Dean wants me to run another ultra

By , May 29, 2014 6:54 am

You know how sometimes, when you take cold medicine it makes you have completely wacky dreams that make no sense whatsoever? That’s what usually happens to me, anyway. 

But not today! I took some cold medicine at home, then had a lovely nap* on the train that included a dream with very clear meaning. 

Yep, Dean Karnazes thinks I should run another ultra. With Rachel

Ha ha. 

In my dream, I was running with Dean (running. with. Dean!!!). We were chatting it up, and among other things, he asked if I was running an ultra this year. I told him I was thinking about it. Then he asked if I was going to run it with my friend Rachel**. To which I told him OF COURSE, and that we had plans to run 12:00 minute miles (this is news to me). Dean was in full support. He thought we should go for it. ha ha. 

Sigh, then the dream did get wacky as I lost sight of Dean on the trail, and maybe there were zombies involved? Hee hee. But one thing I know – Rachel and I must do the 50K FOR SURE this year (minus the zombies)!

Well, we were already planning on it! And those 12:00 minute miles would be quite the PR for us (by over an hour!).

Rachel and I actually ran our first ultra together, by chance! She came up to me at race start, and asked if I was a blogger. We ended up running the entire thing together and an amazing friendship was born. Awww. 

Also, I did meet Dean at that race! Not formally, though. I had fallen during the race (of course, it’s a trail race, you fall) and had blood running down my leg (of course, it’s me) and I walked by Dean and he commented on my bloody leg, saying “Looking good with those wounds – you earned them!” Aww yeah. See?! Dean thinks wounds are cool!!! Hee hee. 

You know who actually meet Dean formally this month? Gina! I follow her local running store on Facebook (stalker, much?) and saw that Dean was going to be in town and casually shared it on Gina’s Facebook page saying “OMG! Go meet Dean! We’re like, BFFs.” 

And… Gina basically fell in love with Dean. He was super sweet to her and Luca, was stoked they involve Luca in their running, and told Gina she was the real hero (after she called Dean that) for working so hard this year and getting ready to sign up for her first marathon. And he signed a photo for her, and a book***, for me! And she told him my ultra wound story. Ha ha ha. 


Sigh. The love for Dean is contagious. Now I just need to finish reading Born to Run then start with Ultramarathon Man!

*train naps are amazing when I have a cold, since I am sitting upright and it lets everything drain
**Rachel! Dean remembers you!
***Gina gave me HER copy! What a sweetheart!

32 Responses to “Dean wants me to run another ultra”

  1. Jillian says:

    Ultramarthon Man was good! I think Dean is right 🙂

  2. Rachel says:

    I LOVE YOUR DREAM! So I guess your wacked out cold medicine brain set our pace goal for this fall? I mean, if Dean thinks we can do it I guess we can! hahah!

    I can’t believe Gina is moving in on my man! Back off!

    • kilax says:

      That is a totally reasonable way to set a goal pace. We don’t need to base it off of training or anything!


  3. Xaarlin says:

    Excellent dream! And I think you should run another ultra. 🙂 and so cool you have the signed book. You and Dean are practically BFFs.

    Lately I’ve been having wacky dreams and I’m not even taking anything or eating stuff with hallucinogenic dream properties (Stilton blue cheese) before bed. So weird. Haha

    • kilax says:

      You should start writing them down! Maybe you will get some book ideas! That happened to me with a few recently 🙂

  4. Sweet dream! Those meds are always good for those. Very excited about you doing an ultra! Do you know which one?

    • kilax says:

      I will probably do the North Face Endurance Challenge in Kettle Moraine WI again 🙂 It’s close, it’s well organized, and I think it’s fun 🙂

  5. Amy says:

    Clearly if Dean wants you to run, then you HAVE to. hahaha. And the zombies were just the icing on the cake of that dream! I think your race is going to go great!

  6. Heather says:

    Haha, awesome dream! Ultras are no joke – good luck!!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha, you know, I take ultra training way less seriously than marathon training, cause I know I get breaks on the pace and will walk the hills. It would be interesting to train for my second one with a goal pace in mind! 😉

  7. Marcia says:

    Don’t laugh–the Dean thing could happen! I was invited to run a leg of the TransRockies run with him (as if) and had to turn him down cuz I’d crap my pants. Ok no that’s not why, I think we had a vacay planned or something.
    I’m so not a tutu hater! I think it was the lady’s dance moves and the fact that she could execute them at a decent running pace that brought out the competitor in me.

    • kilax says:

      Darn! I hope you get that opportunity again!

      LOL! Is a goal of yours going to be that good at dance running this year? hee hee

  8. ChezJulie says:

    I hope that it all comes true except for the zombies.

  9. You crack me up! 🙂

    Yay for the ultramarathon!!

  10. the signs are clear, the decision is made. time to go out and get that hour+ PR 🙂

  11. Michel says:

    He’s pretty awesome! The first Chicago I planned our day at the expo to meet him for my husband who loves him. It was cool and I won best wife ever. LOL

  12. Too cool! Dean is the man!

    I want to do a 50K, but probably not until next year. Maybe AFTER I break 4 hours in the marathon will I treat myself to training for an ultra? Wait, that sounds weird…

  13. Michelle says:

    LOVE this…I dreamt I qualified for Boston last weekend! LOL! It was SOO real, LOL!!

  14. Losing Lindy says:

    you obv need to run another one where Dean is

  15. Melissa says:

    Hilarious dream!

    I met Dean last month here in Birmingham–he was very nice and we had an interesting conversation about his upcoming goals (running a marathon in every country in the period of 1 year) and the political/philosophical challenges that this presents.

  16. jan says:

    Hilarious!! If you dreamed it, it should happen, right? LOL I love Dean, too. Ultramarathon Man is so good!

  17. Amy says:

    Do it!!!

  18. Meghan says:

    Ahh! I say DO IT! I do think that dreams occur for a reason. Now that it’s out there in the universe, it can become reality!

  19. Michele says:

    Born to Run is a great book!!!

    Kudos to you for running an ultra!!! I’m not sure if I have it in me!

    And dude, that’s a total sign…MUST DO ULTRA KIM!!!!!

  20. Ian says:

    If Dean says you should do another ultra you have to.

    I’ve meet Dean a number of times: two book signings (Chicago and Wheaton), briefly at Western States 100 and a few times at Badwater. Great guy who cares about the everyday runner despite himself being able to win races in the past.

    Think you should do North Face again or DPRT or Lakefront 50

  21. Mica says:

    Dean is soooo dreamy, hahaha. (GET IT?!?) I’m glad to hear that he’s a nice person. I’m always wary of meeting celebrities in case they turn out to be disappointingly dickish.

    I haven’t done an ultra yet. Maybe I can convince you to run my first with me (if I ever have a moment of insanity and sign up for one…)!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha, yes! 🙂

      You know, they really aren’t that bad… cause you walk so much! However, I bet the CA terrain is MUCH more challenging than out here!!!

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