Training Week 204 / Guess the amount of crazy ($10 Amazon giftcard) giveaway WINNER

By , September 15, 2013 9:32 pm

Highlight of the Week: I am going to completely cheat (because I can’t pick one!) and just say having so many awesome friends who will come to workout with me. From all over (the city, suburbs, other states, the moon…)!


Monday | September 9, 2013: 10 m run (1-7 w/Adam) + teaching strength class
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 66°/66°, Time: 1:38:18, Pace: 9:50 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: okay, until bathroom emergency and running out of energy
Strength: Back to School 1200 Workout, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good (mostly observing)
Tuesday | September 10, 2013: 8.3 m run (parts w/Adam, Yvonne + Emily)
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 76°/73°, Time: 1:20:29, Pace: 9:41 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: ready for my rest day!
Wednesday | September 11, 2013: rest
Thursday | September 12, 2013: 7 m run (w/Bobbi) + 8 m ride (w/Steven)
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 76°, Time: 1:11:33, Pace: 10:13 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: thirsty…
Loc: Grant Woods FP, Temp: 70°/66°, Difficulty: easy, Felt: fun to ride my mountain bike!

Friday | September 13, 2013: teaching strength class + 13.3 m run (w/Bobbi)
Strength: Back to School 1200 Workout, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good (mostly observing)
Loc: Northern DPRT, Temp: 51°/60°, Time: 2:20:09, Pace: 10:32, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Saturday | September 14, 2013: 3 m run + teaching strength class (w/blogger friends!)
Loc: hood, Temp: 53°/56°, Time: 29:57, Pace: 9:59 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: spent from moving boxes
Strength: Lebert Equalizers and Boxing, Difficulty: medium/hard, Felt: jazzed!

Sunday | September 15, 2013: North Face Endurance Challenge Half Marathon (w/Rachel)
Loc: Kettle Moraine, WI, Temp: 52°/54°, Time: 2:42:59, Pace: 12:40 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: like I wanted it to last longer (TWSS)


  • Saturday was a special day I had been looking forward to for quite some time – my first strength class for bloggers! I sent out invites in August (I think?) and Amy, Anne, Bobbi, Erin, Kelly, Kelsey, and Maggie were all able to come! I worked on a special playlist for a few weeks and made a really challenging workout using Lebert Equalizers, boxing gloves and target pads. Bobbi, Anne and Erin have all taken my class before so they may have had some idea of what they were in for… but the others… not so much. Somehow, I tend to shred everyone’s quads, most times I teach. Yeah, if anyone didn’t have trouble sitting up and down today, I would be surprised! Ha ha ha. I had a blast teaching them all! And I hope they still consider me a friend and want to come back some time.
  • Saturday was also special because Steven and I began the two-day move in and set up to the new space for! Um, let’s just say I was a bit more useful on Saturday, before DOMS from the strength workout hit my quads… and before my half marathon with Rachel. But. Yeah. Moving boxes, building shelves, climbing fences… that is all a workout in its own! I am so damn spent.
  • The half marathon. Yeah. It was amazing! North Face puts on a great race. And almost three hours of Rachel conversation all to myself?! Yes, please! More on the race later this week!
  • I hit 100 miles for the month the earliest I have ever (by only one day) on the 13th this month! I wonder if I will have a monthly running mileage PDR! My current one is from April – 227.8.
  • Bobbi has been visiting me on my Thursday lunch break for hill work! I think we need to keep this up on a weekly basis and see how we progress… (okay, really, for my sanity and break from the work day! who cares if I have any hill running skills?!)
  • Already mentioned in the second bullet, but yeah. So spent. So so so so spent. If this doesn’t make sense (more than usual), you know why!

The answer to how many photos there are of Data (solo or with people) on my digital photo frame (out of 1,235 photos) is… 200! The winner of the $10 Amazon gift card is Courtney Ilax, who had the closest guess without going over, of 187!

Courtney, please email me ( to claim your prize!

Thanks to everyone who played and all the bonus pet photos you shared on my Facebook page! I loved seeing them all and reading your stories!

27 Responses to “Training Week 204 / Guess the amount of crazy ($10 Amazon giftcard) giveaway WINNER”

  1. Maggie says:

    Only 200? I’m surprised! 🙂 Also I had a blast at your class on Saturday and can’t wait to do it again! Despite all their weird places I’m sore. (Inside of my elbows. WTF, woman.)

    • kilax says:

      I am happy you had fun! 🙂 I will send out some date ideas soon… or should I wait until DOMS goes away for everyone?

      Hmm, is that from the tricep dips? LOL

  2. So I definitely have more photos of Napoleon … my crazy is more pervasive.

  3. Losinglindy says:

    I am surprised by the low number of Data pictures. You need to become more crazy. I know I have more pictures of my cats..we won’t even get into how many I have of V.

  4. One day, I am going to come visit and take your class. My quads need shredding. Like cheese. Mmm cheese.

    Anyway, I’m so bad about photos of Denali. He’s been replaced by Miles. I should work on more photos of him.

    Oh and good work or something. Your miles make my legs hurt.

    • kilax says:

      That would be awesome! The best part about taking my class is that we normally go out to eat after, so there is a possibility for cheese! 🙂

  5. Declan says:

    227.9 or BUST!
    Don’t we always wish it lasted longer on Sunday?

    • kilax says:

      Sigh, yes. 😉

      I would LOVE to see some of your mileage stats. I bet you were WAY past 100 on the 13th! What is your monthly PDR?!

  6. kelsey says:



  7. Rachel says:

    I want to go to the next blogger workout!

    And I totally didn’t want the run to end yesterday. Hopefully that’s a good sign heading into the marathon this week. 🙂

    227 miles. WOW. My PDR is from last month – 132. hah. You should be proud – I’m up to 26 for this month. I don’t think I’ll catch you.

  8. bobbi says:

    I had so much fun with you this week 🙂 (and I made it to 50 the day you made it to 100 – totes gonna have a 100 mile month this month!!)

    As I was bolting out of class Friday morning, I actually thought to myself, “we didn’t get a pic for Kim’s training log!” I know you 🙂 you should photoshop us all in, haha! Like you have scads of extra time…

    Hills! They are good for us! Or something.

    Also, class with Kim 2 days in a row = no bueno. Ow. But keep shredding my quads anyway 😛

    • kilax says:

      I did too! YES!!!! 100 mile month! WOO HOO!!!!!! That is awesome!

      Ha ha ha. I should just photoshop you and the Kims and Emily in and call it a day.

      I need to quit having people do so many squats!

  9. martymankins says:

    Congrats to Courtney. I guessed two more than the actual amount. So close…

  10. Christina says:

    Damn! I was expecting much more! You need to adjust your Data to everything else ratio. Obv. Dates is most import.

  11. I totally expected more pictures! Looks like a good week of running/training. Nice job.

  12. Erin says:

    Obviously I guessed low! I think I went for 10%….

    Anyway, I had a great time at your class and wish I could do it every week. I’m always sore after class but never sore after doing my own strength workout. Apparently I just like to show off in a group setting.

  13. Michele says:

    Man, I totes thought you’d have more pics of Data!!! What the heck? I guess you’re not as much of a crazy cat lady as I one thought…lol…

    I may get close to 75 or something this month…so not gonna break triple digits. Again, you’re such an overachiever…

    And if you take any of those comments seriously, we cannot be friends anymore!


  14. Linda says:

    Data probably deserves his own photo album – or his own month!
    I am looking for a second photo frame for home – I have one at my office, but would like one at home. 😉

    • kilax says:

      I like the way you think! I should get another one for him!

      Which one do you have at work? I really like this one so far!

      • Linda says:

        I will check at work – but it is really old – It only holds approx 20 photo’s and is a real pain to upload from my Mac’s. But it still works for the office.

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