Just Little Things – the middle of the night edition

By , December 10, 2013 6:25 am

Do you visit the website, Just Little Things?

The author posts a simple line of text each day, listing a “little thing” that she appreciates and makes her happy. Such a simple concept, and such a fun exercise! And of course, there is even a book now!

Anyway, I had a few “just little things” moments in the middle of the night that I wanted to share. Ha ha, don’t worry, they are G-rated.




What are some of your recent “just little things” moments?

6 Responses to “Just Little Things – the middle of the night edition”

  1. bobbi says:

    I clicked on the link (I’d never visited before!) and the second one there was one of my favorites: “the sound of crunching snow under your feet.”

    I miss purring kitty snuggles. We had 2 cats, one who liked to sleep on top of the covers and one who liked to sleep under the covers. Often, one would end up on top of the other with the covers in between, since they liked to sleep in the same spot (I’m a side sleeper and they’d sleep right by my belly).

  2. Xaarlin says:

    I love this.

    Today it was 2x puppy snuggles. I got him to snuggle with me twice for like 10-15 minutes. He must have been cold. 🙂

  3. Nina says:

    Never heard of JLT before, but I am totally loving it!

    Kitty cuddles/purrs are the best! My old roommate’s cat would sleep under and mine would sleep over and they were usually cuddled next to each other, with the blanket in between…taking up half my bed of course.

  4. Erin says:

    #2 is one of my favorite little things, too!

  5. Mica says:

    Ahh those are all so great (except I don’t have a cat to snuggle with)!

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