Who is reading your blog, anyway?

By , August 23, 2013 12:24 pm

Maggie‘s post yesterday stirred up some thoughts about blog privacy that have been whirling around in my head. Maggie mentioned that she has cut back on posting, and has been feeling more like keeping some things to herself than sharing with total strangers or people who only know her from her blog. 

Lately, I have been thinking about how I forget who reads my blog. In my mind, I am writing to the commenters – because that is who I interact with. But a lot of people read and don’t comment. Family, other bloggers, people I work out with, complete strangers… what impression does my blog leave of my real life persona, to them? And do I care?

It seems… somewhat naive to post in this way. To write without a large portion of your audience in mind. 

But, that is my style. I am very open. I write when I am inspired. I put it out there with little editing. I sometimes ask people to proof read my posts, but lately, I act, then think.

I hope I don’t offend too many. Hee hee. 

So, as you can see, I typically start to think about the privacy thing, then tell myself, “Well, you feel good with what you write. And you still have secrets that you keep to yourself, so it’s not like it’s all out there.” And there are a lot of things that happen that I don’t record here – this isn’t a diary. 

It’s funny though, because I am protective/private of certain information, around certain people, in real life. It’s those relationships where there is no point in sharing – the person will only use the information against you, or (even worse?) not acknowledge it at all.*

Anyway. I am pretty open online, and plan to remain so, even though I don’t know who is reading this. And I appreciate Maggie’s point of view on it, and the conversations we have had about the topic as well.***

Do you ever stop and think about who is reading your blog, before you hit publish? Do you think a lot of people read and don’t comment?

Ha. I always miss delurker day – when you ask people who usually don’t comment, to say hi!

I feel like this post could begin to discuss social media and privacy and what you share (names, pictures, locations, etc.), but, ugh. Me lazy. 

Darn, since no photo, here is the cake I made for Maggie yesterday, for her birthday. Gee. Maybe the birthday girl should have been in the photo?!


*This makes me sound really negative and paranoid. I’m not (?). I am just talking about forced relationships (that we all have!), mostly, where you are polite and give each other details of your life, and I have just learned with certain people, giving more information opens up the doors for unwanted judgement. It’s kind of a personality thing in the other person.**
**It could never be me, right? Ha ha.
***Hmm, I must have written about this before, because we talked about this over the winter. 

20 Responses to “Who is reading your blog, anyway?”

  1. Just thought I’d say hi and introduce myself : ) New runner, new blogger and I love reading your posts. I get them via email and don’t usually comment. Please keep sharing!

  2. Courtney says:

    I love your blog and I love that you write openly and honestly!! I think you (and your cake!!) look fantastic in the picture!!!

  3. Something that someone told me when I fist started blogging is that it is your blog, you can do what you want! (In fact, I think you were the person that told me this!) I really think about that when I’m writing or posting. I know I do keep some things edited, especially when it comes to my feelings on controversial topics or friend/family drama, but I would keep that kind of thing edited in real life too. I love my blog because I’m able to be who I am and share a little bit about myself with the world. I think that I’ve gained the number of followers I have almost completely organically, and that makes me feel good. I just realized that I don’t really have a point to this comment. I guess I’m just typing.

    • kilax says:

      LOL! I like your comment. You don’t have to have a point, here 😉

      I think being yourself means you gain commenters more organically. And have better relationships with them! 🙂

  4. Erin says:

    It’s true that you never know who is actually reading your words online. I know that I have WAY MORE blog views than I have comments. But not everyone feels the need to chime in, right? But they probably still come back and enjoy what you’re writing even if they don’t comment. So keep writing for the people who do chime in because those are the ones you’re having an active conversation with.

    • kilax says:

      It’s funny you say that because I have been reading Loop Looks but feel like I have nothing to add since I know NOTHING about fashion (lol) and since I mostly work from home! I feel like the comments I leave are pointless and almost crazy aunt style.

  5. Declan says:

    I’m not popular enough to worry about that. I can probably name 70% of my readers, 20% more are spam hits, and the other 10 are my secret admirers. I’d say I’m worried about big brother, but..

    I still try to at least make people work to get more personal info, but it really isn’t that difficult.

  6. I agree that I focus on those who comment and don’t even realize friends of mine read until we are talking and they say “oh i read on your blog…” and I think..uhh really?! I try to be careful with sharing what feels comfortable, but sometimes more just comes out!

    • Maggie says:

      I think it’s those moments that force me to hold back – when people I know off the blog (family, co-workers, friends who aren’t bloggers) say “oh I read on your blog … ” that I quickly do a gut check, like, wait, what did I write again??? So sometimes I feel like because I blog, things are unbalanced – they know all these details about ME, and I don’t know similar things about them, and it seems werid.

      • kilax says:

        Ha! Who cares about THEM?!

        So totally kidding 😉

        I guess since I meet a lot of bloggers, and that is who most of my friends are, I don’t think it is weird… since I do know all that stuff about them. It’s weird for certain people who read this though… they might not know my crude side. Or my messy side. LOL.

  7. Steph says:

    Hi! I have no idea how I stumbled across your blog, but I’ve been “lurking” for a couple years now. Sorry if that’s weird. 🙂 Thanks for all the great posts!

  8. Mica says:

    I thought I was kind of good at blog privacy until this week when a reader who had found my blog was able to find my SCHOOL email address (and linkedin profile) through a YouTube video I’m featured in and contact me. UM WHOOPS. GIANT FAIL.

    This mostly worries me for jobs because I don’t know what potential employers might find something I wrote offensive. (Ideally, any job that wants me would be okay with my blog since that’s how I am in real life…)

    I always assume I have, like, three readers at this point: You, Data, and my stepmom. And I know you like me just the way I am ahahaha. Ha. Pep-pep-pep-pep!

    • kilax says:

      Oh yeah. I thought I was somewhat decent about it (except Garmin maps so close to my house) then saw I was still on whois. Derppity.

      Pep-pep-pep-pep!!! Data says that you have to be careful what you write… he gets a bit jealous of Harrison! 😛

  9. Miss Irina says:

    I definitely go through what I refer to as “freak out” phases with my blog where I panic about internet privacy and safety. There are many segments of my life that I obviously don’t write about (especially lately since I’ve been failing at blogging all together), but still… There are so many creepers out there and we are women who show photos of ourselves, our friends, and our families. Is it smart? I have no idea, yes and no. Anyway, thanks for the food for thought 🙂

  10. jan says:

    I have a private, password protected family blog for that reason. I don’t write too much about my kids on my running blog.

  11. Michele says:

    I try not to write too much about my personal life. Some things are just private.

    I do post pics of mostly myself, but not a lot of my family. Lots of my doggies too!

    I do wonder who reads my posts, but it’s more of an outlet for me, so I don’t really care too much.

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