This does not bother me

By , April 8, 2014 3:30 pm

Dang, someone with iOS 7.0, help a sister out!

Ha ha. So I stumbled across this Shape Magazine opinion article in my newsfeed – Worst App Ever Makes You Look Skinnier in Selfies (pdf here), and had to laugh, for several reasons:

  1. It’s a bit hypocritical. Um… I realize this is an opinion piece, and I see why the author said “an app that serves to make you look thinner just reinforces the ages-old idea that you should be striving to live up to an idealized version of women that doesn’t exist.” But really – the next article in my feed from Shape was called “7 Foolproof Fitness Tips to Reshape your Figure” with a picture of a fitness model that I doubt many of us will ever look like and… was probably touched up. Come on. Be yourself! Wait, change your body! Ha ha. I know, it’s not the same, but, like I said, it made me laugh. 
  2. That seriously can’t be the worst app ever. How about this one?
  3. The article shames women who post selfies. “A recent British study shows that people who post a lot of photos on social media networks like Facebook have less supportive bonds with friends and family than those who don’t.” How much is a lot? Should I be worried?! Is there a BuzzFeed test I can take to see if I have more or less supportive bonds with family and friends than other people in my Facebook circle. Seriously. I am worried. Okay, not really. 
  4. If anything, doesn’t this give us more of an even playing field with those “idealized” pictures?! 

The sad thing about this app, is that I cannot even download it to try it out. I have to have iOS 7.0, and my phone just isn’t letting that happen. Sigh. In the meantime, I looked at these pictures from the app that show what this nice looking woman could look like, 10 pounds lighter. I made this gif to show you where they are making the changes. 


What the heck. If I am paying 99 cents for an app to make me look skinnier, you better make my body smaller, too! Grrr. Guess I will just stick with my old tricks:


Ha ha. I don’t alter my body. The #1 thing I change on pictures before sharing them?! Removing zits! Someone tell me their favorite app for that! It would be great if I didn’t have to edit photos like this before sending them to friends:


Oh, or I could just put makeup on over it? Hmm, that’s a novel idea. 

As you can tell, I am not one to do much with my make-up, hair, or clothes, and am pretty happy with myself the way I am. But all joking aside (yes, this entire post is a joke, except me saying I am happy with how I am – that is true) I do see how someone who has self-image issues might further them in using this app, but to me… it’s just another silly app to play with (if you have iOS 7.0). Another time waster!

Do you have any image altering apps on your phone? I just have a bunch of photo editing ones, none specific for people, but I have altered lighting to help photos look better!

24 Responses to “This does not bother me”

  1. Heather says:

    I had a response until I clicked that app you listed and HOLYCRAPAFRENCHKISSAPPWUT. Lol!!

    I think the Shape app is kind of gross but I don’t see how it’s any different than photoshop…and really…by publishing that article I guarantee they got more people to buy the app, lol.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha. I was googling for worst apps and stopped looking after I found that one.

      A third party made that app! Shape was ranting about how awful it is 😉

      • Heather says:

        I just meant the one they are talking about to differentiate it from yours. Which is not yours, just the one you were referencing. I fail wording today!

  2. Rachel says:

    hahah. Shape thinks that app is bad. hahah. They are so funny.

    I do have 7.1 on my phone but I’m too cheap to spend .99 on something that isn’t going to work on my giant ass instead of my giant face. 😉

    I never would have noticed the zit in that picture – especially with that lovely fur shawl you’re wearing!

  3. Jen2 says:

    I have iOS 7 if you need to see the app, but I agree with your commentary. What is the point? You are supposed to see what you would look like 10 lbs thinner and love that look so much that you work harder to get that 10 lbs off! Oh, please! If I lost 10 lbs, no one would even notice and it sure as heck wouldn’t make a difference in my face.

    Also, off subject….what is up with is grown women still getting zits? It’s total BS! (mini-rant over)

    • kilax says:

      In the article, the people who made the app said they did it because their friends were always saying they hated how they look in photos. They heard the camera adds 15 lbs and wanted to “level the playing field.” I don’t think they want to encourage people to lose weight. I think they just to give people a cheat. Ha!

      I know a lot of adult women who have zit issues so it must be a somewhat common thing!

  4. Amy says:

    I am so right there with you about removing the zits! But sometimes I am lazy. Ugh, Self Magazine strikes again.

  5. Michelle says:

    I don’t understand the point, in all honestly…I also don’t get the point of a gazillion selfies EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Really? Have you changed THAT much that we need to see your mug in the same pose REPEATEDLY??? I love selfies on occasion, don’t get me wrong, especially with friends, pets, family, after a good work out…but everything in moderation, PLEASE. LOL

  6. Heather says:

    Hahahahaha – that french kiss app!!! OMG, how do people make money off these apps??

  7. jan says:

    I’ve probably taken less than 5 selfies in my whole life so I definitely won’t be getting that app! LOL

  8. Erin says:

    This line made me crack up: Is there a BuzzFeed test I can take to see if I have more or less supportive bonds with family and friends than other people in my Facebook circle?

    Amusingly, one of the trainers at Crosstown and I are both Swirlgear ambassadors and we were both commenting on the same thing in the Swirlgear Ambassador Facebook group. The next day at the gym she was like, “remind me of your name again?” And when I told her and mentioned that we were both talking about the same thing on Facebook she said, “OH! Wait? That was you? No offense but you look WAY tinier and fitter in person than in your photo!”

    So maybe I need that app….

  9. Alyssa says:

    I think this is funny because as women age they lose fat in their faces. So this app would also make you look older!

    I think I’d rather have an app that removes zits or maybe stops me from looking like a zombie when I didn’t get much sleep.

  10. Mica says:

    I used to have a body image altering app called “Nudify” or something. You could “capture” the color of someone’s skin and then paint with “pixelation” over their clothing, so it looks like they were naked but censored out. I got a lot of kicks out of it because I am…really immature.

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