Well, that’s a first

By , September 20, 2014 12:44 pm

It seems like there is an influx of skunks in my area this year. Or, I am just noticing them more. Whatever it is, I have seen a few while running, and smelled the presence of them even more. 

Is there anyone who is NOT disgusted by the skunk spray odor? I have to say, the smell bothers me so much, that skunks are the animal I am least sad to see dead in the road. Sorry, skunkies! 

Sigh. Dead skunks in the road. So today I passed one. But I wasn’t in my car, I was on foot, and there was no way to avoid it. 

I saw it before I smelled it and immediately covered my nose. But that just made the smell fill my mouth and I started gagging. So I tried to hold my breath, but couldn’t for very long, and keep gasping and taking more of it in. 

Which was probably stupid, but it was instinct.

And then it happened – I keep gagging so much that I threw up. Threw up the last Clif gel I ate, through my mouth and nose. 

Have you ever thrown up during a run?

I’ve had a lot of people tell me they throw up during races, sometimes, often. But in my almost eight years of running, this is the first time it happened to me. I’ve reached the puke threshold during 5Ks, but never followed through ha ha. 

And strangely? I felt refreshed after it happened today and had my fastest miles of the run! Ha ha. I had just had a Clif gel flavor that’s been giving me trouble (just can’t do chocolate in the warm months) and I wonder if throwing that up was part of feeling better. 

Anyway. I guess I should still be happy it was a dead skunk I was so close to, and not a live one!


19 Responses to “Well, that’s a first”

  1. Heather says:

    There have been a lot of skunks in my area too! I didn’t see any last year so I’ve been really surprised, and actually took a picture of one the other night.

    I had never thrown up on a run, although apparently it happens to my husband a lot – and then last week running with him I threw up randomly without even knowing I was going to. Maybe it’s him!

  2. The skunks are BAD this year. I’ve taken to bringing a bandanna with me on long runs, in case I need to cover my nose and mouth for awhile. That smell is the WORST. I swear, I can still smell it after the skunk itself is long gone!

  3. kandi says:

    I’ve thrown up a few times while running. My very first 5k I threw up as soon as I crossed the finish line. Orange juice is not good the second time around. I also threw up in the last 200 meters of a 5k in high school because I was so determined to beat my rival. Turns out she wasn’t that close to me anyway. I can recall two other incidents too and countless others that I felt like it but managed not to. Mostly in 5k races.

  4. Losing Lindy says:

    I hate skunks, but I hate snakes more…so I prefer to see them smooshed on the road

  5. jan says:

    That is kind of funny that a skunk is what made you do it! I am like you and haven’t thrown up but have reached the “almost” point a few times during & after 5k’s. I’m glad you felt better after at least!

  6. Skunks! Ick! I’ve noticed some on my early a.m. runs, and they make me so nervous. I’m sorry that the one you saw was dead and stinky, and you threw up. Glad you got rid of the icky gel, I guess?

    I threw up once after a race – my first after having Miles. It was a 4-mile and I guess I pushed too hard at the end. I was so embarrassed.

  7. Pam says:

    Awww… I think skunks are adorable! That’s funny the smell bothers you so much it made you puke!

  8. Diane says:

    Okay, I thought it was just me! I feel like Evanston smells like skunk 90% of the time! The smell comes through the air conditioning and the vents. It is SO bad.
    I’ve only puked once from running, and I don’t remember the situation. But the smell of skunk alone has made me gag and puke more than once. :\

  9. Beth says:

    We’ve had a ton of skunks, too. One of them got into it with my dog Chloe almost a month ago and despite being bathed multiple, multiple times her face still smells like skunk spray. She’s lucky I love her so much. Sorry you got sick, but it’s good that you had a great run afterward!

  10. Michel says:

    yes skunks are really bad this year! Paige and i had to race one when we were walking home from girl scouts the other day! The other girl scout mom told me she has a neighbor that feeds them!! oh hell no! i would be on the phone with the city!! lol

  11. Amy says:

    Wow-I have never thrown up from racing too hard (I don’t run fast enough!) or a bad smell. Unfortunately in Colorado a certain legal drug smells just like skunk and I seem to smell it all the time. And I can never really tell which is which.

  12. Marcia says:

    The skunks are rampant right now. I often almost throw up at the end of a 5k but only actually did once. Yuck.
    I can’t do chocolate gels in summer either!

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