippersink FP, Temp: 41°/40°, Time: 1:15:17, Pace: 9:24 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: good
Wednesday | April 24, 2013: strength class + 5.2 m run (w/Bobbi and Chris)
Strength: body bars + boxing, Difficulty: medium, Felt: mostly good
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 49°/46°, Time: 54:53, Pace: 10:34 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Thursday | April 25, 2013: 5 m run (w/Emily) + 6 m run (w/Valerie)
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 39°/40°, Time: 45:03, Pace: 9:00 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: so tired/out of it
Loc: Rollins Savanna, Temp: 47°/47°, Time: 54:32, Pace: 9:05 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: still tried

Friday | April 26, 2013: 5.5 m run (middle 3 w/new neighborhood friend)
Loc: hood, Temp: 51°/56°, Time: 1:02:29x, Pace: 11:22, Difficulty: easy, Felt: tired
Saturday | April 27, 2013: rest
Sunday | April 28, 2013: rest


  • I am still having a super hard time catching up with sleep after my weekend in Salt Lake City. And my runs were not super fast after coming back from a higher altitude! Wah! (just kidding)
  • I am just remembering this now, but I thought it was so odd how many people were not wearing hats at the Salt Lake City Half Marathon, since it rained the entire time. Wearing a hat when you run is so helpful for keeping water out of your eyes… so you can see. Do you wear a hat when you are working out in the rain?
  • Another question… so, I wore brand new shoes to the Salt Lake City Half Marathon. I’ve done this before. But I know a lot of people are concerned about “breaking shoes in.” Do you make a point to break shoes in before a race? Maybe this is more important for racing flats and shoes that fit to your foot more?
  • My strength workout on Wednesday left me so sore for a few days. Stupid DOMS. That hadn’t happened in awhile. I hated feeling so sore and stiff for my following workouts and just around the house. Bleh.

The winner of the Gypsy Runner Arm Sleeves Giveaway is Abbi! Abbi, please email me ( your mailing address and I will share it with Gypsy Runner!

21 Responses to “Training Week 184 / Gypsy Runner Arm Sleeves Giveaway WINNER”

  1. Beth says:

    Congrats, Abbi! I’m sorry you’re not feeling well rested. Hopefully you’ll be able to catch up soon. I am also all about the brimmed hat or visor for running in the rain. I don’t know how someone could run in the rain without one. I do try to get 25-50 miles on a pair of shoes before I race in them, especially for longer races. I’m terrified that if I don’t try them out first, there will be some manufacturing defect and something awful will happen in the middle of the race.

  2. Jess says:

    I wear a hat for almost every run, I always have. Gross but I always sweat a lot, regardless of temperature & it keeps my nasty hair off my face. New shoes are one of my biggest fears. I’ll wear them on all my short runs for a month before I dare wear them for a long run!

  3. Maggie says:

    I always wear a hat if there is rain in the forecast. Otherwise, I wear a visor for longer runs to keep the sun out of my eyes. Similarly, I’m always amazed by people who don’t wear a hat/visor or sunglasses when it’s sunny. Having the sun in my eyes drives me nuts (even when I’m not running).

    Did you wear completely new-to-you shoes during the half, or just a new pair of a style you’ve worn before? I’ve worn enough pairs of Brooks Adrenalines and Mizuno Nirvanas that I would wear a brand new pair of those to a race if I couldn’t avoid it. Usually I try to wear shoes that have around 50-200 miles to races. But if they were a style of shoe I’ve never worn before, that’s too risky. I wouldn’t even do a long run in them the first time out. The last time I tried a new style of shoes, I had to exchange them and go up a size, because my usual size gave me blisters after about three miles. That would be terrible to discover during a half marathon.

    • kilax says:

      Completely new-to-me-shoes from a familiar brand – I wouldn’t wear a pair of new type of shoes for a race! Okay. I did do that for my ultra. But they were the trail version of my road shoes 😉

      Do you not go a size up for all your running shoes? Mine all are.

      • Maggie says:

        I’m a 9 in normal shoes and usually a 9 in running shoes. But maybe it made a difference because the shoes that gave me blisters were minimalist shoes? Either way – I hate having to use different sizes for different stuff. Can’t all the clothing and shoe manufacturers come together and have consistent sizing?? Sheesh.

        • kilax says:

          I think the shoes are the same size. I just go larger because I have a Morton’s toe and because my feet swell when I run. That way they have more space to expand and blisters are less likely 🙂 Of course, you still get them if your feet get too wet, lol!

  4. Molly says:

    I pretty much ALWAYS wear that Zooma hat (that I think I won on YOUR blog!!). If its sunny I wear it to shade, if its rainy I wear it keep dry, otherwise its good to keep my hair out of my face. The only times I haven’t worn it are when I needed something more substantial to keep my noggin warm.
    Did you ask those Salt Lakers what was up?

    • kilax says:

      That is when I don’t wear them too – and even then, I sometimes put a visor over a stocking cap.

      I did say something to the girl next to me, but she did not hypothesize why they didn’t!

  5. Amy says:

    Sounds like some very sociable workouts!

    I pretty much always wear a hat, especially since I got diagnosed with rosacea last year, I have to be really careful for the sun.

  6. abbi says:

    I always wear a hat when it is raining too and have also raced in brand new shoes, though I was at least familiar with the model. Great week and yay arm sleeves, e-mailing you!!

  7. Michele says:

    Yay for running partners!!

    I ALWAYS were a hat when running, duh!

    I don’t break in my shoes either. I ran a half last year with shoes I bought the day before the race. I had worn that particular brand and size before, so it wasn’t a big deal.

  8. Kristina says:

    Like other people have said – yes to a hat! I actually can’t imagine running without one.

  9. YAY for that Thursday run! 🙂 That was seriously SO nice to run with you a- outside b- on the trails and c- with a friend. That was the first time in a LONG, looong time that I have run with someone so THANK YOU! Hope to do it again soon!

    • kilax says:

      It was great and worked out so well with my schedule! I hope we can do it again too. And excited I get to see you tonight! We made the hummus during lunch break 🙂 hee hee

  10. Erin says:

    You’ve been go-go-go since you got back from SLC. No wonder you’re having a trouble catching up on sleep and feeling rested!

    I started wearing a visor when I trained for my first half marathon but before that I wore just a bandana. The hat or visor is so much better. I’m always surprised at people who don’t wear something. Doesn’t sweat drip in their eyes??

    P.S. I kept meaning to enter the arm warmer giveaway but wanted to measure my upper arm and I couldn’t find our tape measure. Sad.

    • kilax says:

      That is another good reason to wear one, AND, it keeps hair off your face!

      Derp. Tell me which ones you liked and what size. You know it will come in handy at some point 😉

      • Erin says:

        I *think* I’m an XS or S. My bicep measures 10″ and my arm is 15″ long from armpit to wrist.

        The pink and black polka dot ones would go with the most things in my running clothes drawer. Although the Edge Tie Dye looks pretty cool, too!

  11. Alyssa says:

    My new shoes worked out great for my marathon. I put on less than 20 miles on them before running the race in them too. After wearing the new shoes I noticed ow much the padding was broken down in my old shoes so I am really glad I got new ones.
    I looked at my friends shoes before the race and was baffled at how she was still running in them. The bottoms were worn hardcore. She claimed they were “still clean” so they didn’t need to be replaced. This probably explains why she was complaining to me about her feet hurting a few weeks ago.

    • kilax says:

      LOL at your friend complaining about her feet. Ha ha ha. I notice that the cushioning gets really worn down in mine too, so the newer, the better!

      I want to hear more about your race!!! 😀

      • Alyssa says:

        I’m working on it! I’ve been so tired that I just go to bed really early with no time for writing!

        My friend also claimed “I just bought these shoes in January!” You were training for a marathon, that is a lot of miles!

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