No “face”!

By , June 26, 2013 5:42 am

It was crazy how much free time I had getting ready for work this morning, despite getting up five minutes after the alarm.

In fact, I thought it was kind of odd.



I realized it on the way to the train station, as I rubbed my eyes without care – oh crap – no makeup! Ha ha.

Alright, how many “you look tired/sick” comments do you think I’ll get today?

I don’t wear makeup that often, and not much of it when I do – when I teach or go in to the office, and eyebrow gel, eyeliner and mascara. Basic stuff.

I remember, as a kid, my mom’s mom talking about “putting on her face,” and not knowing what that meant. Duh! Makeup! She still calls it that (and I think still doesn’t go out in public without it).

I’m totally lacking the “must look pretty!”… what to even call it… feeling? Although, interestingly enough, I do do my hair and makeup when I teach class. Those silly study books keep telling me a personal trainer needs to practice what they preach, and look presentable. Oops.

Speaking of that, I had my first dream about the test last night. I suppose that’s appropriate, one month out. Ugh.

Don’t you hate the “you look tired” comments? Of course I’m tired! I have to get up at 4:30 to come down here! Ha ha.

36 Responses to “No “face”!”

  1. Kandi says:

    I hardly ever wear makeup, even to work. My sister-in-law says she tried to cut back on wearing makeup all the time and everyone always tells her she looks tired! Maybe if you go without to begin with people don’t notice? Also, I hate when people make comments like that (unless they come from a good friend who has genuine concern or something). People like to tell me how red my face is, especially after I’ve been running. What do they want me to say to that?
    I had to read what you were talking about because I think you look fine in that photo!

    • kilax says:

      I wonder if people think they are being helpful by pointing out these things… but really, we know when our face is red. Or when we look tired. Ha ha ha. I guess we are just sensitive to people making off the hand comments about our apperance.

      LOL, thanks. You are probably used to seeing me sans makeup, since I rarely have it on in my blog photos!

  2. Steph says:

    Yes! This drives me nuts (unless I’m actually that tired). Maybe because I have to drive 45 mins to work?? Geez. How can they expect us to put on makeup at 5 am?

  3. Heather says:

    For me it has to be a super special occasion to wear make-up – I think my wedding might have been the last time, haha. I am just not a makeup girl!

  4. What test are you studying for? I’m sure a month out the countdown is on! And are you a teacher? Me too! I don’t wear makeup hardly ever. I just don’t like going through the process of putting it on. I put it on when we go out to dinners or parties with friends (75% of the time) and if I’m going to something special, but work or daily stuff I skip it always.

    • kilax says:

      I am studying for the ACE personal trainer exam. So the class I teach in strength training (my career field is architecture ;)). What do you teach? πŸ™‚

      I don’t really like putting it on either. I kind of suck, despite asking nice ladies at makeup counters to teach me. And ugh, to taking it off. Maybe it’s better for my skin if I don’t wear it anyway?!

  5. Anne says:

    I think that comment is kind of rude. But I had a co-worker who kept telling me that to sell me Mary Kay. And it totes worked.

    I rarely leave the house without make-up because I DO look tired.I just wish I had appreciated that I could get away with not wearing make-up when I was younger.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, don’t think young Anne had any makeup on last night and she looked fab. πŸ™‚ lol

      It IS RUDE! Ha! LOL that the Mary Kay worked πŸ˜‰

      I was thinking of you this am during my walk in the rain. Hope your flight is still on time πŸ™‚

      • Anne says:

        This young Anne didn’t wear it until high school graduation!

        And not so much on the flight. It was supposed to leave at 7 but is currently delayed to 8:15. But I still had the fun of waking up at 4am πŸ™‚

  6. EmilyJ says:

    I used to wear make-up constantly and would feel naked if I left the house without it, even though I don’t wear very much. Now that I stay home and run so often, I hardly ever where it! People don’t generally tell me I look tired, but maybe that’s because I’m walking around with three kids stuck to my side and so they just assume I’m tired!? Lol.

    I think you look lovely dah-ling!! If someone tells you you look tired, you should kick them πŸ˜‰

  7. Xaarlin says:

    I hate the you look tired comments, but I hate the “are you pregnant” comments worse! I think you’ll get 3 “tired” comments at work. But you have nice skin and a healthy tan from Sunday so if anyone tells you you look tired, punch them in the face!

    I wear makeup during the week and sometimes on the weekend post runs. I’m pretty minimal and can get ready in like 10 minutes. I love wearing some makeup because I can change it daily, and make my eyes look even greener. πŸ™‚ it’s fun!

    • kilax says:

      WHO THE EFF asks about being pregnant?! That is JUST wrong!

      You do have the prettiest eyes. Sigh. You and CB. You lucky ducks!

  8. sizzle says:

    I try not to ask people if they are tired because I hate when people say that about me. And yes, it’s usually when I’m not wearing a lot of make up. I usually wear some make up when going to work at least but on the weekends I’ve been trying to let my face have a breather.

  9. kelsey says:

    I hate when people tell me I look tired, they might as well be telling me I look like crap.

    I never leave the house without makeup on. Like ever.

  10. I rarely wear make up to work.. mostly because I plan my wake ups so I can run, shower, grab my packed bag, and head to work. I don’t want to wake up 10 minutes earlier to do my make up! Plus, I feel weird when I consistently wear make up and then decide not to wear it one day. I’m not sure why this is but I feel more self-conscious.

    The tired/sick comments are awful. I have no idea why people say stuff like that? SO rude.

  11. Declan says:

    I get the you look tired look when I show up to work after a long pre work run. They ask, oh your kid keep you up? Nope, I was up ungodly early to run and I’m still hungry. Move please!

  12. I have looked tired every day since July 7, 2011 – makeup or no makeup. I sometimes feel like I should put in more effort and wear it but don’t. Maybe it’s because I’m naturally pretty.

  13. My in-laws say that to me all the time!!!! LOL It’s usually after my workday and commutes both ways when I am picking up my car after work. I want to scream sometimes! haha

  14. Erin says:

    I do feel naked when I forget to put on makeup for work but I haven’t ever had anyone say anything. Maybe I don’t wear enough for it to be that noticeable? Although, if that’s the case, why do I bother??

  15. Christina says:

    I don’t think my co-workers would recognize me if I came in without makeup on… πŸ™‚ BUT I would rather forget makeup than forget deoderant, which is what I usually forget if I forget something!

  16. jan says:

    Funny about the makeup! I don’t leave the house w/out mine, either. I don’t wear a lot, but a tiny bit of foundation & mascara makes a big difference!

  17. Beth says:

    I’ve definitely realized that I forgot to put on makeup on the way to work before, too. I feel like telling someone “you look tired” is kinda rude, especially if they’re not like a family member or your bestie or other really close friend. Hope you don’t get any of those comments–you look great!

    • kilax says:

      I didn’t, surprisingly! It would be okay if a friend was like “Hey! You okay today?” But some random schmoo? Come on!

      Aww, thanks!

  18. Losinglindy says:

    I think you look beautiful without makeup

  19. Maggie says:

    I try really hard to be conscious of comments that actually come across as put downs. Like, I really try to hold back comments in which I compare someone to my mom or dad. I’m 30. Being compared to someone old enough to parent me automatically comes across as me calling that person old. So yeah, “you look tired” = stupidest comment ever. I think only my mom or BFF could ever get away with telling me that, because then I assume I would ACTUALLY look run down/like something is wrong with me.

  20. martymankins says:

    I was in the elevator at work the other day and one of the operations workers told me I looked really tired (I actually was from working 12 hrs the previous day). But it took me back a bit. Not offended, but almost to the point where i was “hey, I don’t want to look tired, even if I really am”

  21. Mica says:

    I had a friend in college who wouldn’t go to the dining hall on Sundays until after she had showered and done her hair and makeup. It drove me crazy! I asked her why she felt compelled to “get ready” to go ANYWHERE, and she said she just didn’t feel right without doing it. She likened it to how I ran a lot, but I don’t think it was really the same, especially since I can skip running several days in a row.

    I like when we hang out and neither of us wears makeup. And we don’t tell each other that we look tired.

    • kilax says:

      Oh gosh… on a SUNDAY?! Come on!!! That is funny she compared it to running… which you do for your health (and vanity, but whatever).

      I like that too πŸ™‚

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