Training Week 307

By , September 9, 2015 6:13 am

Highlight of the Week: Surviving!


Monday | August 31, 2015: 5 m run + 7 m run + teaching strength class
Loc: hood, Temp: 71°/75°, Time: 49:53, Pace: 9:58 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: good, but spent
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 74°/75°, Time: 1:11:14, Pace: 10:15 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, but soooo sweaty/hot
Strength: Soft balls and dumbbells mixed mode, Difficulty: easy, Felt: hyper

Tuesday | September 1, 2015: 11 m run
Loc: Millennium Trail to Nippersink FP, Temp: 69°/69°, Time: 2:05:42, Pace: 11:25 avg, Difficulty: medium/hard, Felt: horribly sweaty and gross
Wednesday | September 2, 2015: rest
Thursday | September 3, 2015: 4 m run (incl. 3×800) + 20 min ride
Loc: hood, Temp: 82°/82°, Time: 39:01, Pace: 9:45 avg, Difficulty: hard, Felt: like I was melting
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 87°/87°, Time: 20:00, Pace: 12.3 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good (but why so windy?)

Friday | September 4, 2015: teaching strength class
Strength: Soft balls and dumbbells mixed mode, Difficulty: medium, Felt: good
Saturday | September 5, 2015: 6.4 m run (w/Gina)
Loc: Guttenberg, Temp: 71°/73°, Time: 1:09:32, Pace: 10:52 avg, Difficulty: medium/hard, Felt: no bueno
Sunday | September 6, 2015: 5 m run (w/Gina & Steve) + OWS
Loc: Guttenberg, Temp: 74°/73°, Time: 48:53, Pace: 9:46 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good


  • Summer returned in full force this week and it affected my runs BIG TIME. I started and ended my week with decent runs, but the ones in between were horrible, with my worst one of the summer being on Saturday. Gina and I headed out for 10 miles and I had to call it quits just after 6. Beyond being drenched in sweat, I felt like my equilibrium was WAY off. It didn’t help that I hadn’t eaten much since breakfast the day before (and had thrown up my breakfast that afternoon). It really didn’t make sense to still try for 10 miles, but of course, I wanted to.  I started to feel better on Sunday, and hopefully will feel back to normal this week (and maybe some of the nasty humidity will go away!). I was frustrated about feeling so crummy this weekend though – I’ve been waiting all summer to run with Gina and Steve in Guttenberg, and I couldn’t enjoy it as much as normal since I felt so blah.
  • Ha, that “OWS” (open water swim). On Sunday, we decided it would be fun to float down the river, which we’ve done a few times before. But there were such strong winds that we were either floating in place or being pushed upstream! So we created a floating caravan and I pulled a few people down the river. That definitely counts for cross training, right?!
  • Time for an August training recap! I ran 207.3 miles and cycled 47.6 in August. I taught 10 strength classes and swam 3 times (and one of those swims was part of a relay triathlon team!). This was the first month I didn’t teach any weekend classes at the studio, but I am scheduled for one in September. September will probably be similar to August, other than that. And hopefully it will include some cool weather runs!

Link to Training Week 306

2 Responses to “Training Week 307”

  1. I’m sorry you weren’t feeling great. Down with humidity!! I can slowly see the temperatures dropping into the 80s here but that humidity won’t go away just yet

  2. Jen2 says:

    The humidity was so oppressive!! I hated it! I’m so ready for fall! I really struggled with my runs last week as well. I’m really hopeful for a better week and better long-run this week.

    Love your cross-training 😉

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