Responsible blogging

By , August 12, 2013 6:27 am

A follow up on the “Responsible commenting” post… also, I promise I don’t take blogging this seriously. Just a random (long?) thought that popped in to my head!

You guys left wonderful comments on my (first) Friday post about reading a blog post by someone and getting a feeling that something isn’t right, but the blogger is trying to push it aside, and then wondering what you should say, if anything.

A few people asked if I commented or reached out to the blogger. I didn’t. Which makes me (sound like?) a hypocrite, because it was the type of thing I would comment on, IF, it was a blog I read/commented on regularly. But it isn’t. And the casually mentioned issue was an injury, probably due to over training/not enough rest. I don’t think a first comment of “Have you thought about seeing a doctor/taking some rest days?” would bode well.

The comment (well, part of) Declan left on my post made me think about this more:

But I sometimes feel like I am overstepping my boundaries, as who am I to give people advice that likely have been running and such much longer than me.

I think Declan is right – people who have been doing an activity for a longer time may be annoyed by well intended “advice” from novices/anyone who has done said activity for less time. Even if that “more experienced” someone may need to have it pointed out that they are over doing it.

I was thinking, with so many bloggers out there, there are so many various levels of experience. And it’s easy to look at a blog post of someone with more experience than you, and think that you can do the same – because even though you haven’t been at it as long as them, you might have some things in common with them.

I wrote in my response to Declan’s comment – I do A LOT of stupid crap that a beginning runner shouldn’t, because I know my body can handle it. Upping my weekly mileage by a lot, random long runs, double workouts, and so on. I really hope no one reads my blog and thinks “I should follow Kim’s plan*.”** 

But back to what Declan said about experience – I’ve had my stupid years of too much too soon and the subsequent injury. I learned my lesson. I got in to a good groove with strength training and found out if I treat my body well, I can get away with a lot of exercise – if it’s not too intense.

I really don’t think anyone should look at another person’s blog and try to do exactly what they do – everyone is so different. We can look for inspiration and ideas, but should really modify things to fit our capabilities.

But that must be why people have the  “I am not a ‘such and such'” disclaimers*** on their blogs – because people do read blogs and think to copy what someone else is doing, whether or not it will work for them.  Some of you have those disclaimers- what made you think to add it?

Anyway. Just thinking about responsible blogging, and what you put out there, that others might see, and try to copy, and might not be good for them. Kind of like the “don’t try this at home” disclaimers you see sometimes. 

It seems silly/conceited to me to think that others would want to do what I do, but people talk about reading blogs for inspiration/ideas, so there must be some of that going on in the blogosphere! Ha ha. I don’t plan on changing my blogging style soon though, or what I share. 

Data does has advice for you. He says, don’t do this, especially if the cat has all its claws:


*Um… there really isn’t one either. I kind of wing it. 
**And at the same time, I am sure people have read my blog and thought, “what the heck, Kim is going to get injured!” 
***I am talking about the “I am not a registered dietitian,” “I am not a running coach,” “I am not a certified personal trainer” (except, that one doesn’t apply to me) and so on type disclaimers.

31 Responses to “Responsible blogging”

  1. Data! He’s trying to jump out of your arms into mine 😉

    I wish people thought about this topic for a fraction of what you have. I get so frustrated by this frenzy to create pin-able workouts and get hits by offering something “healthy” (to which I’m guilty, probably a low-level misdemeanor). Just because you threw together a random workout in the gym doesn’t mean everyone should do it. Doesn’t mean you should have. Even CPT should be wary of putting something out there for public viewing because it doesn’t take into account contraindications, fitness levels and limitations/weaknesses. Ya hear me?

    I will now get off my soap box and run far away from your plan. I get too psyched out running so much mid-week mileage. xoxo

    • kilax says:

      Data loves being held. Some times.

      What is this “pin-able” workouts you speak of? JK! I don’t use Pinterest but I have heard of people getting workouts off of there and do wonder how legit it is. And yeah. I hear ya. That is exactly what I am thinking. Even if someone can do most of a workout, they might not know that one move might need to be modified because of existing conditions/whatever.

    • Maggie says:

      Yes yes yes to the absurdity of those pinnable workout graphics from people who have no idea what they are doing. So obnoxious.

  2. Rachel says:

    awww Data loves the smooches. 🙂

    I hope no one follows anything I ever do on my blog. haha.

    I like what Kimberly said above about those ‘pinable’ workouts. Sooo many bloggers are creating them lately with no rhyme or reason (or credentials). Just stop.

    • kilax says:

      What happened to demotivational Monday? I thought it was going to have advice on how to be more grumpy, a la, Grumpy Cat?

      I think I am missing these “pinable” workouts! I will keep an eye out for them!

      • Anne says:

        They’re in some cutesy graphic so that they’re easily pinned to Pinterest. My reaction to them is usually somewhere between “OMG I would never do that to myself” and “Um, what’s groundbreaking about this?”

  3. Heather says:

    Oh please. All of my cats have all their claws (I wouldn’t declaw a cat, but that’s a whole other topic) and I do that all the time!

    I definitely think Declan’s thoughts echo my own. I think actually I commented on one of your posts a while back when you asked “Why didn’t anyone tell me I was…” – I can’t remember what it was, but it was something you hadn’t realized. And my response was – you are so much more experienced and skilled at this that I totally a) thought it was intentional and b) would not presume to question what you were doing. Honestly just wouldn’t occur to me. Maybe when I have a lot of years of running behind me, but I definitely feel like a novice at the moment!

    • kilax says:

      Yeah. When I found Data, he did not have front claws. Sad. I am opposed to declawing, too.

      Yes! I do remember that comment! Gah. What was the post about anyway? I should remember. Brain fart.

      • Heather says:

        I actually didn’t realize he was declawed or I prolly would have kept my mouth shut – it’s one of “those” issues haha. I have been sad in the past turning down cats I’d have otherwise loved to adopt, because my cats have claws and I’m not sure how claws and no claws would mix 🙁

        I can’t remember either haha. I remember the discussion but not the post!

  4. Anne says:

    Jude and Meko are wondering why you never pick them up like that 🙁 Heh, but I love how annoyed Data looks.

    And that post that Heather mentioned was the one where you said you had shortness of breath or chest pains or something on a 20 mile run, and all the comments were of a “WTG” nature. I remember, because I felt bad that I didn’t really pick up on that, even in talking to you that week. But I do kind of assume most people know what they’re capable of and don’t push it too far, so I’d guess that’s why no one said anything.

    I’ve never thought to add any sort of disclaimers about my workouts, probably because I don’t think they’re that extreme that someone copying them (which c’mon, probably wouldn’t happen) would hurt themselves or overdo it. Hmmm…..

    • kilax says:

      I will definitely do that when I see them next week. As long as Meko promises not to wear it better, for whatever I am wearing. MAKE HER PROMISE!

      ANNE! You have such a good memory. Damn. You DO read this crap! And thanks for reminding me of that – that most people do think I know what I am doing. Because I feel like I do. That shortness of breath was a really strange fluke thing.

      You know, we also don’t have a lot of detail in our workouts. Like, you mention more about strength than I do, but not enough that someone could copy it. So maybe that is good? But I wonder about amount of runs and pace and blah blah. I am going to keep writing that – this is the place where I track that crapola!

      • Anne says:

        Bob lifts Jude up from time to time – he only weighs about 70 pounds (oh noes, I broke my own rule about talking about weight in specifics! I hope other dogs reading this aren’t comparing themselves to Jude – looking at you, Meko) so you can probably handle that, right?

        I don’t even think you mentioned my name in that post, so I don’t know why it stuck out to me so much.

        Yeah, I hope no one reads about my runs and thinks “wow, how do I extend my mile times like that?” and tries to copy me. Heh. But yeah, I don’t get into much detail about classes, so I guess the only thing I’d worry about is someone thinking they should take 3 or 4 bootcamps a week on top of running, or something extreme like that. That’s definitely not what I do!

        • kilax says:

          Gah, Meko won’t read my blog. She said every time I post pics of me she gets disgusted by my lack of style!

          Ha ha! Remember when I wrote that post “people should be more like Anne”?! Ha ha ha.

          • Anne says:

            Meko also skims your blog looking for her name. This is probably the first post she’s read in ages.

            And you’ll have to be more specific – I thought a majority of your posts were advising people to be more like me 😉

  5. Erin says:

    I honestly don’t mind when people post workouts that I could save to Pinterest but that’s because I KNOW MYSELF! I know my own body and I know what I’m capable of and what I can and can’t do. In fact, I’m probably more guilty of taking things too easy. But I definitely think there is a type of blog reader out there who takes what some bloggers say as gospel instead of thinking about it for themselves. I think if a blogger makes it clear that they are doing these things for themselves because they want to and not because they think everyone should do them that it might cut down on the number of people who think doing things that way are okay. But you never know.

    • kilax says:

      You do know yourself! And you have good form, which gives you an advantage if you are going to try someone’s random workout 🙂

      Do you think you are going to start pushing yourself more?

      Do you know where I can find an IM training plan online?

  6. I definitely use other blogs for inspiration, but keep in mind that my workout schedule/life/diet/etc. are all personal to ME. However, I can see how someone could get caught up in the comparison trap depending on the topic.

    So, I think that from a blogger perspective it’s important to write for you and not to “be an expert.” Although, now you can! But, I don’t ever think you would, because you’re not all “do what I do” on your blog anyway.

    • kilax says:

      And I think that is exactly how you should do it – think about what is unique to you, your contraindications. 🙂

      You know, in life, I am very “do what you want!” Which, people find surprising, I think, when they find out I am vegan. Since I am not pushy about it. But blah blah blah, off topic.

  7. Kayla says:

    I laughed at your comment that you do a lot of stupid crap that a beginner shouldn’t, because I am the same way. When my cousin started asking me for advice with running I immediately told her to also do as I say and not as I do because I usually do not follow my own advice. My mileage and workouts are always all over the place but usually I can tell when I need to tone it down. I do sometimes look at blogs/pinterest for ideas and workouts but I usually change them to fit what works for me.

  8. Michele says:

    I think you’re awesome. And I don’t do what you do, I can’t work out that much, although I wish I could!!

    The blogs I read inspire me and I learn new things all the time!! I don’t read negative stuff, how boring is that?!?!

    I think my blog could use some flair though…I feel as though I’m a bore sometimes!!

    • kilax says:

      Whaaaa?! You talked about plumbing AND your bike last week. You are NOT a bore!

      For realz though, I really like your blog and your style. Keep doing what you are doing! 🙂

  9. Mica says:

    I always thought people posted those disclaimers to avoid being sued! (Maybe that’s why they do.) I disregard them anyway because, uh, yeah, I know that as a reader, I don’t have to, and probably shouldn’t, follow EXACTLY what anyone else does. Man, that’s especially true with nutrition advice on the Interwebs. Phhhhhh. Please!

    • kilax says:

      I thought that too! Gah. It is scary to think that someone would sue a blogger. I mean… blogging is just a hobby for me. I bet it happens though.

  10. Michelle says:

    super sorry my comment was a bit ‘over the top’ lol…just hit a little nerve, but glad to hear its not something quite so serious.

    • kilax says:

      No! I liked what you said. Because I think people should speak up. I probably should have just said what it was when I wrote the post. Although when you think about it, some people are so wrapped up in training, that injury could lead to depression and a dark place 🙁

  11. Declan says:

    Wow! You follow through harder than an all star pitcher! Great post! Glad I gave you some feeder for the fire!

    I hope time travel becomes possible so future me and comment on present me and warn me in advance of doing something stupid and hurting myself! Like teasing my cat who has all his claws too!

    • kilax says:

      LOL! Thanks! I selfishly write my own blog posts when I should be catching up on everyone else’s!

      WTH. I thought you said time travel and that was how you got to work w/o commuting… or wait. No. That was some other technology?!

      I just advise wearing protective clothing all time (in case of cat. or scowling daughter ;))

  12. martymankins says:

    I read the other post (but haven’t commented on it yet lol). I think it really depends on the level of misinformation that’s being put out there. Almost like a grammar police thing. Where you want to say something, but then don’t because it might not be that big of a deal. But if the information they are putting out there is wrong and they are just trying not to be wrong in the public, then maybe something can be said. But that takes the risk of alienating that person and starting an undue blogger war.

    Just my opinion on the subject. I just look for more Oreo flavors on my blog. he he

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