Friday Question #235

By , May 24, 2013 8:43 am

What time is too late to be receiving a text or phone call (or maybe it’s different depending on which it is)? What time is too early?


We’ll pick on my mom since she actually has a sense of humor.

Come on, mom! You know I am sick! Why you texting me* so late?!

Just kidding. I’ve had my phone turned on to “do not disturb” while I’ve been sleeping so much the past few days. So I didn’t see this text until close to 11:00. So I responded then… and she was still up and responded later! Late night for both of us!

This text cracked me up, though – since it was so late and… why is my dad working on that project so late in the day? Ha ha ha. 

Typically, I try not to send any texts or call anyone past 10:00 pm or before 7:00 am. I usually send an email instead, if I am up that late (or early), and thinking of talking to someone. And if they have a smart phone and respond back right away… well, I know they are up. 

Sometimes I get really late texts that wake me up when I forget to turn my phone on to “do not disturb.” I usually like to respond to those really early in the morning. Ha ha ha. 

*and a few other people

23 Responses to “Friday Question #235”

  1. Kandi says:

    I think most people who call and text me know that I won’t respond after 10pm. Sometimes even earlier if we are extra tired (like the past two weeks as we are still recovering from our Europe trip… or at least that’s what I’m blaming). I don’t mind texts at any time though because they hardly ever wake me up. Calls on the other hand (do people still call each other?) would annoy me if they happened often and it wasn’t important. On the otherside, I sometimes text people before 7am (and sometimes before 6am) without even thinking about it. What can I say? I’m a morning person.

  2. For phone calls, 9 p.m. was the rule growing up and I pretty much stick with that. Especially since that’s when I go to bed. For texting, it depends on the person but probably 10. And I never call anyone before 8 a.m.

    Please kick that cold to the curb.

  3. Matt says:

    I have my phone set to automatically go into silent mode between 10pm and 7am. In fact, it even turns off most of the data services during that time as well. It will still ring if my wife calls though.

  4. E-mail is usually a way to connect to people after hours without waking them. If their phone beeps with every e-mail, that’s not really my concern, if they’re getting spam at those hours it’s beeping for that (and I’m more important than spam).

    My phone goes into Do Not Disturb mode, so no noises from texts or calls (the light doesn’t go on nor does it vibrate).

    So times: I try not to after 9:30, later if they’re on my short list. In the morning, I try not to bug people before 10am. BUT if someone leaves me a text at 4am, I don’t worry about texting them if I see it at 8am, it gets the answer to them and they really can’t complain…


  5. My best friend is in Australia, so I get a lot of random late night texts from her. It’s never bothered me, and they don’t wake me up, so it’s not a problem. It was an adjustment for my boyfriend though. Apparently he was waking up all the time at 3am to the sound of my phone going off. He must be getting used to it though because he hasn’t complained for awhile.

    • kilax says:

      Wait. What? BF? Is this why you haven’t been posting much lately? 😉 😉 😉 Or is my memory just THAT bad?!

  6. Erin says:

    Hmmm. Good question! I don’t really want phone calls after 9PM or before 8AM. Texts, though, I don’t really care. If I’m awake, I’ll respond. If I’m not, then I won’t. I don’t always have my phone in the same room as me (much to Jason’s consternation) so if you text me at midnight and my phone’s in my office and I’m in bed I’m not going to hear it anyway!

    • kilax says:

      My mom keeps her phone outside of the bedroom too and thinks it’s odd that I keep mine by the bed… but I use it as my alarm clock!

  7. Rachel says:

    Mattie tried calling me at 9:30 the other night and I was asleep! lame. 🙂

    I don’t really care how late/early someone calls or texts because I sleep like a rock, so I don’t realize it till the morning!

  8. Tracy says:

    10pm? You crack me up – I wish that I was an early riser! I’m rarely even home yet at 10pm! For me, you can safely call/text before midnight, but please don’t call before 8am. Of course, my good friends know that you can actually call me 24/7 if it’s important. I never mind emergency calls.

    • kilax says:

      Hee hee hee! I am such a morning person it’s crazy. I can’t believe I was ever a night owl in college. 🙂

      And yes! Emergency calls, always. Unless I am in a deep sleep!


  9. I have my phone automatically on do not disturb between 10pm and 6am. I do allow phone calls though. People who know me know I go to bed early and I figure if they are calling that late it’s an emergency and I want to get the call. Texts can wait. I generally don’t want to talk to anyone past 9 so call at your own risk. 🙂

  10. bobbi says:

    I silence my phone when I go to bed. Otherwise it rings for texts, calls AND emails, so it wouldn’t matter. I figured everyone did – I feel like maybe I should monitor the time better now…I always thought if someone doesn’t respond that it’s too late, but not necessarily too late to send it (assuming they wouldn’t hear it if they were sleeping). Does that even make sense? Hmmm…

    • kilax says:

      I know what you are saying. And I assume other people DON’T silence their phone, so that is why I send the email. I also assume not everyone has email alerts on, apparently.

  11. Sizzle says:

    I usually think if someone texts or calls before 8 or after 10 something is wrong. I have my phone on vibrate so it doesn’t really bother me if I’m sleeping.

  12. Losinglindy says:

    I know this will sound crazy to you, but with kids, not before or after 8 (am/pm). If you have a house, it would be easier for them not to hear, but we are in a small space and it gets him up. I really mean this for calls. I have my cell on silent most of the time. I try to get to bed by 9, and if I sleep well, I am up about 5.

  13. kapgar says:

    I have the Do Not Disturb functionality on my iPhone set for 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Works for me.

  14. Michele says:

    My phone goes automatically to ‘do not disturb’ from 10pm-7am. Of course on my list that can get through is my parents, brother, son, and husband. So yeah, I’d be mad if I was asleep and got a text!! A couple of weeks ago the hubby and I got a text at 2:30am to tell us his sister gave birth. (Mine didn’t go off, but his did.) I mean really, THAT could’ve waited until the next day. It’s not like I’m gonna call and say, “What’s up yo? You have a baby?” LOL!! Geez.

  15. jan says:

    For people I don’t know well, I avoid 8 p.m. until 9 a.m. For close friends, it kind of depends on their schedule, but usually more like 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.

  16. Amy says:

    My phone is downstairs in my purse so I would never hear it anyway. The only time I would have it with me upstairs by the bed is if one of the kids is out really late for some reason.

  17. martymankins says:

    For me, unless it’s a work emergency, anything past 10pm is a bit past the cordial hour to be sending a text.

  18. Alice says:

    i usually don’t call after 9, text after 10 (unless i know the person is not an early sleeper) or call/text before 10am, ESPECIALLY on weekends, when i for one love to lounge in bed snoozing as long as possible 🙂

    i need to look into this “do not disturb” feature though!!

  19. Anything later than 10pm is too late for me. If I’m already asleep, though, I likely won’t even realize I got a text until the next day. During the week, we wake up so early in our house (5am) that I’m not sure anyone could ever text me too early.

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