Friday Question 239

By , August 23, 2013 6:23 am

Is there any place you go where time seems to stand still? What is it about that place that makes it that way?

That’s Guttenberg, Iowa, for me. 


I think because I go there with the sole purpose of hanging out with people and lounging around, the days seem extra long. It feels like the days go on and on, and I have all the time in the world.

There is no set schedule, no “I need to be at xyz at 00:00 hour.” The biggest stressor (which isn’t one at all) is trying to get a run in… and it’s super enjoyable because my dad hangs out with me while I run. And I am not trying to be anywhere by a certain time, after. 

There is not much going on in town. Most of the meals are home cooked. We aren’t running around to stores/shops. It’s just so easy to relax. And until recently, cell service was super spotty there! Now it’s more “on the grid,” but I still try to use my phone less there.

For someone like me, who is always filling their schedule, it’s such a relaxing, weird feeling to have all. that. time. 

I love it!

On a side note, like my photo edit? Ha ha. 


28 Responses to “Friday Question 239”

  1. EmilyJ says:

    Nice editing skills! I’m glad you have a place where you can just relax, chill, and enjoy your family. I don’t have a particular “place” that this happens, but I love when it does and try to really appreciate it. It’s not so often that we get to slow down and just enjoy life. Happy Friday!

  2. bobbi says:

    northern MN. forever 🙂

    I wish I could get there more often, but every time I do, it’s a gift…

  3. Runninglaur says:

    Good edit!
    This one’s easy – State College. There are new buildings and some rotating people, but I know that core feeling is always there. Community, education, fun, friendship, joy. Even in the darkest days, there was nowhere else I’d rather have been.

  4. Kim says:

    Love your kicky orange scarf!

  5. Kiersten says:

    Absolutely my family house on the island. Not only do days seem long there, but it feels like time stands still in the sense that nothing ever changes there. I feel like a kid there. I sleep in the same little bunk in the boathouse, I run around barefoot, I wake up and sometimes go kayaking in my sleep t-shirt and underwear, and I eat cake for breakfast.

    • kilax says:

      I think that is what I have going on here, too. I totally think back to all the time I spent there as a kid. I feel more carefree 🙂

  6. Kandi says:

    Spending time with friends and family at the lake about 45 minutes from where I grew up. We used to be up there nearly every weekend in summer and now I only make it out once or twice a year. It’s lovely though.

  7. Xaarlin says:

    I love that orange skarf and the edit 🙂 hmm I love New England. Just bumming around Maine or Portsmouth, NH is so freaking relaxing. Time could pass and I wouldn’t notice until its dark. The people are nice and not rude like here and there’s just a way more chill laid back vibe in that part of the country. Not to mention its beautiful and the air is clear. 🙂

  8. “Up North” aka northern Michigan is like that for me. It was actually really depressing to realize how good the cell phone service was there this year and to see all the kids on iPads.

  9. Anne says:

    Heh, if you mean it feels like a place that time forgot, Ohio is totally like that for me. But time actually standing still, that happens in Michigan because we mostly just lounge around there too!

  10. Nice job with the photo edit. Visiting my parents and sisters in Spokane always seems timeless. I have a schedule there and things change but always feels the same, too. It feels like no time has passed since I was last there. I only get to Spokane once a year, if I am lucky. There aren’t a ton of people I need to see or places I need to go. I get to hang out with my family or go walk by the river. My favorite thing to do in Spokane is to head to the river. Sigh… I need to book a trip.

  11. Gina says:

    It sounds so nice there! Kate and George were raving about it to me! I was so jelly! When will it be my turn? I’m glad you have a place to go to just RELAX! Everyone needs that in their lives!

  12. Declan says:

    hmm. I wish I had a place I could say i frequent that I can do this.
    Running in the dark creates the feeling. Without the Sun, I lose the natural feeling of time if I don’t look at my watch and just relax. I can burn off burdens of life for a little while and do what reminds me I am alive!

    • kilax says:

      Oh my gosh. Mind blown. That is such a good point. Gah!!! That must be why I loved running in the winter dark so much. You finally figured me out.

      (none of that is sarcasm – I have been thinking about my love for running in the dark, a lot)

  13. Erin says:

    I don’t have one specific place, but when I go on vacation and can do whatever I want I get that feeling. Sleeping in, laying in the sun, staying up late. Love doing all of that and it makes me feel like the days go by slow but also too fast!

  14. Jen says:

    That sounds super relaxing! Sometimes it is just nice to slow down and drop off the grid for a while. Your family sounds awesome.

    California is my place! I love everything about it and would love to live there eventually. I have a a lot of family scattered all over. My mom’s side lives in Salinas, which is close to the Bay Area. The weather is perfect for running! I love Monterey and have run the Big Sur Half on Monterey Bay twice. I’d recommend it for a destination half since you run along the ocean and the course is absolutely beautiful.

  15. Kelly E says:

    My Mom’s house in Crofton, MD. When I visit her I feel safe and comforted, like nothing can touch me. My typical worrisome anxious demeanor vanishes. All seems right in the world, especially within a Mom hug 😉
    In April I returned home after learning my birth mother had received a terminal cancer diagnosis. Although I was initially overwhelmed with what that visit would require of me, emotionally, I knew I would end each day in the safe haven of my other mother’s home 😉
    My hope is that Brian’s career will eventually lead us back to east coast 😉 Being a short car ride away would enrich my life and the lives of our children.

    • kilax says:

      Aww, that is awesome you have that relationship with your mom! 🙂

      I am sorry to hear about your birth mom 🙁 That must have been a really tough time but it does sound like the comfort of your other mom helped 🙂

  16. Losinglindy says:

    my homeland is like that, except still spotty cell service

  17. martymankins says:

    We have a town north of Salt Lake called Logan where you can go and feel like it’s not progressed in time. If you go to the outskirts, then you see a Wal-Mart and Arby’s, but in town, it’s very close to being stuck in time.

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