No, I’m not “just saying that”

By , December 4, 2013 6:51 am

One of the cool things about personal training is the measurable progress/improvement/growth that you see in your clients. It’s so fun to watch, and to guide them through it!


And there are so many ways to measure it – form, weight lifted, balance, exercise progressions, and so on. It’s really countless. And there is always something to improve on! It’s exciting!!!

In life, it’s important to me to build up my loved ones. To be encouraging and supportive. 

But it’s also very important, to me, to be sincere. I am not going to bs anyone/say something just to boost their ego. 

I carry this over in to personal training – I try to be peppy, encouraging, approachable, friendly supportive, knowledgeable… all that. But like in my personal life, I am not going to bs you.  I am going to be honest. As a personal trainer, it’s important that I tell you what you are doing right, and have the opportunity to progress/improve/grow. 

So, why all this blah blahing? I was just thinking about this. And how I would never compliment someone, “just to say it.” If I compliment you on your progress, I mean it! The progress is measurable. I can prove that you are improving!

Have you ever felt like someone was complimenting you “just to say it” – that they weren’t sincere? What made you feel that way?

9 Responses to “No, I’m not “just saying that””

  1. Michelle says:

    I guess it depends! If someone looks like they could use some cheering up, I may compliment, or say something kind….(not making anything up although, I do agree in being honoest).

  2. Anne says:

    Gosh, I would hope a trainer wouldn’t be disingenuous with compliments! Anytime Katy says something to me like that, it’s always super specific, like “good job on making it through 10 burpees without crying! Remember when you couldn’t even do 5?” So that’s exactly what you do – point out measurable progress! Of course there’s always room for improvement and new challenges, but it is really awesome to be reminded of even small achievements. That comes off less like someone “just saying it” than the generic “WTG” compliments.

    • kilax says:

      Maybe the problem was that I gave a compliment after an overall compliment after a session, and despite pointing out the specific progress like you said during, it came off as generic.

  3. Michel says:

    I don’t take compliments very well. my husband will tell you that. He’s constantly telling me, “learn to take a compliment”. On the flip side it’s hard for me to give them out. I am working on both of these things.

  4. Actually, this is one of my favorite things about your training style- you are SO sincere!!!!

  5. Heather says:

    Ugh, insincerity is the WORST. If you’re gonna say it, then MEAN IT! Otherwise, what’s the point?

  6. Erin says:

    I recently had a group trainer go around the room and say things to random people like “Looking good!” or “Nice work!” I was like, really? Are you just saying that to be encouraging or do you really mean it? I’d much rather the trainer be specific. “Great form!” or something like that. I’d be more likely to believe them than just a generic “nice work” comment.

    • kilax says:

      I bet they were trying to be encouraging! I will call out things from the front of the room like “keep it up!” or “You are kicking butt” when people are working their butts off. (I will also call out specific corrections and encouragement, too).

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