Best things about getting better!

By , January 3, 2014 10:36 am

1. #1 is definitely getting to eat the fancy vegan chocolates Steven got me for Christmas!!! Ugh, it was killing me to have those chocolates sitting there for well over a week before I dug in to them. But what is the point when you can’t taste anything?!

Was anyone else gifted chocolate?


2. Going outside! I hadn’t left my house since Saturday, until this morning. Gah!


3. Playing in the snow! I can’t wait to use my new trail shoes. And use my snowshoes! I have no idea how much snow we got this week… but I gotta guess 14″-18.” And more is coming. Woo hoo!


4. Feeling well enough to exercise, period. I had to cancel the two back-to-back strength classes I was teaching Monday night (and a personal session) and that bummed me out. 

5. Cleaning up the house / starting to put away the holiday decorations. Um, huge emphasis on starting. Ha ha. It’ll all get done this weekend. 


6. Feeling like blogging again! I’ve been so out of it on meds I was having thoughts of shutting down my blog and deactivating my Facebook account and not running any races this year and basically… hiding from everyone? Get a grip, Kim. 

7. Getting geared up to plan my sister’s bridal shower and bachelorette party! They aren’t until April, but I am stoked to start brainstorming now. 

Not on the list: going back to my day job (ugh) and less cuddle time with Data (he would NOT leave my side when I was sick!). 

I don’t know what bug I started to get on Christmas Eve but it knocked me out big time. I haven’t been that sick and miserable for a very long time. Luckily (especially for Steven – I’m completely pathetic when I am sick), I am finally starting to feel better! I must celebrate feeling human again!!! By eating ALL THE CHOCOLATES!!!

22 Responses to “Best things about getting better!”

  1. Michelle says:

    I’m so glad you are feeling better! I just got hit with a bug New Year’s Eve so I empathize.

  2. Glad to hear you are feeling better! And those chocolates look divine– way to go Steven!!!

    Love those shoes! Don’t you get all giddy when it comes time for a new pair?! I know I do…I think by the end of this month I’ll have put on enough miles to warrant a new pair hehehe.

    And I hear you on the whole going back to work thing…and less snuggle time with pets. Major WAAA WAAAA 🙁 Monday will be rough..

    Any ideas on your sister’s bachelorette party?! Fun fun fun!

    • kilax says:

      I do love new shoes! Um, especially these trail ones, because I have three pairs of new road shoes waiting to be used and that was getting kind of boring. Ha ha ha.

      Maybe they’ll let you work from home all next week?

      Well, I know the city she wants to have it in. And that we want to get a hotel so we can hang out at the pool there and stuff. My sister is really crafty so I might try to find some craft for us to do – not sure if it will be one of those painting places, or a ceramic place or who knows… I thought making something out of glass might be cool! 🙂

  3. Anne says:

    I’m so glad you’re feeling better! Geez, what kind of drugs were you on that made you feel so terrible? 🙁 I’m glad you didn’t shut down and cut us all out, I’d miss you. Meko would miss you even more.

    Mmm, chocolate 🙂 Carrie gave me some really yummy looking chocolate from Napa (along with a bottle of wine that I already drank!). Haven’t opened it yet, I’d probably eat all of it in one sitting if I did.

    Not being able to work out while sick really blows. Because I always still want to, and even try to convince myself that I might be okay and maybe I’m just overreacting and being extra cautious. But yeah, I think a few days off probably did you good.

    Heh, I love that Data was getting snuggly when you were sick. My dogs do that too! And vice versa, Meko has been extra affectionate while her hip has been really bad. She often can just kind of take us or leave us (uh, not unlike a cat).

    • kilax says:

      I was just on Sudafed D! I was having some seriously delirious thoughts when I was sick. Especially during the night! Aww. 🙂 Thanks. And I know Meko would just miss telling me she’s wearing it better. Come on.

      What kind of chocolate did Carrie get you?!

      Usually when I have a cold I will still work out, but man, I could just tell I should NOT when I was sick this time. And I was too weak to do anything. LAME. Lame, lame. I ended up taking a whole week off, from everything! Back at teaching and indoor cycling today.

  4. Erin says:

    Yay! I’m glad you’re feeling better. Sounds like you got the actual flu. I wonder where you picked it up.

    Anyway, I’m glad your med-induced haze didn’t convince you to become a total hermit 🙂

  5. Xaarlin says:

    Oooh those chocolates look divine! Smart move on waiting until you could actually taste them to eat them 🙂

    Tht photo of the snow is so pretty! I want to go play in the snow too!!! And you must tell me more about snow shoeing. I have no idea how to do that/what’s involved. But it sounds really cool.

    I’m so happy you are feeling better and didn’t pull the plug on the blog and FB!!! I’ve missed your online presence since Christmas. CB misses you too.

    • kilax says:

      Snowshoeing is so fun! It’s like walking, but taking taller and wider steps! And if I recall, I like to dress a bit warmer for it, than I would to be outside running. I like it because it’s so peaceful out in the country 🙂

      Aww, thank you! I miss you guys! Where are all my CB pics?!

  6. Ugh, I need to get the Christmas decorations boxed up. There’s always tomorrow …

  7. Yuck!!! I got the same bug on Christmas day- it was a killer! I’m about 90% right now, still after all that time.

  8. Maggie says:

    Let me know if you want to bounce around any ideas for the bachelorette party!!!! Or bridal shower. But mostly the bachelorette party!!!!!!!!

    I got sooooo much chocolate and candy this year. At work and from family. Still working my way through it all.

    • kilax says:

      I definitely will, thank you! 🙂 I have no idea how to look for things to do in the city we are going to. I mean, duh, internet, but not sure after that. 🙂

  9. Losing Lindy says:

    I am so happy you are feeling better.

  10. Kristina says:

    Glad that you are feeling better – getting sick is such a bummer, especially over the holidays! I think that one of the worst parts is the not being able to taste food/not wanting to eat. On that note, enjoy the chocolates!
    And enjoy getting back to running too!

  11. Meghan says:

    So glad you are on the mend! And OMG, chocolate. This post made me hungry from first click!

  12. jan says:

    Glad you’re feeling better and able to do some of your favorite things again!

  13. Amy says:

    Oh no! But I’m glad you’re feeling better. Data is such a sweetheart, even though he tries to hide it under that gruff exterior… 😉

  14. Marcia says:

    Blah sorry you were sick. SOunds positively awful. Glad you’re feeling better!

  15. ChezJulie says:

    You poor thing! I didn’t realize you were sick over Christmas. I’m glad you’re feeling human again.

  16. Mica says:

    Gah, I’m so behind on your blog! I’m sorry you were sick over Christmas, that’s the pits! Getting better and getting to eat chocolates is a good treat though. I get a little stressed when I get chocolate for Christmas because I don’t want to eat them all at once, and often, they’re organized so nicely, I don’t want to mess it up. Those assortments are also difficult because I want to taste them all before I make a decision. I sound neurotic, ha, so I’m going to stop here….

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! Actually, I ended up loving the chocolates Steven picked out and was pretty good about not gobbling them all down… but the mixed assortment was not labeled! I wish it would have been! Because I wanted to taste a little of each before making my decision, too!

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