Friday Question 238

By , August 16, 2013 10:05 am

Whoa! Is this the return of the Friday Question? Ha ha. Probably not. I usually can’t come up with anything to ask. 

Do you ever feel too lazy to get out of bed to go to the bathroom? Do you ever get the urge to watch a favorite scene from a movie, and watch just that scene?

I felt that way this week about the “Flight of the Bumblebee” scene in Shine. Um, only, we decided just to watch the whole movie. And by watch, I mean I played on my phone during talking scenes and watched during piano scenes. 

There are a few singing/dance movies that I like to watch certain scenes from – like the finale scene in Pitch Perfect.  I had to watch that one more time before we sent the Netflix movie back. 

On a side note, I would really like to learn to play the piano someday! I think I would be good at it. Lessons will probably have to wait awhile though. Right now, I just want to ride my bike!

18 Responses to “Friday Question 238”

  1. Declan says:

    I love do watch select scenes over and over!
    I do this for fight scenes in Equilibrium, 300, Lord of the Rings. I like watching scenes from Swingers and American Psycho.
    Basically skip right to the adrenaline boost!

  2. Kandi says:

    I can’t say I do this very often. No other reason than I’ve never really thought about it.

  3. Erin says:

    I’ve never done this with a movie. There are a few tv show episodes that I love watching over and over again, but I’m a little OCD about if I start something I have to finish it. It took me YEARS to be okay with not finishing a book I started. Still working on that for other stuff 🙂

  4. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I do this with tv shows a lot! Sometimes watching the whole thing is just too much work, haha

  5. Not too often do I just watch a scene. But I understand – my sister is exactly like that with certain movies & moods. Her quirkiest thing is that she HAS to watch Pearl Harbor over the Christmas holiday! (reminds her of when she got it as a gift)

  6. martymankins says:

    Recently, with the death of James Gandolfini, I have been compelled to watch the scene in True Romance where his character Virgil meets Floyd (Brad Pitt). And then of course, I have to watch the whole scene with Virgil and Alabama (Patricia Arquette).

    Also, the scene in Space Balls where they put in the video tape at the radar machine and “it’s now… not just then, but now”

  7. Rachel says:

    My dad is notorious for watching certain scenes of a movie over and over again. I swear he’s watched Dirty Dancing all the way through only once, but has seen the final dance scene 5.1 million times.

  8. Sometimes I do this with movies, but I do it with TV shows more. If anyone ever says “Treat Yo Self!” I want to go and watch that Parks & Rec episode asap.

  9. Sizzle says:

    I watch certain scenes of my favorite movies, yes! Most specifically scenes from When Harry Met Sally, and a lot of Paul Rudd/Will Farrell scenes from various movies.;-)

  10. Linda says:

    We use to watch a scene from the original “Matrix” Over and over. We used it to “test” our surround sound and subwoofer! If you are familiar with the movie it is the scene towards the end when Neo and Trinity enter the building loaded with guns and proceed to blast their way through. Of course it is in slow motion. The elevator door comes flying and we always called that “bouncing Betty”!

  11. Maggie says:

    One time my friend Paula and I were on vacation with our men, and they were off … having man-talk or doing shots or something, so we got comfy and started watching her HBO Prime subscription. Including Magic Mike … but just the dance scenes.

    I also like to put on The Company and watch just the dance scenes.

    Two totally different types of dance scenes.

    I also hate when I’m comfy in bed and have to pee.

  12. bobbi says:

    YES I do this – with so many movies. The Matrix. Inception. The final battle in the final Lord of the Rings. So many!

    Let’s take piano lessons together! I have always always wanted to learn to play…

    • kilax says:

      I wonder if you can take piano lessons as a double! I suggested this to Steven for a hobby and he was doubtful. LOL! One of us can be the right hand and one of us can be the left hand.

  13. jan says:

    All of my favorite movie scenes are from Elf, because I’m deep and contemplative like that. Seriously, they are. That scene where he is singing in the bathroom while Jovie is in the shower makes me laugh EVERY time.

  14. Mica says:

    I do that a lot–search YouTube for movie or TV clips (or numbers from musicals!). I just watched “Pitch Perfect” for the second time. I forgot how weird/good it is.

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